The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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A 4av i 4 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: TOhSuAY MARCH 24 1931 DALTON GREAT BARRINGTON WESTIELD WORONOCO while LENOX Last week the HOUSATONIC LEE NORTH ADAMS It Irs Henry Vecchia all of Lee ADAMS HINSDALE After SOUTHAMPTON DEER STAGGERS INTO TOWN of WILLIAMSTOWN NEW SCHOOL ACCEPTED RAE POMEROY MARRIED at WILLIAMS COLLEGE 10 High STOCKBRIDGE DIES at Home and EAST LONGMEADOAV WEST STOCKBRIDGE ft much more GULDENS into the i 4 i Mt'S Jans Alger's fu yesterday with the 1 this West the and Cllt ln Oak Yar oper bearer William by the state po annual church church Easter of the com wed all All of YOUTH DENIES PERJURY OUT UNDER $1000 BAIL REV WAHL INVITED TO REMAIN AS PASTOR st St 'Q Invalid Ambulance 24 hour Service Clancey of Boston is her sister in law Mrs schools salaries grand to ol Hinsdale March 23 Mrs this town died at her home on a illness Providence about 25 years ago He re tired about 20 years ago '8 first year students at Mexico Cityf March 23 (AP) Capital police today captured a band of: thieves who robbed the Banco Na tionale of Mexico of approximately 50000 pesos They ingeniously substi tuted bags containing hctfvy washers for bags of pesos'in trucks while they were transferring money within the VLL Adams March owned? by Harold local The school board of Bast Longmeadow has for sale the school property knoitn as the school situated near the comer of Porter road and Parker street Sealed blds will be received up to March 30 1031 Address chairman school board East Longmeadow (Adv WEST SPRINGIELD WATER BILL GOES OVER Yale assistant football coach speaks A steak supper will be served before the meeting 0 sr tThuraiav nie 'nt at Miss Agnes Naughton have The funeral of Joseph Leveque of 39 Rand street who died suddenly as he was about to attend a church service on the night of the 19th was held at Notre Dame church this morning Requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev II Jeannotte and burial was in Southview ceme tery The funeral of Leon A Richard in fant soh of Mr and Mrs A Richard of 169 Eagle street was held this aft ernoon at Notre Dame church Rev Jeannotte officiated and burial was in the family lot in Southview cemetery JUDGE HONOR ALLEGED LAST WILL Joseph Kulas of Springfield was ar raigned this morning irr district court charged with driving at Becket so that the lives and safety of the public might be endangered The case was continued to April 2 Maurice Alalum phy of Stockbridge was fined $20 for drunkenness $50 for driving while un der the influence of liquor and $20 for driving without 'a license George Oschman of Pittsfield was fined $5 for a road law violation Donald Milne of Pittsfield was fined $10 for speeding and $5 for violating a road law The preacher at the Wednesday eve ning Lenten service at St George's church will be Rev Wolcott Treat rector of the Church of the Atonement at Westfiel formerly of Stockbridge Woronoco March 23 During the morning service at the Union church yesterday the pastor announced that special services would be held during Holy week jp accordance with the standing committee decision Wednes day night April 1 Rev Leroy ield ing of the Community church of Rus sell will be the speaker Thursday night April 2 a communion service ill be conducted by the pastor and the next night Rev SAyres of Westfield will conduct the service The school savings system which was Introduced in the schools of the town in cooperation with the Woron oto Savings bank of 'Westfield is pro Xi success Hilly amount deposited by the grammar school was $1680 Raymond Burke student at Massa chusetts Agriculture college is atthe home of his parents during the spring recess Miss Ruth Douglass student at Simmons col ge is at the home of her parents Rev and Mrs Glenn' AV Douglass Southampton March 23 A Hinsdale March The monthly business meeting and social of the Chauncey Goodrich Bible class will be held Thursday night art the Congre gational chapel All men of the par ish are invited An anniversary requiem mass for Mrs Hannah Murray will be held at8 Saturday morning at St church Mr and Mrs Harry Bra'gue have returAed from a trip That included Cincinnati New Orleans La and New York city The Benevolent society will hold an all day meeting Wednes day at the Congregational chapel Dinner will be served at noon The Daughters of Isabella will have a