Adjusting the Governor: How to Improve Your Electric Golf Cart's Speed (2024)

Are you unhappy with the speed performance of your electric golf cart? If your cart is running slow or not producing enough power, you may need to adjust the governor. Understanding how the governor works and how to adjust it can significantly improve the speed and power of your electric golf cart.


In this article, we’ll dive deeper into how the governor works and provide a step-by-step guide on how to adjust it.

What is a Governor?

Before we dive into adjusting the governor, let's first understand what it is. A governor is a device that controls the speed of an engine or any other machine by limiting its maximum speed. It does this by adjusting the flow of fuel and air into the engine. In an electric golf cart, the governor ensures that the vehicle doesn't go beyond a certain speed limit, usually around 15-20 MPH.

How Does the Governor Work?

The governor works by controlling the throttle of the electric golf cart. The throttle is a device that regulates the flow of electricity to the motor, which in turn controls the speed of the cart. When you press the accelerator pedal, the throttle sends more electricity to the motor, increasing the speed of the cart. The governor monitors the speed of the cart and adjusts the throttle accordingly to maintain the set speed limit.

Why Adjust the Governor?

Adjusting the governor can improve the speed, acceleration, and overall performance of your electric golf cart. Without proper adjustment, the governor can limit the maximum speed and acceleration of your cart, which can be frustrating, especially if you're using your cart for daily commuting or longer distances. By adjusting the governor, you can increase the speed of your cart to up to 25-30 MPH, providing better performance and more versatility.

How to Adjust the Governor?

Now that you understand the basics of the governor and its importance let's dive into how to adjust it to improve the speed of your electric golf cart. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Locate the governor: The first step is to locate the governor, which is usually located on the carburetor or in the engine compartment. Refer to your owner's manual or the manufacturer's instructions to locate the governor.
  2. Remove the governor cover: Once you've located the governor, remove the cover by unscrewing the screws holding it in place. Be sure to put the screws somewhere safe so that you don't lose them.
  3. Locate the governor spring: The governor spring is a small spring that connects the governor arm to the carburetor. Carefully remove the spring from the arm by using a pair of pliers.
  4. Adjust the governor spring tension: With the spring removed, you can now adjust the tension. To increase the speed, stretch the spring slightly by pulling it in the opposite direction of its natural curve. To decrease the speed, compress the spring by pushing it in the direction of its natural curve.
  5. Reinstall the governor spring: Once you've adjusted the tension, reconnect the governor spring to the governor arm and the carburetor.
  6. Reinstall the governor cover: Lastly, reinstall the governor cover and make sure it's secured with the screws you removed earlier.

Key Takeaways

  • The governor is a device that controls the speed of an engine or any other machine by limiting its maximum speed.
  • Adjusting the governor can improve the speed and acceleration of your electric golf cart.
  • The governor works by controlling the throttle of the electric golf cart.
  • To adjust the governor, you need to locate it, remove the cover, locate the governor spring, adjust the spring tension, and reinstall the spring and cover.
  • The governor should be adjusted carefully to avoid damaging the cart or causing accidents.


Adjusting the governor can significantly improve the performance of your electric golf cart, but it should be done carefully to avoid damaging the cart or causing accidents. Always refer to your owner's manual or manufacturer's instructions when adjusting the governor, and if you're not confident in your skills, seek the help of a professional mechanic. With the proper adjustments, you can enjoy a faster and more powerful electric golf cart.

Revving Up Your Ride Tips for Adjusting the Governor on Your Electric Golf Cart

What is a Governor?

Before we dive into how to adjust your golf cart's governor, let's first understand what a governor is and what it does. A governor is a device that limits the speed or power output of an engine. In the case of electric golf carts, it regulates the maximum speed and acceleration.

The purpose of a governor is to maintain safe operating conditions for the golf cart and prevent excessive wear and tear on the motor and other components. However, some golfers want to push their carts to the limit and see how fast they can go. That's where adjusting the governor comes in.

How to Adjust the Governor on Your Electric Golf Cart

Now that you understand what a governor is, let's get into the nitty-gritty of how to adjust it on your electric golf cart. Keep in mind that adjusting the governor can be risky and may void your warranty. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.

