Enrollment & Your Aid | Financial Aid (2025)

Your enrollment status is based on the number of credits you are enrolled in for a given term. However, your enrollment status may be different based on how it is used - see example below.

  • The total number of credits you are enrolled in for each term. This enrollment determines how your tuition and fee charges are calculated by the Office of Student Accounts. This is the enrollment status used for enrollment verification purposes.

    How Credits are Considered

    These credits may or may not be applicable to your declared degree program(s).

    Types of Aid & Enrollment Requirements

    Stony Brook Scholarships & Grants (i.e. Presidential, Provostial, SB Campus Grant, etc.)- Minimum of 12 credits

  • The number of credits you are enrolled in for each term that are applicable towards your degree program(s). This enrollment level is used to determine your eligibility for federal grant, federal loan and federal work study programs.

    • If you are enrolled in any course that does not count towards your degree, or you have already satisfied the degree requirement, it cannot be used towards your federal aid enrollment status.
    • Aid is generally awarded based on the assumption that you will be full-time if you are not yet enrolled. Federal awards may be adjusted according to your final federal aid enrollment status for the term.

    How Credits are Considered

    The total number of credits you are enrolled in for each term that are applicable toward your degree program(s). This includes declared Primary Major, Secondary Major, Minor(s) and DEC/SBC requirements.

    The total of these degree applicable credits may differ from your institutional enrollment and state enrollment for the term.

    Types of Aid & Enrollment Requirements

    • Pell Grant: Minimum of 1 degree applicable credit
    • Federal SEOG: Minimum of 1 degree applicable credit
    • Federal Direct Stafford Loans: Minimum of 6 degree applicable credits
    • Federal Work Study: Minimum of 1 degree applicable credit
  • The number of credits you are enrolled in for each term that are applicable towards your degree program, Primary Major and DEC/SBC requirements.

    How Credits are Considered

    The total number of credits you are enrolled in for each term that are applicable toward your degree program. This includes Primary Major*, and DEC/SBC requirements only. Minors may only be considered if required by your degree program.

    *Exception for Excelsior Scholarship and EOP, can be seen in the Types of Aid & Enrollment Requirements

    The total of these degree applicable credits may differ from your institutional enrollment and federal enrollment for the term.

    Types of Aid & Enrollment Requirements

    • Tuition Program (TAP) - Minimum 12 degree applicable credits
    • Aid for Part Time Study (APTS) - Minimum of 3 degree applicable credits (11 credit maximum)
    • Most other NYS Grant/Scholarship Programs- Minimum of 12 degree applicable credits
    • Excelsior Scholarship - Minimum of 12 degree applicable credits. *Secondary major creditsare included for this program.
    • EOP Funding- Minimum of 12 credits. *Credits may or may not be applicable toward your declared degree program.

Credit load & enrollment status

  • Full Time: 12 or more credits
  • Three-Quarter Time: 9 to 11 credits
  • Half-Time: 6 to 8 credits
  • Less than Half-Time: 1 to 5 credits

Displayed below are two examples designed to Illustrate how the same enrollment has different impact on financial aid eligibility based on the type of aid (Institutional, Federal Aid, State Aid).

Example 1

Student A is enrolled for the fall semester in 4 classes; each class is 3 credits.

ANT 102- satisfying SBC

AMS102- satisfying SBC

PSY 103-satisfyingPrimary Major

SPN 111 -does not satisfy Degree Program(s) Requirement, or SBC, or electives

How do these courses impact enrollment status/aid eligibility?

Institutional Aid - SB Scholarship student is considered full time as all 12 credits apply towards full time status (12 credits)

Federal Aid - 9 of 12 credits (SPN 111 excluded) count towards Program(s) Requirements. Federal aid is calculated at 3/4 time.

NY State Aid - Student is not eligible for NY State TAP as only 9 of the 12 credits apply towards Primary Major and SBC.

Example 2

StudentB is enrolled for the fall semester in5 classes; each class is 3 credits.

ANT 102- satisfying SBC

AMS102- satisfying SBC

PSY 103-satisfyingPrimary Major

SPN 111 -does not satisfy DegreeProgram(s) Requirement, or SBC, or electives

PHI 102 - satisfying Minor

How do these courses impact enrollment status/aid eligibility?