social meeting Parish hall and Miss Isabelle laherty charge of the program Refuses lo Allow Document OiTered as Testament of Mrs Emma Lussier Pittsfield March Judge Arthur Mm Robinson disallowed in probate court today a crudely typewritten document purporting to be the Inst will of Mrs Emma Lussier of New West street which left the' bulk of her estate to her second husband Edward Lussier The petition of Charles Viner of Washington D' son of Mrs Lussier by her first husband the I late Victor Viner that he be ap pointed administrator was allowed No bond hfi's been filed indicating the size of the estate In addition to the husband the sur vivors as set forth in the petition for allowance of the Will filed eb ruary" 20 by Edward Ujiissier Charles Viner ot car which was stolen from Essex street in Holyoke riday night was recov ered I by the Southampton officers a bout 'noon Suu rday The car was a owned by Miss Ruth Atterbury of Enfield Ct The car was left in a crossroad two miles from the of Southampton near the College highway Nothing was taken from the car but the supply of gas had been used The owner came to Southamp JOHN ELLIOTT DIES SUDDENLY ON STREET Became Brlile of A Gaylord Hillsdale 3 January 17 Pittsfield March 23 Mrs Julia omerov of 54 Holmes road has an nounced the marriage of her daughter Raq Genevieve to Austin Gaylord son' 'of Mr and Sirs Martin Gay fiord of the East Lenox road The ceremonv was 'performed at the home of Rev AV Coutant pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Hills dale on January17 Mr and Gaylord will be at home at Hazelwood terrace after April 6 CARP THANKS We wish to thank onr friends and relatives tor thir kindness end sympathy shewn dur ing our reeent bereavement also for the beautiful floral tributes GO11G1AXA GiUTHlER AM) AMILY EllenTosenh 56 JVaysIde Burial A Holstein oow Xollett of Colum bia street is mothering triplets heifejrs born Saturday afternoon doing: well The calves nrA normal weight and without any de formities Today they frisked about the stall in 'the barn with' their mother spending most of their time in efforts to get something to eat So far as is known birth of triplets to a cow has never before been re corded in this section and it' Is ex accepted as a 'public way $625 for Welfare Board was also voted to appropriate to nay the members of the board of public welfare and authorize them to appoint one of their members as their agent The following finance committee was appointed: Joseph Maloney Robert Wheeler Ray mond Tyler Hayderr and John Mack The cemetery com missioners appointed were Henry A Stevens and Ramsell It was also voted to change the name of Brad burn park to Memorial park The committee appointed last year tosconsider AXain street improvements made a verbal report to the chair man and will continue in office for another year This proposed work would cost about $20000 The meeting voted to build a new bridge across the Housatonic river at the north end of the town and the cost to the town will be some $35000 It was also voted to raise $15000 for the construc tion of a new road in the North Plain section An article calling for $1150 in order to settle damage claims against the town was voted down Appropriations The appropriations follow: General government: Salaries $8050 assessors $3000 election officers i00 care of town hall and lot $3250 legal expenses $700 miscellaneous $250 bond of treasurer and tax collector $500 total $18400 Protection of persons and property: Police $10500: police car $600 tree warden $2500 forest fires and fire pro tection outsideof fire district $500 total $14100 Health and sanitation: Board of health $4000 care of dumps $650 total $1650 Street lighting $13000 Highways and bridges: General maintenance $15000 salary of super intendent of highways $2800 sprink ling and oiling $3500 highway boun daries $200 snow fences $300 remov al of snow $59S5 drainage Main street Housatonic $2500 drainage Gilmore avenue $1000: drainage East street $1000 Monument Valley road $1000 Hart street Housatonic $1000 snow plow $1200 truck $1250 drain age Hurlburt road $500 drainage Castle hill $500 Main street repairs $1000 Great bridge North Plain road $15000 drainage and re pairs Elm court $250 drainage and repairs Higgins street $100 drainage and repairs road north side of build ing town hall lot $250 total $87135 Charities: Board of public works $17000: airview hospital $500 Vis iting Nurse association $15000 old age