  • Locate the governor on your golf cart. It is typically located on the engine or motor controller.
  • Identify the governor adjustment screw. This may vary depending on your golf cart's make and model, so consult your manual or contact the manufacturer for specific instructions.
  • Use a screwdriver to turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise to increase maximum speed. Turning it clockwise will decrease speed and power.
  • You may need to test your golf cart in a safe, open area after adjusting the governor to ensure it is operating correctly and safely.

Advantages and Key Takeaways

Adjusting the governor on your electric golf cart can have its advantages but also comes with risks. Here are some potential benefits and key takeaways to consider:

  • Increased speed and acceleration: By adjusting the governor, you may be able to reach higher speeds and experience faster acceleration on your golf cart.
  • Risk of damage: Exceeding the manufacturer's recommended speed limit can put a strain on the motor and other components, leading to premature wear and tear or even damage.
  • Increased safety risks: Driving at higher speeds can also increase the risk of accidents and injuries, especially if you're not used to handling your golf cart at those speeds.
  • Potential warranty voiding: Adjusting the governor may void your golf cart's warranty, leaving you responsible for any repairs or replacements.

Industry Statistics

While there aren't many industry statistics specifically related to adjusting the governor on electric golf carts, it's worth noting that golf cart accidents are on the rise in recent years. According to Golf Cart Safety, there were over 18,000 golf cart-related injuries treated in U.S. emergency rooms in 201 Many of these accidents are due to speeding and reckless driving.

Stay Safe and Have Fun

Adjusting the governor on your electric golf cart can be a fun way to rev up your ride and add some excitement to your game. However, it's important to always prioritize safety and follow manufacturer recommendations. Happy golfing!

The Need for Speed How to Get the Most Out of Your Electric Golf Cart Governor Settings

In this article, we'll explain how this works and how you can benefit from it.

What Is a Governor?

A governor is a device that controls the speed of an engine, in this case, an electric motor. The governor prevents the motor from going too fast and overheating or causing other damage. It does this by limiting the amount of fuel or electricity that can reach the motor.

On a golf cart, the governor is usually set at a certain speed, usually around 14 miles per hour. This is because golf courses have rules about the maximum speed of a golf cart. However, if you're not playing golf, you might want to go faster than that.

Why Change the Governor Settings?

The main reason to change the governor settings is to increase the top speed of the golf cart. This can be useful if you're using the cart for other activities besides golf, such as transportation around your property or for running errands on a nearby road. A faster golf cart can save you time and make your life more convenient.

Another reason to change the governor settings is to increase the torque of the motor. Torque refers to the force that the motor can exert, which is important if you're driving on hills or rough terrain. By adjusting the governor, you can improve the acceleration and climbing ability of your golf cart.

How to Adjust the Governor Settings

The governor settings on an electric golf cart are typically adjusted using a handheld programmer. This device plugs into the cart's controller and allows you to change various settings, including the maximum speed and torque. However, adjusting the governor settings can be tricky and should only be done by someone who knows what they're doing. If you're not comfortable with tinkering with a golf cart's electrical system, it's best to leave this to professionals.

If you do decide to adjust the governor settings yourself, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Changing the settings incorrectly can damage the cart's motor or other components, so proceed with caution. Also, keep in mind that altering the governor settings may void your warranty, so be aware of the risks before making any changes.

Key Takeaways

  • A governor is a device that controls the speed of an electric golf cart's motor.
  • Changing the governor settings can increase the top speed and torque of the golf cart.
  • Adjusting the governor settings should only be done by someone who knows what they're doing.
  • Altering the governor settings may void your warranty.


If you're looking to get the most out of your electric golf cart, adjusting the governor settings can be a great way to do so. With a faster and more powerful golf cart, you can save time, increase your productivity, and have more fun. Just be sure to proceed with caution and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Golf Cart A Guide to Governor Adjustments for Speed Enthusiasts

What is a Governor?

First things first, let's get to know the part of a golf cart that we need to adjust to unlock speed: the governor. A governor is a device that controls the top speed of a golf cart. Essentially, it limits the speed of the cart to around 12-15mph as a safety measure for passengers and pedestrians.

Now, for speed enthusiasts, this might be too slow for their liking. Fortunately, governor adjustments can be made to achieve a faster speed.

How to Adjust the Governor

Before proceeding to adjust the governor, it's crucial to note that speeding up a golf cart can be dangerous. It's always important to prioritize safety first and follow local laws and regulations.

