The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (2025)

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (1)
The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (2)

Many smart board providers claim to offer single sign-on (SSO) options, but they come with either several limitations or hefty price tags. The BenQ Board is the only EDLA interactive display solution that implements hassle-free secure SSO at no additional costs. Organizations with an in-place SSO strategy can readily utilize BenQ Boards and our comprehensive IT management system for seamless integration.

Assessing current SSO solutions

Single sign-on is a one-time authentication mechanism that allows users to log in and access their account, including all their apps, files, and cloud services. When rolled out properly, SSO can guarantee convenient and secure access.

  • Convenience:Users only need to remember a single set of credentials, which significantly reduces the time and effort they need to sign in to all their apps and cloud services.
  • Security: IT administrators can also leverage SSO to ensure that the only people who can access their system are verified members of their organization.

Several EDLA smart board providers advertise that they support SSO, but a closer review of how they implement it reveals a handful of security gaps that could leave their users’ data exposed and their boards vulnerable to misuse and potential threats.

Related: Learn how unsecure devices lead to data theft and monetary losses›

SSO Solutions: Security vs. Cost

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (3)
The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (4)

Below is a table summarizing the pros and cons of each SSO solution.

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (5)

SSO Solution

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (6)

Access Security

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (7)


The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (8)


The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (9)

BenQ secure SSO

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (11)

  • It offers user list syncing with the widest range of directory service providers.
  • Board access can be limited to members of organizations.
  • All user accounts and data are separate.
  • It has convenient SSO login options with cloud storage access.
  • SSO and other IT management services are secure and fully integrated.
  • There are no additional hidden costs.

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (12)

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (13)

Subscription-based SSO

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (14)

Strong, paid subscription

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (15)

  • It offers user list service syncing with some directory service providers.
  • Board access can be limited to members of organizations.
  • All user accounts and data are separate.
  • It has convenient SSO login options with cloud storage access.

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (16)

  • SSO and other IT management services are outsourced to third-parties.
  • Additional costs are applied.

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (17)

Platform-based SSO

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (18)

Medium, no cost

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (19)

  • Account creation is easy.

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (20)

  • Board access is not restricted by organization.
  • Any registered user can access any board

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (21)

App-level SSO

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (22)

Weak, no cost

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (23)

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (24)

  • SSO is only applied to apps.
  • The boards are accessible to anyone.

App-level SSO

Controlled user access is limited to apps; anyone can still access the boards.

Some providers are only able to offer SSO through their in-house whiteboarding and productivity apps bundled with their boards. Their users can log in after registering their personal Apple IDs, Google, or Microsoft account credentials, etc. and use those to gain access to the apps on their board.

But since SSO is only applied at the app level, the only thing regulated by this login process is app access. This means that only the app is secure, leaving the rest of the board open to unauthorized users.

As a workaround, these providers normally leverage the default “multiple users” setting of their EDLA boards to control access, but this is neither convenient nor adequate.

For starters, it does not support secure SSO. The setting requires administrators to manually set up accounts one by one, on each board, every time. It’s a tedious process. If they have a dozen users and a dozen boards, for example, then they would have to repeat the account setup process over a hundred times.

Another issue is the screen lock, which each user needs to enter every time they use the board. Since the board is huge and is in plain sight of everyone in the room, privately unlocking the screen is almost impossible.

Platform-based SSO

All registered users, including complete strangers, can use the board.

Other smart board providers have created their own online user access platforms designed to work with their boards. Anybody who wants to use their smart boards are required to create an account through these platforms. Organizations can speed up the account creation process by syncing their Google Workspace or Microsoft directory service, allowing their users to enter the same sign-on credentials to log in to their boards.

Because account registration is required, platform-based SSO solutions seem like a secure way to limit board access. But this is only true to an extent. The issue is that some providers fail to restrict access to their platforms. They allow anybody with an email address to easily create an account and use that to sign in to any of their smart boards, regardless of which organizations these devices belong to. Outsiders can exploit this loophole by simply creating an account to gain unauthorized access to any of these brands’ boards.

Subscription-based SSO

Only registered users can access their boards and data, but at a price.

There are also solutions providers that offer basic directory service syncing, allowing their customers to limit board access to only the users that belong to their existing account lists. This ensures that user accounts are separate and that only vetted users can access their boards and data.

Although this setup promises a high level of access security, these SSO solutions require their customers to subscribe to their premium third-party management services to avail access controls for their boards. Depending on the terms of service, their customers will have to keep paying a recurring fee for every license, user, or registered organizational unit.

  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (25)

    Controlled user access is limited to apps; anyone can still access the board.

  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (26)

    All registered users, including complete strangers, can use the board.

  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (27)

    Only registered users can access their boards and data, but at a price.

  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (28)
  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (29)
  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (30)
  • Controlled user access is limited to apps; anyone can still access the board.

    The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (31)

  • All registered users, including complete strangers, can use the board.