assistance $2500: total $21500 benefits: Rental of Ameri can Legion hall at Great Barrington $300 rental of Legion hail at Housa tonic $250 and state aid $700 total $1250 Libraries: Mason $6100 Ramsdell $3900 total $10000 Recreation: Parks and playgrounds $2800 playground supervision $700 total $3500 Cemeteries: Precinct ($250 for care of St $2500 precinct ($125 for care of St $700 total $3200 Debt and interest Town debt $41 000 interest on town debt $489125 interest on floating indebtedness $3500 total $4939125 Unclassified: Unemployment relief highway work $4500 band concerts $400 Memorial day $400: cleaning bed of Housatonic river S75O plan ning board survey and expense $2000 tercentenary observance un paid bills $75 memorial committee $500 Vocational school tuition $150 Three Mile Hill school $25 Police pension $1825 police uniforms $600 total Outstanding bills $200 general maintenance and $114000 emergency $2500 tai $35500125 MBS JENNIE RICE tremely rare anywhere The first of the triplets came about Satur day and all were born within 20 min utes Today the mother stood peace fully by nursing her new arrivals Ac cording to attendants she appeared rather nervous when more than one offspring came into being she is three years old and was raised by Ir dllett Two of hey calves are yel low and white indicating the Guern sey strain while the third one is black and white showing the i Holstein breed Annual Church Meeting Stockbridge March 23 The meeting of the Congregational society will be held at the Monday at 2 The annual sales held under the auspices Missionary society will be held at tlje church house on riday afternoon from 2 to 5 Mrs Arthur Bartlett will entertain the weekly meeting of the Social circle on Thursday afternoon Giles Brown instructor at 'the Hill School forBoys at Pottstown Pa is spending the Easter recess with his parents Rev and Mrs Albert Brown at the manse Wellington A rench president of the sophom*ore class at Clark col lege Worcester and his brother Malcolm rench president of the freshman class both of Stockbridge have been assigned parts in the Greek tragedy to be presented by the Clark University so ciety Both will play the role of guards in the presentation Report of Annual Ses to Be Requested By Town Counsel Westfield March 23 The announce ment was made today Tovn Counsel Edward A McClintock rep resenting West Springfield Journeyed to Boston today where he will request the report annual on the bill that is pending before the water supply committee whereby West Springfield through its water board petitions for the privilege of taking water from the Pond brook water shed Opposition has been shown by this city towards any move on the part of the neighboring town to take water from any of the sources of supply in this city To this end the city coun cil has gone on record as opposing and instructing the city solicitor to appear at any hearings and oppose any action whatever The bill would give West Sprinerfield the right to acquire several acres of land on the Pond brook watershed upon which would be erected wells for a water supply MINSTREL SHOW GIVEN March 23 (AP) Bishop Carev 62 of the Public? Works Official Says unds or Onota Lake Equipment Exhausted Pittsfield March 2 3 The aidermen tonight tabled an order for $5000 for maintaining' the pumps at the Onota lake auxiliary water supply Hart well KVebber of the board of public works explained that the funds ap propriated for' the pumps were ex hausted and that an overdraft was' being incurred He estimated the cost of maintaining the pumps at $2500 An order introduced by Aiderman Thomas Bennett for appointment of a spedial committee of two aider men two common council and three school committeemen to look for a site for an elementary school in ward 4 was adopted The order calling for the redivision of ward 4 into three precincts was also adopted The reappointments of Johri Me Laughlin and Atty rank Cande as members of the hoard of survey were confirmed and William Retallick as member of board of registrars was confirmed TITTSIEU) personals LORADO TAR DESCRIBES DREAM Sculptor Tells Normal School Audience Plans or Chi cago Ait Center Westfield March 23 Dr Lorado Taft internationally known sculptor delivered the Todd lecture before thetvestfleld State Normal school and more thap 100 members of the teach ing stair of the grade schools at the Normal school auditorium this morn ing In an illustrated lecture Dr Taft told of "My Dream "I would have the art museum con structed like the front of theParthen on and I would have it erected on the Midway in he said Lan tern slides were used to illustrate the lecture Dr Taft also used slides to demonstrate the proper and improp er effects which could be produced by lighting upon works of art especially using the head of Lincoln for the il lustration Dr Taft alms to make Chicago the art center ot the world and he would make' the Midway this special center The lecturer traced art and sculpture from the fourth century down and dwelt upon the works of 150 years in the Greek period and Committee Named to Work on Matter Streets Accepted Great Barrington March 23 The annual business meeting of the town was the town hall tonight and was well attended Judge Walter Sanford presided Appropriations amounting to $35500125 were made The town voted to accept the neces sary laws to permit the establishment ot a zoning system and appropriated $2000 to have the necessary maps and surveys made In the meantime tern porary by laws establishing certain building districts were adopted A committee of which George Tay lor is chairman was appointed for the zoning proposition The town also voted to accept a law whereby it San buy uniforms for the police force and the sum ot $600 was set aside for this purpose The proposal to what is termed the limited town meeting Was passed The town voted to accept new streets on the state road to be known as Giddings Locust and Laurel streets and also one known as Ramsey ave nue Warren avenue was also accept ed and Maple street at Housatonic was A Dalton' March 23 The Lenten mid week service 'nt the parish house Wednesdays ight 730 will have for itstheme The soloist will be Daul Auger The Congregational Sunday school will present tbe' Easter drama "rdm Darkness to on theevenin of aster The Easter dawn service at th Methodist Church'? Eater Sunday morning will start at 7 Wallace Smith will preside The brotherhood Glee Cl ut) will sing Members of the ahola class will read the scriptures and Rev Timberlake will give a short talk I he Boston Albany depot will dose after next Sunday dur ing the spring and summer months COLD CUTS Pittsfield March 23 Miss Helen Canning buyer of apparel at England store left yes terday for New York on business Mrs Levy of 58 West Housa tonic street and Mrs Rosenthal of have returned muda Mrs Helen fhA miAst nf Walter Mercer of 653 North street Rev Eugene Marshall of St Jos church will preach the Lenten sermon at St church at Lee tomorrow night Miss Katherine Connealley of 216 irst street is entertaining Miss Ellen Garvin of Lee IV ILL ILED Louise Phillips Left 100 and $900 to Two Nieces Pittsfield March 23 The will of Louise Phillips of Adams for probate today leaves $400 to a niece Selma Klammer of Adams and $900 to a niece Emma Hoffman on condition that she pay the funeral ex penses of the testatrix The rest of the estate is left to Elizabeth Aid rich of Adams reda A tUrban of this city Pauline Mindt of itchburg lora Schmidt cf North Adams and Gustav Nitche of Perrswalde Ger The will of Elizabeth Bates of North Adams gives her property in equal shares to a niece Grace Newton of North Bennington Vt and a tiephew William Bates of IN MEMORIAM Tff rnmorv of George Selby who oiea March 24 W3O Gone hot not forgotten ROBERT SELBY AND AMILY Exhausted Animal ound at Plant Is Taken to arm Pittsfield March 23 A two year old deer nearly exhausted was found near the receiving department of the General Electric works this morning by Williams of the yard train crew The deer was staggering down the main line of the railroad tracks The animal was taken to thejre ceiving room and Game Warden red Ziegler was notified He took the animal to the William Scace Jr farm and it will be released in a day dr two Broad Brook Building to Be Dedicated at Exercises Tomorrow Williamstown March 23 The school and special buildifig committee met this afternoon formally to accept the new Broad Brook school in the White Oaks section Arrangements are being made for dedicatory exer cises which are to be held Wednesday night at 8 atwhich time Dr Payson Smith state commissioner of educa tion will be the principal speaker David Deans local contractor will present the building in behalf of the architects to Samuel 'E Allen chairman of the school committee who is expected to make fitting re marks Mrs Leo BeverlyiWill also speak in behalf of the community There will also be a musical enter