That being said, there are two main ways to adjust the governor:

  • Using a Governor Cable
  • Using the Throttle Screw

Using a Governor Cable

Using a governor cable requires a bit of technical know-how. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Locate the carburetor and engine on your golf cart. The governor is usually located near the carburetor.
  2. Disconnect the governor cable from the carburetor. This will allow you to adjust the governor's position.
  3. Move the governor's arm towards the carburetor side to increase speed. Moving it away from the carburetor will decrease speed.
  4. Reconnect the governor cable to secure the adjustment in place.

Using the Throttle Screw

The throttle screw is a simpler method of adjusting the governor's speed. Here's how:

  1. Locate the throttle screw on the carburetor.
  2. Use a screwdriver to turn the throttle screw clockwise to increase the speed. Turning the screw counterclockwise will decrease the speed.
  3. Begin with only small adjustments to avoid overreaching and putting yourself or others in danger.

Benefits and Key Takeaways

Adjusting the governor of your golf cart is not just for speed enthusiasts looking to add a bit of excitement to their ride. It also has practical benefits such as:

  • Increased efficiency by optimizing the use of fuel and battery
  • Improved maneuverability by enabling you to maintain speed even when driving uphill
  • Reduced wear on tires due to less strain on the engine

However, it's essential to remember that modifying the governor of your golf cart may void manufacturer warranties and is prohibited in some locations, so it's always best to research local laws and regulations before making modifications.

Industry Statistics

The use of golf carts has seen significant growth over the years. According to a report by Global Market Insights, the golf cart market size was valued at over 5 billion USD in 2019. It is projected to reach 5 billion USD by 2026, a growth rate of 5% over the forecast period.

Furthermore, golf carts are no longer limited to golf courses and are being increasingly used in various settings, especially as modes of transportation in urban areas. A study by Global Newswire found that the global urban mobility market, which includes golf carts, is expected to reach over 7 billion USD by 202


In conclusion, adjusting the governor of your golf cart can improve its efficiency, maneuverability, and even add a bit of excitement for speed enthusiasts. However, it's always important to prioritize safety and follow local laws and regulations. With the golf cart market set to continue growing, it's definitely worth exploring the full potential of this unconventional mode of transportation.

Put the Pedal to the Metal Steps to Increase Your Electric Golf Cart Velocity Using Governor Adjustments

Electric golf carts have an in-built governor, which controls the speed of the vehicle to prevent over-speeding. While this safety feature is essential, it can often hinder the cart's speed, which can impact your overall golfing experience. In this article, we'll highlight some crucial steps to adjust your electric golf cart's governor and increase speed.

Step 1: Locate Your Electric Golf Cart's Governor

The first step in increasing your electric golf cart's speed is to locate the governor. The governor is located in the engine area and is easily identifiable by its steel rod connecting the carburetor to the accelerator. Once you've found the governor, you'll need to disconnect the steel rod from the governor and the carburetor.

Step 2: Adjust the Governor's Setting

Now that you've located the governor, you can adjust its setting to increase your electric golf cart's velocity. The governor's adjustment screw is responsible for controlling the internal mechanisms that slow down the speed of the golf cart. To increase speed, you'll need to increase the adjustment screw's tension by rotating it in a clockwise direction.

Step 3: Test Your Electric Golf Cart's Velocity

Once you've set the governor adjustments, it's essential to test your electric golf cart's velocity. Make sure to test the golf cart for speed on a flat and straight path to get accurate results. Ensure you're wearing protective gear during this step.

Key Takeaways

Now that you know the essential steps to increase your electric golf cart's speed, you can enjoy a faster ride on the green. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • The governor is responsible for controlling the speed of your electric golf cart.
  • Adjusting the governor will increase the golf cart's velocity.
  • Ensure you test the electric golf cart on a flat and straight path to determine the speed increase.
  • Wear protective gear while testing the golf cart.

Advantages of Increasing Your Electric Golf Cart's Speed

Apart from the obvious advantage of having a faster ride on the golf course, there are some other advantages of increasing your electric golf cart's speed:

  • Shorter golf rounds: With increased speed, you can cover more ground and reduce your golf round time.
  • Better golfing experience: A faster golf cart can significantly enhance your overall golfing experience by reducing wait times and enabling you to focus more on the game.
  • Increase in resale value: If you decide to sell your electric golf cart in the future, the increased speed can be an attractive feature for potential buyers.