Institutional Aid - SB Scholarship student is considered full time as all 15 credits apply towards full time status (12 credits)

Federal Aid -12of 15 credits (SPN 111 excluded) count towards Program(s) Requirements. Federal aid is calculated atfull time (12 credits).

NY State Aid - Student is not eligible for NY State TAP as only 9 of the 15 credits apply towards Primary Major and SBC.

You are highly encouraged to review how your enrollment applies to your degree requirementsinDegree WorksandSOLAR.

Enrollment & Your Aid | Financial Aid (1)Enrollment & Your Aid | Financial Aid (2)

Your current and/or future financial aid eligibility may be impacted if you do not complete the term,we cannot confirm your attendance, or you elect to use the G/P/NC option.

  • Complete Term Withdrawals

    The process of withdrawing from the University is a formal procedure which the student has the responsibility to initiate. For information about withdrawing from the university visit:http://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/registrar/registration/timeoff.php


    Federal Financial Aid is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the aid is awarded.

    • When a student withdraws, Federal Aid may be adjusted based on the percentage of the semester that the student completed.
    • The date recorded by the Registrar’s Office will be used as the official withdrawal date. This date will be used to determine the amount of Federal Financial Aid earned.
    • Tuition liability does not impact the amount of Federal Aid the student will earn when they withdraw from a semester. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the tuition liability schedule.http://www.stonybrook.edu/bursar/
    • If a student withdraws before 100% tuition liability the charges will be reduced accordingly. This may temporarily create a credit on the student account. The Bursar will not issue a refund to the student until Federal Aid eligibility is re-calculated. After the calculation is performed the University will issue a refund or the student will be responsible to pay any resulting balance.
    • Students who receive an approved medical withdrawal may submit an appeal for consideration of a partial or full refund of charges. Appeals must be submitted to the Bursar’s Office via email at bursar@stonybrook.edu within 15 days of withdrawal.
    • If you decide not to attend Stony Brook University, it is your obligation to properly withdraw through the appropriate office. Non-attendance of classes does not qualify as an official withdrawal, and does not relieve the student of his or her financial obligation.
    • If a student stops attending classes during a semester and does not officially withdraw, they will be considered an unofficial withdrawal. At the end of each semester attendance will be confirmed for students who did not receive any passing grades. If it is determined that the student did not attend until the end of the semester a withdrawal calculation will be processed.


    • If TAP was awarded and certified for full time tuition for the term of withdrawal, then it will be decertified for the following term. An appeal will be necessary.
    • If TAP was certified as a withdrawal with liability, then the student will receive the reduced amount of the award for the term of withdrawal and will most likely be decertified the following term. An appeal will be necessary.
    • If tuition charges are reduced or cancelled for the term of withdrawal, the current TAP award will be reduced or cancelled accordingly.
  • Understanding the Federal Withdrawal Calculation
    When a student officially or unofficially withdraws fromallclasses in a semester, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services will first confirm that the student began attendance in all classes for which Federal Financial Aid Awards were processed. Federal Financial Aid Awards include:
    • Federal Pell Grant
    • SEOG
    • Perkins Loan
    • Direct Loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)
    • Federal Direct PLUS Loans (Parent and Graduate)

    After confirming attendance and making any necessary adjustments, a Federal Calculation is run to determine the amount of aid the withdrawn student has earned.The percentage of aid earned is calculated based on the percentage of the semester the student remained in attendance. Once 60% of the semester has passed the student has earned 100% of the Federal Financial Aid that was awarded.

    • If the aid disbursed exceeds the amount of aid earned, the unearned amount will be returned to the Federal Programs.
      • The reduction of aid may create a balance due to the university, which the student will be responsible to pay.
    • If the amount of aid earned is greater than the amount already disbursed the student may be eligible for an additional disbursement.
      • Current outstanding charges on the student’s account will be paid first, any excess amount will be refunded directly to the student.
      • A disbursement from eligible grant funds will be made automatically.
      • Disbursements from loan funds must be authorized by the student
        • The student will receive an email communication explaining the amount of the disbursement and the type of loan to authorize.
        • A response to this communication must be received within 14 days or funds will be cancelled.
    • Bill Dollar withdrew from Stony Brook University for personal reasons. Bill’s charges of $4628.25 for tuition and mandatory fees were paid from the aid that was disbursed to him and he received a refund. At the time Bill withdrew, his tuition liability was 70% and 100% for fees. Bill’s tuition and fee charges for the semester were adjusted to $3627.75. Since Bill had a zero balance due to the university before withdrawing and the tuition is now adjusted, a credit of $1,000.50 will appear on his account.