tainment Winthrop Tavell violinist a student Williamstown High school played with the Eastern Conference High School orchestra at the 12th eastern music conference at Syracuse? N' last week The orchestra ws composed of 235 pieces TaVelli has played in the National High School orchestra and has been a member ot the National School band BUSINESS MEETING VOTES $35500125 IN APPROPRIATIONS Gerson 131 Bartlett avenue from a cruise to Ber rlusty Blacksmith Half Grins At Lashing or Beating Wife Baltimore Man Given 10 Blows Brutality Third Marylander to Be logged in 11 Years Lenox March 23 Lenox March 23 Bernard Hughes has returned from a visit in Albany wherehe was the guest oMhis brother ''Wil liam Hushes1 Cards1 have been receivedhere from Walter Lewis and Albert Clifford who are in Berrpuda They will home this week MTh Lenox Brotherhool club will meet tomorrow night to make prepa rations for the selection of a play to be given next month Thomas Pascal'former teacher in the Lenox High school visited in Len ox today Mr Pascal is at present a teacher in Connecticut A dams Holstein Criw PtroudMotheriof Triplets Born Saturday are Washington Edward Miner of this Victor Viner of Boston Gilbert Viner ot 'Washington Arthur Viner of Oakland' Cal MrsiMinnie Augustus of Hartford 'Ct and Mrs Albert Wilcox of Washington sons and daughters of the first hus band ANOTHER APPEAL TODAY IN CASE Joseph Duby North Adams Arrested Court Testimony on riday Adams March 23 Joseph Duby 20 of North Adams pleaded not guilty before Judge Harrington in dis trict court this morning to a charge of perjury and his case was continued until Saturday Chief of Police Cassidy is the complainant as the re sult of testimony given in the local court riday Duby appeared as a witness for the defense when the case of William Deamt of North Adams charged with violating the illegitimate child act was heard Duby is cit under $1000 bail The funeral of Mrs Sarah Bruffee wife of George Bruffee of 14 Richmond street was held at the home thia aft ernoon with Rev Rundell offi ciating Mrs Bruffee died Saturday morning after seven illness She had lived at Adams for 43 years The funeral of Mrs Anna Getty wife of Israel Getty of iske street who died Saturday at Plunkett Memorial hospital where she was being treated for sleeping sickness was held at St church this morning Burial was in the family lot in Bellevue cemetery Discovery by the janitor of George street hall of two men hiding in the building and a kit of home made burg lary tools on a Vrindow sill outside the structure Saturday night placed Adams police on the alert and resulted in the questioning of two local men who were later released As the jani tor flashed his light about the room as he made the round at midnight he noticed two men hiding near the piano but pretended that he did not see them and then called the police Baltimore March (AP) John Kowalski a blacksmith convicted of beating his sick wife was given 10 lashes with a cat nine tails by Sheriff Joseph Leegan in the city jail today Tne blows were light on orders of Criminal Court Judge Eugene and the chief visible reaction of Ko walski the third man to undergo the punishment in Maryland in 11 years was a half grin He said nothing either Detore or alter tne tasning evinced no signs of nervousness JalT Sentence Suspended Afterward Kowalski left the jail in a automobile the rest of a 30 day additional sentence having been suspended by Judger on the condition that he become reconciled with his wife The whipping postsa movable affairin the general forir of a cross was placed in the main corridor of the jail and the sheriff an assistant a small group of jail attaches and a number of newspaper reporters gathered around it Hack Bared IVrlsts Bandaged KowalskifJln Was led from his cell into' the main corridor of the jail by two guards" "At the whipping post the guards bared his back and bandaged his Avrists to them from abrasion by the shackles on the cross bar After tlie lashes were applied he was examined by the jail physician a blanket thrown about and he was taken back to his cell to dress before leaving the jail Is about 40 and brawny The leather 'thongs produced only red and white streaks on his back Judge expressly ordered that the rare: penaltj' be exacted "without and some of the spectators called Sheriff: blows mere tpps" 1 'The judge had thieatened several times tin recent weeks that he wouldreviVQ' the whipping post penalty per Deafli of