Industry Statistics

According to the National Golf Foundation, there are close to 24 million golfers in the United States. Electric golf carts have become increasingly popular in the golfing industry, with over 70% of golf courses in the US using electric golf carts.


By following the steps mentioned above, you can increase your electric golf cart's speed and have a more enjoyable golfing experience. Remember to take necessary safety precautions and test the golf cart's speed before using it on the course. With these tips, you can put the pedal to the metal and enjoy a faster ride on the green.

Maximizing Speed and Performance Tricks for Fine-Tuning Your Electric Golf Cart Governor

One of the most critical components in an electric golf cart is the governor. It regulates the speed of the cart and also prevents it from exceeding its maximum capacity, thus preventing accidents, and preserving the battery and motor life.In this article, we will share some tips and tricks for fine-tuning your electric golf cart governor to maximize its speed and performance.

Why Fine-Tune Your Electric Golf Cart Governor?

Electric golf carts are factory-set to comply with safety and regulatory standards. The governor limits the speed of the cart to around 12-15 mph. While this is suitable for everyday use, some users may require higher speed for recreational purposes or to save time during daily commutes. For such users, fine-tuning the governor is essential.However, fine-tuning comes with its risks. It may void the manufacturer's warranty, reduce battery life, or even cause an accident. Hence, before attempting any adjustments, it is crucial to understand the safety and legal implications and consult with a professional mechanic.

Tricks for Fine-Tuning Your Electric Golf Cart Governor

Here are some tips and tricks for fine-tuning your electric golf cart governor:

Check Your Batteries

Before tweaking the governor, ensure that your golf cart batteries are in good condition. Weak batteries can reduce the power and speed of the cart, even when the governor is set to the maximum. Consider upgrading your batteries before attempting any adjustments.

Adjust the Governor Screw

The governor screw is the primary adjustment point for most electric golf carts. With a simple turn of the screw, you can increase or decrease the speed of the cart. However, note that turning the screw too much may overheat the motor or reduce battery life, and cause safety hazards. Test the cart after every turn and adjust gradually until you reach your desired speed.

Install a Speed Chip

Speed chips are a popular upgrade for electric golf carts, especially for those looking for higher speeds. A speed chip overrides the governor's speed limit and increases the cart's maximum speed. However, installing one may void the warranty and require professional assistance. Moreover, speed chips are illegal in some states, so check your local laws before making any changes.

Upgrade Your Motor or Controller

Upgrading your golf cart's motor or controller can also boost its speed and performance. The motor is responsible for converting electric energy into kinetic energy, while the controller regulates the current flow to the motor. Replacing these components with higher quality or higher capacity ones can increase the cart's speed and power, although it may also increase the cost.

Key Takeaways

Electric golf carts are an excellent means of transportation for golf courses, retirement communities, and event venues. Fine-tuning the governor can increase the cart's speed and performance, but it also comes with risks of battery damage, reduced warranty, and safety hazards.To fine-tune your electric golf cart governor:- Check your batteries before making any adjustments- Adjust the governor screw gradually until you reach your desired speed- Consider installing a speed chip, but make sure it is legal in your state- Upgrade your motor or controller for higher speed and power, but at a higher cost.Remember to consult with a professional mechanic before making any changes and abide by the local laws and regulations.


Fine-tuning your electric golf cart governor requires careful consideration of safety, warranty, and legal implications. However, with proper precautions and the right techniques, you can increase your cart's speed and performance and enhance your driving experience.

Adjusting the Governor: How to Improve Your Electric Golf Cart's Speed (2024)


Adjusting the Governor: How to Improve Your Electric Golf Cart's Speed? ›

Installing a new battery with a higher voltage is a quick and easy way to increase your overall power and speed for your golf cart. Changing the battery on your golf cart takes little to no time at all, and can be the difference in maximizing your golf carts speed.

How can I increase my electric golf cart speed? ›

Installing a new battery with a higher voltage is a quick and easy way to increase your overall power and speed for your golf cart. Changing the battery on your golf cart takes little to no time at all, and can be the difference in maximizing your golf carts speed.

How can I increase my governor speed? ›

Find the governor spring. It's easy to find since it's wrapped around a metal rod and has two nuts, a small one and a large one. Step 4 - Loosen the smaller one and tighten the larger one to increase your cart's speed.

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