The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

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'4 Dear Abby 1 Abigail Van Buren '4 DEAR ABBY: By the time you receive this the party will be over but I would like your opinion epriy wm My father in law will turn 50 on Sunday and been NmUPtb abuattaining this milestone In ordeMo help Nm through this traumatic birthday his daughter decided to give him a surprise birthday party The theme of Uns party is a for her youth She is Sg to have a regular size coffin on display and have the place decorated like a funeral parlor me place My sister in law keeps assuring me and my husband that several of their friends have had similar parties with this inTrlhni 'aere great parties' husband and I find the whole idea very morbid Are we being stuffy and narrow minded? 6 y0Ur Opinion' REPULSED IN COLO tvADU or ixilkUo J1118 fake wake strikes me as sick tasteless and strained But now that past be in AR ARRVWMg idea Went 0Ver Or Under DEA? ABBY My husband sister is being married soonn My husband and 1 Plan to attend he? wedding but here is the problem We have three children ages 5 3 and 14 months old They are very active and to say fhey are a handful is a mild understatement I want to leave them home so that I can have a little vacation and relax Sway from home kids and responsibilities My mother has offered to stay with them in my absence but my husband wants to take them to show them off! He Says it will be to his relatives if we bring the kids HARRISBURG HASSLE 8 DEAR HASSLE: I think It will be unfair to YOU if your husband insists on taking them urthermore he owes you more than he owes his relatives Besides his relatives will look at the kids for two minutes and have to look after them the rest of the time DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are at odds over a family problem A friend recently asked if he could spend the weekend at our home as he was coming to town on business I told him I was sorry but we would not be in town1'5" asked be could stay at our home anyway I said No 1 would be uneasy having anyone in our home during our absence but perhaps you can make it another weekend when we can all be together" My husband agreed with my response as this man wasn't a very close friend Where we disagreed was with regard to relatives and close friends My mother in law is coming to town and she has asked for access to our home in our absence My husband says that fine but Abby I am very uncomfortable with the idea (we both get along with her as it is) and I think it was presumptuous for her to ask 1 I am a very private person and I want anyone in my home when I am not there If she (or anyone else) is too cheap to spend the night at a motel I will pay for it It will be well worth it to me I feel this way about my own family and close friends as What is your opinion? NO ABSENTEE HOSTESS DEAR NO: Some people cheerfully allow friends and rela lives to use their homes In their absence but since you one of them your right to feel as you do So stick to your guns and apologize or feel guilty House Call Jrw Timothy Johnson MD Dr Johnson is the director of Lay Health Information at Harvard University Medical School and holds joint clinical instructor positions in medicine at Harvard and Hie Massa chusetts General Hospital CROSSWORD PUZZLE CH ACROSS WAN'D 13 48 49 20 8 io re 27 28 Go 9 50 itxjt2o minutes APNuwsieatuies 30 31 31 33 35 38 50 51 52 43 44 45 2 3 4 5 6 7 40 41 42 36 3 44 tl Vf Ship shaped dock ndeavex Paisori bitil Ravage Russian news agency Gumbo School of higher learning Store hghts Jitnfial I Size of tyik 3'ue Hishopnc ViritMis DEAR DR JOHNSON: Would you please comment on news reports that medical scientists have discovered that