Eunice Ilojt Eunice Martha Hoyt 19 died afternoon at her home 305 Housatonic street after an illness of some months She was born in this city and always had lived here Miss Hoyt was a member of the senior class of Pittsfield High school but had to leave school because of illness last fall She was a leader in Tri IIi ac tivities and a member of St Stephen Episcopal church The survivors are her parents and two sisters Georgia and Mary The final report of the soldiers World war memorial commit tee was filed today by Chairman Harry West with City Clerk Har old Goggins The document covers in detail the history of the project It shows receipts of $6007568 and a balance of $237457 placed in the hands of a trust to care for the memorial VaOJint lots mav be solicited of land owners on which to establish gardens as was done during the war as an other: means of 4 aiding employment this spring The unemploy ment committee appointed by Mayor Jay Barnes has received the sug gestion that such a plan be tried and expects to study it soon Thomas Kletchka local su pervising automobile inspector will attend a meeting of the'' supervising inspectors called by Capt George A Parker motor vehicle registrar for tomorrow afternoon at Boston Mr Kletchka is a candidate for the posi tion Of 'registrar rom which Capt Parker recently resigned Significance is attached to the meeting because on Wednesday Trank Lyman of the public works department of the state will announce the' appointment of Capt Parker's successor One dog was shot and one was ordered confined as the result of two persons being bitten Mrs Ernest Varcoe of 115 Robbins avejiue report ed to the police that she was bitten on the ankle and Edward McCabe of I 57 Buel street was 'bitten on the leg I Director William Adams of the I division of fisheries and game I was in this city this afternooqv and I inspected the Parker pond property I of Leo ii Graham which many local I sportsmen consider satisfactory for I a station Mr Adams 1 wants more time to look matter before deciding J1VC11 LHlcUlUHOUb VAtll LO ill Methodist Pastorate or Sixth Year Housatonic March Rev Edward Wahl was given a unanimous cel to return for" his sixth year at the fourth quarterly conference of th church last night presided over by Dr Walter Loftus Poughkeepsie district super intendent The longest previous pastorate her hascheen four years The following officers were chosen Trustees William Snyder chair man Karl Peiffer clerk Merrick 4 iL 16 JUUUUCH Lcunuia LMJUW fct UK AUJCCJ stewards Karl Peiffer recording steward William Mawyer district steward Arthur Gillett reserve steward miss Adelsa Winchell treas urer Mrs AV ilham Osterhout com munion steward assistant communion stewards William Osterhout Mrs William II Snyder Mrs Jesse Gar diner Mrs Bernice Snyder Miss Ruth Chaffee and Allan Barnum Tie dele gate to the conference dur ing the annual conference it Mrs Bernice Snyder William Snyder is reserve delegate Mr and Mrs Roy Van Alstyne cf Main street announce the engagement of their daughter Ethel Bille to Howard Ervin Colby son of red A Colby of Great Barrington Miss Van Alstvne is a graduate of Hillcrest a hospital at Pittsfield Mr Colby Is em pioyeu oy tne Stamey insulating pany of Great Barrington The ding will take place soon Alford Native Passes Away After Short Illness Great Barington Jennie Rice of early this morning Maple avenue after Mrs Rice was in her seventies and was born in Alford the daughter of Mr and Mrs Timothy Barnes After her marriage to Merrick Rice she lived for years ortjEgremont plain or a number of years Mrs 'Rice carried on the hotel at Ashley alls About 26 years ago she came to this town She leaves three nephews and three nieces The funeral will be held to morrow afternoon al 230 Rev Tower will officiate and burial will be in Mahaiwe cemetery Walter Bray has returned to hisstudies at Tufts medical college after a visit with his mother ranklin oote of the Yale medical school is at his home here Richard Davis and Earl Bigford have returned from a auto mobile trip to lorida Dr Stilwell a former resident of this town diedsuddenly last week at his at Yonkers 'N Dr Stilwell at one time owned the prop on the Stockbridge road where Edward Smith now lives Later he built the house cn West avenue now owned' by Paul Erig' At Yonkers Dr Stilwell was connected the Gas company He leaves his widow two sons and1 two daughters or several summers he came to Great Barrintgorn and Stockbridge