    The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (32)

  • Only registered users can access their boards and data, but at a price.

    The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (33)

  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (34)
  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (35)
  • The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (36)

What makes BenQ secure SSO the best?

Unlike other solutions providers, BenQ offers the highest level of secure SSO without charging additional fees. Below are the five key strengths that set BenQ secure SSO apart.

1. We ensure real-time account permission syncing.

BenQ lets your organization implement secure SSO on your BenQ Boards by letting you limit access to only the users that belong to your registered domain or your existing directory services. The BenQ Identity and Access Management (IAM) system integrates with the widest range of directory service providers, including Google Workspace, Microsoft Entra ID, ClassLink, and even LDAP or other SAML-based servers.

Access permissions are updated and synced in real time. If a person leaves or joins your organization, their access to all your BenQ Boards is revoked or granted instantaneously.

2. Access is limited to users in your organization.

Unlike providers that offer platform-based SSO, BenQ ensures that only users belonging to your organization can access your boards. And depending on your security strategy, you can opt to allow guests to use your board’s most basic features, such as whiteboarding and screen sharing, or even completely revoke guest access.

Related:Learn how BenQ Boards let you enforce user access controls ›

3. All user data is separate.

Compared to providers that utilize app-level SSO, BenQ guarantees complete account separation. Even though several users can log in to the same BenQ Board, all their local data and cloud accounts are not accessible to other users. This prevents people from tampering with or accidentally deleting other users’ files.

Beyond this, BenQ Boards also ensure that users will be able to securely access all the data from their previous session once they log in to the same board. Other providers completely wipe all user data after every session, requiring users to log in to all their accounts and load everything from scratch.

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (37)
The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (38)

4. Logging in is as simple as a tap.

Our latest generation BenQ Boards come with NFC readers, allowing users to log in with a tap. This not only removes the time and effort it takes to manually log in every time, but it also guarantees privacy as users do not need to enter their credentials on the large screen.

What makes this setup even better is that users’ cloud storage and personalized settings, including bookmarked sites, app shortcuts, and wallpapers, are linked to their BenQ accounts. All they need to do is tap once to access everything.

5. Our IT management solutions are fully integrated.

For many smart board providers, their SSO solution is treated as an additional cost on top of their other paid IT management tools. These providers often offload their user account and device management services to different third parties resulting in bloated costs on their customers’ end and additional data privacy concerns.

Aside from offering SSO free of charge, our BenQ IT management ecosystem not only lets you implement secure SSO, it also gives you the power to manage all your BenQ devices from a single console. We also have a secure data-compliant integrated account management platform that gives your users multiple ways to personalize their accounts and workspaces on their BenQ Boards.

See how we implement secure SSO on the BenQ Boards. Request a live demo from one of our experts and experience the BenQ difference today.

The Advantages of Secure Single Sign-on on the BenQ Board (2025)


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Security and compliance benefits of SSO

SSO reduces the number of attack surfaces because users only log in once each day and only use one set of credentials. Reducing login to one set of credentials improves enterprise security. When employees have to use separate passwords for each app, they usually don't.

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SSO advantages include: Eliminates credential re-authentication and help desk requests; thus, improving productivity. Streamlines local and remote application and desktop workflow. Minimizes phishing.

Which of the following is a advantage of single sign on? ›

Advantages of SSO include the following: Users need to remember and manage fewer passwords and usernames for each application. The process of authenticating with applications is streamlined -- no need to reenter passwords. Successful phishing attacks are reduced.

Why is single sign on better? ›

SSO enhances user experience by providing seamless access to multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This improves user satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased engagement and retention rates.

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Little Control once Access is Granted

The attacker gets access to all the endpoints of the external applications within the cloud that the user is provisioned for. If the attack is detected, the user account can be disabled. However, the user may still remain logged in.

Which of the following is the advantage of adopting a single sign-on SSO system? ›

One benefit of SSO is it will allow your users to remember just one password or at least much fewer passwords (since you may still have non-SSO-enabled applications), reduce the chances of forgotten passwords, and consequently bring down your Help Desk costs.

What is secure single sign-on? ›

What is Single Sign-On? Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.

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Is Selling One Product the Right Strategy? Weighing the Pros and Cons. Selling one product eCommerce offers advantages such as less costs, streamlined operations, specialization, and brand recognition. It allows for focused efforts, efficient production processes, and a clear value proposition for specific customers.

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Advantages of individual branding:
  • the parent brand's reputation won't be affected if the product fails;
  • opportunity to use various marketing methods;
  • companies can use different approaches to reach customers and serve them;
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Choosing to sell only one product line can put a business at a higher risk of losing consumers if trends change or if there are economic fluctuations. For example, a business might sell inexpensive watches and have a strong customer base because of its ability to create fashionable watches at a minimal cost.

What is the use of single sign on? ›

Single sign-on (SSO) is an identification method that enables users to log in to multiple applications and websites with one set of credentials.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.