impotence isn't usually an emotional or psychological prob lem? I've always been told when I complained of inability to function the way I would like to sexually that the prob lems were all in my head I'm not sure I believe it since occasionally I am able to have satisfactory sexual inter course with my wife George Cleveland Ohio DEAR GEORGE: Impotence refers to a man's inabil ity to achieve reasonably consistent erections The sex re searchers Masters and Johnson define impotence as the inability to achieve erection al least 25 percent of the time when intercourse is attempted The standard medical wisdom in the past has been that most men ho complain of impotence have a psychological onemotional burden as the cause This entrenched bias has sometimes led us to overlook some possibly treatable physical causes of impotence The conventional wisdom was shaken recently in a report from Beth Israel Hospital in Boston on 105 impotent men screened for blood levels of the major male hormone tes tosterone The Boston researchers found that 37 of these men had abnormal levels of testosterone This then led to the discov ery of previously unsuspected and undiagnosed abnormali ties in endocrine (hormone) function Thirty three of the 37 men were treated successfully with medical therapy for their impotence Also the researchers noted several of these men had shown some evidence of occasional sexual function such as early morning erections usually taken to mean that lack of function could not be attributed to physi cal causes The researchers were careful to point out that their re sults may not be applicable to the general population of men who complain of impotence They do suggest howev er that if routine screening for testosterone levels is done on all impotent men many more endocrine abnormalities would be discovered The researchers also stressed that ordinary physical ex aminations in which the patient is found to be physically don't rule out all possible endocrine abnorma lities Such abnormalities can only be discovered through the use of special tests And they emphasized that even if sexual function is possi ble occasionally there may be abnormal endocrine func tion 15 17 i 19 Questions should be mailed to Dr Timothy Johnson care Sf of The Chicago Tribune New York News Syndicate 220 a East 42nd St New York NY 10017 1 Chcig Channel 8 Upper aVnnsphvrc 1 1 Y'S Wu bt if txarl point Anobon Pungent Personnel Disease of wheat Right hand pace 22 tyiusKai study 2d Upkt'ep 10 lb 18 21 23 24 25 26 YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION DOWN Hecepts Death notice Jar Lucre Breach Star in Close fitting hat Height Knowledge Still While Backward Grampus Boxer Compass point ils Stringed instrument Pop the question Chaos 29 lax fiber Grass Tableau Totally confused Gusto Eye part Meadow grasses Wapitis Candle Japanese admiral 6 2b 46 Newt E'RMM I InIT i NE IC PlO KI EjVE Ejg ELECT CHlQiP HIENN He lTa Lt)W BA BIT I or MN MC A I ah A AMON O'ZgA BgA Dig A nb eim 1 4 2o 11 Mnr Iee pcT" I 9:00 6:30 I Uotx GENERAL! cove 0) The Aces Aik co LU North 3 NT iac hu a a i lS South holds 6 25 CNTRIBUTI2NS? Sooth 75 I LOVE JT AND THE SOUND A VACUUM CLEANER NEVER BOTHERS ME 0) CD HE HATES TO BE IGNORED 0) 0) 9:58 10:00 9:28 9:30 I LOVE IT I LOVE IT NOT REAMJ? THAT NAME 'EM AWUUJ? MEAN ORT UNPER SIEGE PY MANYINPIANS! REARAEOUTIT IN THE PESERT PENOUNCER Ira Corn Jr East Pass All pass GEN HALTRACK HEARD ROM THE PENTAGON? OH BOY CD South NT 4 3K62 9 8 4 3 74 BUT SINCE MOST CVONEMI DATE TNEATMEEVEN CUORSE 7:30 7:58 8:00 SOMEONE AT GRIPPE TALKED TO A CAPTAIN AT OGPEN AIR BASE SMEtt hurt and HUMILIATE AND DECEIVE ME AT MRS THURSTON'S I CAN WATCH TV ALL ATERNOON WELL DIANA WHAT DO YOU THINK MOUR NEW HOME a SORT HEQ WITH A