      Bill completed only 17 days of the 107 days in the semester or 15.9% of the semester.

      Bill was awarded the following financial aid, which was credited to his student account:

      Federal Aid Type Amount
      Federal Pell Grant $2,960
      Federal Direct Subsidized Loan $1,727
      Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan $990
      Total Federal Financial Aid $5,677

      To determine how much money must be returned by Stony Brook University and Bill, the financial aid staff must first determine how much financial aid Bill did earn. Since Bill only attended 15.9% of the semester, he only earned 15.9% of his financial aid.

      Total Financial Aid Disbursed $5,677
      Multiply Percent of Earned Aid x 15.90%
      Amount of Earned Aid $ 902.64

      In the above calculation we have calculated that the student has earned $902.64 of the original $5,677 of financial aid. The difference between $5,677 (original award total) and $902.64 (amount earned) is $4,774.36 (amount that must be returned).

      Since aid disbursed is greater than aid ‘earned’, the amount of ‘unearned aid’ ($4,774.36) must be returned to the Title IV programs.

      Funds to be returned:

      Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

      $ 990

      Federal Direct Subsidized Loan $1,727
      Federal Pell Grant +$2,057
      Total Title IV aid to return $4774
      Because the charges were reduced, Bill initially had a credit balance of $1,000.50. Based on the withdrawal calculation, the University is required to return $4774 of federal aid. The student will now owe the University $3,773.50.
      Total Title IV aid to return $4774
      Bill’s credit balance with the University after tuition was adjusted -$1,000.50
      Amount Bill owes the University $3,773.50
  • Confirmation of Attendance
    • Enrolling in courses is not enough to secure your financial aid. It is essential that you attend all classes for which you are enrolled.
    • Prior to the start of each semester Federal Aid will disburse based on the student’s enrollment on the date of disbursement.
    • If a financial aid hold exists, Federal Aid will not disburse.
    • After the start of each semester, immediately following Add/Drop, attendance must be confirmed by your instructor in order for Federal Grants and Perkins Loan funds to disburse.
    • After the semester has ended The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services is required to verify that students who receive a non-passing grade (F, I, Q, U, NR, NC, W)actually attended or participated in the class.
    • Failure to attend can be expensive. Your aid may be reduced retro­actively, requiring you to repay aid you have received.
    • If you have any questions about your enrollment and eligibility for financial aid, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services.
  • G/P/NC
    In order to maintain eligibility for federal and state financial aid, it is expected that you will complete and pass the classes you enroll in. The impact of not doing so varies between state and federal aid and is outlined below:

    Federal Eligibility

    If you elect to useG/P/NCas a grading option for a course and do not earn the credits for the course (NC) your pace for federal financial aid eligibility will be negatively impacted. In order to meet Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines, students must earn a minimum of 67% of the classes they enroll in. This is a cumulative requirement. A grade of NC will be seen as unearned in this equation. If you routinely earn all classes for which you enroll, one unearned class will not result in a loss of eligibility for federal aid. If you have a history of term and class withdrawals and/or failed classes, a grade of NC may contribute to the loss of your aid.

    Similarly, if youwithdrawfrom a class ("W" on transcript), the impact on federal aid eligibility is the same as outlined above (NC grade).

    For additional details please read the section about Pace in ourSAP for Undergraduatessection.

    State Eligibility

    If you are a recipient of TAP or other NY State Scholarships or grants, and earn a "P" a "W" or an "NC" in a course, it may affect your eligibility to receive NY State Aid in future terms. Because the outcome of these grading option choices is tempered by how many TAP payments you have already received, it is necessary to speak to a TAP Certifying Officer in the Registrar's Office to learn how these grading option choices specifically apply to your eligibility for NY State aid.

Enrollment & Your Aid | Financial Aid (2025)


What are the 3 most common FAFSA mistakes? ›

Read on to find out how to avoid these common errors on your form.
  • Not Filing the FAFSA Form by the Deadline. ...
  • Completing the Wrong Aid Year's Application. ...
  • Not Registering for an FSA ID. ...
  • Using an Incorrect Social Security Number. ...
  • Leaving the Questions Blank. ...
  • Not Listing the Schools You'll Apply To.
Feb 17, 2023

How do you answer why am I applying for financial aid? ›

Justify why you are seeking aid.