NAME MKE THAT WE SHOULD BEAT 'EM EA5VR)GHr2 co oD CO I SUPPOSE I SHOULDN'T ASK Her OUT SHE'LL BE NO GOOD ORME 'i A 105 10 7 4 J7 8 3 West Pass Pass BETTQ'6 BEAUTO parlor WHO THINKS HE HEARD SOMEONE1 AT THE PENTAGON REER ID "THAT (gj) CAMP RUN BY THAT 'AA UPTH LAPfEG ODUNTggR LEAGUE TOED CHILDREN THE KINGDOM Analyst who arrives at the scene of a disaster now DON'T Know what to think 4 JOUNDd LIKE Opening lead: Diamond four Bid with Corn HtPWGHPULDl approach 0(13) Chinese Americans: Th SecondCentury (JJ EJ QJD David Hartman: The Shooters (3) Channel CjJHBO Tennia GD(D Quincy (9)111) News (ll)Bananax 013' Yakutat becoming Blab of bacon irerecounted in an animated musical based on White's 'story of eaturing the voices of Debbie Reynolds Paul Lynde and Henry Gibson (Pt I a two RW1 60mins) CD HBO World's Greatest Es' capes CD Baseball Atlanta Brevet vaCmcin nah Reds (JD(12) ocus On The amily (9)0lD The Girl The Gold Watch And Everything ill) HOCUS OCUS u) (13) Great Performances C9J(12) The Presence Of God Update Olff Rent Strokes ilffi Charlie's Angels UL'OdSTheLastGiraffe (U HBO Standing Room Only (5Movle (Suspense)' "Jaws (1(12) 700 Club (11 Irst Row eatures The acts Of Life OUR CASTLE IN THE AlRS WONDERUL MARVELOUS' SOUTH 7 2 AQJ A65 A 10 9 2 Vulnerable: East West Dealer: South The bidding: 10:50 11:00 International Racquetball (9) (ID Movie (Mystery Drama)3s "Brainstorm" tees 02) Gunsmoke 11:30 Auto Racing 12:00 L2J Tomorrow 1:14 (9) Qi) Nightbeat 1:30 Rosa Bagley Show 1:44 (9) (fl) Movie (Comedy Dram 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:15 North 1 IV ANSWER: One no trump Pass is an alter native however do not raise a nrobable card heart suit with only three trumps EVENING 6:30 CD Probe (2) SportsCenter C5j Newlywed Game (3) David Gruen Show $100000 Name That Tune' WO Lone Ranger CD All In The amily At Home With The Bible (9) QD Dick Van Dyke Show3 05) MASH (11) Video Cornlea 6:58 W(12)News Update 7:00 Real People Th opinion of self styled consumer advocate Captain Sticky and a visit to a high rise funeral home are featured (Repeat 60 mins) (Clotied Captionod) Auto Racing amily Buddy disappears from home after Doug interferes in her new romance with a handsome medical student (60 mins) (ClosedtCa pt ioned) Charlotte's Web The ef forlsofafriendlyspidertosaveaptgfrom orecast for Thursday June 26 1980 GENERAL TENDENCIES: A wonderful day to make an advancement in career activities but be sure not to force your will on others You can easily extend your ideas beyond present boundaries now ARIES (March 21 to April 19): Extend your interests so you can gain more profits in the future Be less demanding of family members Express happiness TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): Take the right steps to improve your financial posi tion A new project needs more study before going ahead with it GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Schedule your activities wisely so you get maximum use of your time Be sure to use extreme caution in motion today MOON CHILDREN (June 22 to July 21): You can now understand how to improve your financial position so waste valu able time LEO (July 22 to Aug 21): Go after your finest personal aims and you can easily gain them Sidestep a foe who could spoil your happiness VIRGO (Aug 22 to Sept 22): Study your ambitions well now and confide in others Show more affection for mate Many benefits can come now LIBRA (Sept 23 to Oct 22) Go after per sonal aims with more enthusiasm and effort and you can easily gain them Be alert at all times today SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov 21): You are now able to get the backing you need from a higher up Be sure to keep promises you've made to friends SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 to Dec 21): You can make a aood imnression on others bv showing you are honest and decent Relax at nome tonight CAPRICORN (Dec 22 to Jan 20): Be more objective in dealing with others where business matters are concerned or you could jeopardize your security AQUARIUS (Jan 21 to eb 19) Be sure to keep the promises made to family mem bers Come to a better accord with associ ates Think constructively PISCES (eb 20 to March 20): Go after your aims in a positive manner and get excellent results Contact loyal friends who can be helpful to you (D NASL Soccer Game 01 The Week Minnesota Kicks vs Sesttle Sounders Programming Unannounced (3JHB0 Candid Candid Camera 11) Rat Patrol (12) Max Morris (12)Newe Update News (3) Bill Cosbv Show HBO Diving (5) Movie (Drama) "rench Detective" (8)0 Good News America lit Of The Wild Jewish Voice Love American Style auAli 6k a 10:28 Update 10:30 CD The Tonight Show U) SportsCenter ABC Nows Nlghtllne Tiooo concert hsii (3)0 CBS Late Movie HBO Movie (Comedy) In i7 WMovloHDrama) "The Hard Way" too Ross Bagley Show (9)(W Prisoner: Coll Block AH In The amily 093) ABC Captioned News Love Boat Barotta 12:40 12:45 (D Atlants Bravos Baseball Replay (9) (W Nightbeat 12) Roea Bagley Show VnnmBdvDfijyti) "Night In 1946 (2) SportsCenter Australian Rugby Match 7 35(12) 700Club CD Movie (Myitory)W "Char lie Chan in Rio 1941 (9RW Nows 3:20 (9) (11) IvoMlnutssToUvoBy 4:25 (ZJ Love American Stylo 4:30 Bob Gass West found something useful to do I his defense of interesting game Declar er was on his way to a cinch plus score but unusual play lit all the tilt lights on play computer Dummy played the diamond jack at trick one in case West had underled both honors However when East covered with the queen declarer again refused while West followed with the three and a third diamond cleared the suit for the defense Declarer surveyed the situation and saw that he had eight top tricks All he would need is an extra trick in either major and his only decision lay with which suit to fi nesse In this situation a heart finesse would be wrong since it would lose the hand when ever West had the heart king and the five diamonds the prior play had promised So declarer correctly decided to take two spade finesses This plan would be decidedlv supe rior than a straight heart finesse and in today's layout would bring complete suc cess What happened on the way to the pay window9 When declarer played his first spade towards dummy West hopped up with the spade queen This "strange" play gave declarer something to think about And he guessed rong Thinking West had split his honors in the spade suit declarer thought it fool ish to continue spades Instead he took the heart finesse to go down and it was time for a blush when declarer discover ed what West had done NORTH 6 25 A (3) All Night Movlt (5)Movle (Sclnc lctlon) 1978 xh Good Na wa di News 1 Tonnia 12:30 (12) RaxHumbaid Naws ((Wednesday) COME ON TRIXIE YOU'RE GOING TO STAY WTH A4RS THURSTON WHILE SELL REAL ESTATE Vi Nwt4fr doy Aww 23 1480 I'LL TAKE ONE PERC TURN TO THE WANT APS 7 9 0 i 1 A I rr a 5 1 1 1 I I VX I A I rw az i i Y' 5x3 kf 'lU ill WBk 31 tj 2 L4W 5 wlr O' XX 'si1 11 Ja 7 1 7 I 1 i A AO? iH Xx jjMk 2 1 Ji wlrw 1 Ik Ji jkA Jm WHO ARE PLAQlNGz TONIGHT COACH i zT I I YivK I HV! Tl IRP'c: IMU I HUNG HEnE AEtOUT I HE O1CU 2 5 Jx 2 I I 3 zn A 1 7 Editorial writer: andshootethe i Survivors A I I rf I 7 i Xr'rG wJ A A 1 nV I Irk Lr o' fey ST I sixty i ROIJUOC I i nA U6HTCR i ti ZkK A' '(SB ZLffifl I Ek 1 'Sb TH fo Va LJ LY7 0 JT Zk 1 A A Horoscope Carrol I Righter WEST EAST Q43 K986 K62 9 8 5 3 K9843 102 74 65.

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The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.