Describe changes in your life that have affected your ability to pay for college. For example, changes in your family's income or unexpected expenses may have caused a financial deficit.

What disqualifies you from getting financial aid? ›

Not maintaining satisfactory progress at your college or degree program. Not filling out the FAFSA each year you are enrolled in school. Defaulting on a student loan.

What income is too high for FAFSA? ›

Technically, no income is too high for the FAFSA. The U.S. Department of Education recommends filling out the FAFSA yearly, regardless of income. However because FAFSA is needs-based aid, those from lower-income families with a greater financial need get access to more financial aid.

What is considered poor for FAFSA? ›

There is no set income limit for eligibility to qualify for financial aid through. You'll need to fill out the FAFSA every year to see what you qualify for at your college. It's important to make sure you fill out the FAFSA as quickly as possible once it opens for the following school year.

What does FAFSA not look at? ›

Cars, computers, furniture, books, boats, appliances, clothing, and other personal property are not reported as assets on the FAFSA. Home maintenance expenses are also not reported as assets on the FAFSA, since the net worth of the family's principal place of residence is not reported as an asset.

Should you answer yes to need based financial aid? ›

Need based grants examples include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) and state-based grants. In other words, always say “yes” to grants if your child receives them on the financial aid award! However, check into the requirements for the grant.

What are three helpful hints for applying for FAFSA? ›

7 Tips for Filling Out the FAFSA
  • Ensure that your school and program are FAFSA-eligible. ...
  • Determine your dependency status. ...
  • Collect all required information and documents. ...
  • Start your FAFSA application early. ...
  • Review all information before submitting. ...
  • Ask for help if needed.
Feb 6, 2024

Why fill out FAFSA if high income? ›

No matter how much you make, you can always submit a FAFSA. Eligibility for need-based financial aid increases as the cost of attendance increases, so even a wealthy student might qualify for financial aid at a higher-cost college. Wealthy students also qualify for federal student loans.

Who gets denied FAFSA? ›

There are a few common reasons why the Federal Processor will reject an application: Missing signatures, inconsistent marital status with income, taxes paid are equal to or higher than adjusted gross income, citizenship questions are blank, marital status and family members blank, etc.

What would disqualify someone from financial aid? ›

If you don't meet baseline eligibility requirements, or if you've previously defaulted on a loan, you may not be approved for a federal student loan. You must maintain "satisfactory progress" in school to be approved for student loans. You can take steps to regain or improve your eligibility for student loans.

How does financial aid verify income? ›

Tax transcripts or tax returns showing income information filed with the IRS. Tax transcripts can be ordered by mail for free at the IRS website. W-2 forms or other documents showing money earned from work.

Does FAFSA check your bank account? ›

Students selected for verification of their FAFSA form may wonder, “Does FAFSA check your bank accounts?” FAFSA does not directly view the student's or parent's bank accounts.

How to get the most FAFSA money? ›

  1. File Early.
  2. Minimize Your Taxable Income.
  3. Clarify Who Owns Your Assets.
  4. Don't Assume You Won't Qualify.
  5. FAFSA Isn't the Whole Picture.
  6. FAQs.
  7. The Bottom Line.

What income does not qualify for financial aid? ›

Students often skip filling out the FAFSA because they think their families make too much money to qualify for aid. However, there are no FAFSA income limits, so you can submit it—and potentially get valuable financial aid—regardless of your family's earnings.

What does FAFSA consider failing? ›

The Pace of completion percentage is calculated by dividing the number of credits successfully completed by the number attempted. For example, if you complete 5 out of 10 credits your Pace of completion is 50%. If you do not maintain an overall Pace of at least 67%, federal aid eligibility can be lost.

How do I know if I did FAFSA correctly? ›

After the student successfully submits their FAFSA form, they'll receive a “Confirmation” page with a confirmation number. The confirmation number is proof that the student successfully submitted their FAFSA form or correction.

Can you fix mistakes on FAFSA? ›

You can make edits (or corrections) on the official FAFSA® website at fafsa.gov.

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.