The fu neral was held 'Saturday hand burial was in Yonkers jjk A C' Yashburn of the Berkshire Life Insurance company of Pittsfield will Speak eek at the Rotary club dinner Hi subject' will be "The Thirteen Month Williamstown March 23 Two i members of the faculty of Williams college Assistant Prof Charles Grimm and Alton Herman Gustafson will present lecturesbefore the student body this coming week Tomorrow afternoon at 430 in the Thompson physical laboratory Prof Grimm will deliver the last of the series of lec tures which have been presented each weeK oy memoers oi tne xacuity nur ing the winter months His subject I will be on te educational system of rance "rom Kindergarten to Uni Mr GustMson an instructor in the biology department will ad dress the next regular meeting of the Science club to be held in Clark hall Thursday evening The Chi chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity gave a reception to members of the faculty yesterday afternoon in connection opening of its new chapter house on So th street Nevin Sayre executive secretary of the ellowship ot Reconciliation New York city will address the In ternational Affairs club of Williams college here Wednesday in Griffin hall Mr Sayre is a prominent worker in international peace work The(annual freshman public speak ing contest in which seven selected students will compete for honors will be held tomorrow afternoon in Chapin hall The competitoiy are those from the regular public Jspeaking courses which are part of the compulsory worn or Williams West 23 The West Stockbridge basketball team de feateil the Lenox town team at the town hall' Saturday might by a score of 19 to 31' A 'music festival rwill be presented by the pupils of schools in town on April for the benefit of the local Parent association Rehearsals are new being held Airs Michael Garvin who underwent an operation at the House of Mercy hospital in Pittsfield about a month ago has returned to her home on the Great Barrington road 'Stations of 'the cross tjjnd benedic tion are to take place atSt church ridiy'nights'at 730 ather Powers of the Sacred Heart church of Pittsfield is to preach I ers appeared in a baton swinging act A male quartet assisted in the musi cal program Historians Meet Tonight Tire Western Hampden Historical society will meet tomorrow night at the Atheneum The matter of restora tion of the Colonial cemetery on Me chanic street will be one of the prin cipal items considered Mrs Elizabeth Bush owler chairman of a special committee appointed last year to con 4 sider this project will report rank Grant will also render a report Graduation Tonight The evening Americanization classes will hold their annual graduation ex ercises at the club audi torium tomorrow George Lovett of Springfield of the state di vision of immigration and American ization will deliver the address Ches ter Stiles school superintendent will present the diplomas and cer tificates Mrs Harry Wilcutt of the club will greet the grad uates and Miss Julia Sullivan Amer icanization director will be in charge Vernon A Rix has been elected sir knight commander of Mount Tekoa commandery Knights of Malta The other officers are: Generalissimo Stan ley Jones captain general James Generous prelate rank Weston recorder Lester5V Eldridge assist ant recorder Chester Derby treas urer Charles Nicholas senior warden Hills junior ward en Alfred Sheldon: sword bearer AVilliam Moore standard A Vai ter Chmura: warder Baker sentinel Robert Loomis first guard AVilliam Atwater second guard Lyle Lambert: trustee for three years Lewis Allyn Thomas Abernethy principal of Westfield High school has been elected president of the Westfield association The Polish American club started a membership drive at a meet ing held last night at Holy Trinity hall The annual program of the club of the Second Con gregational church will be held tomor row night A supper will be served at 630 and the other features will follow Marriage intent ions been filed by Walter of North road and Miss SophieKamienski of 3 Dubois street AVestfield aerie of Eagles is making arrangements to hold a class initiation Service men the city will be asked to join The Child Study club will meet at the Abper Gibbs school tomorrow aft ernoon at 415 when it will be ad dressed by Dr Charles Russell prin cipal of AVestfield State Normal school His will be "Modern Trends in This address will pay especial attention to special class teaching Lyon Relief efirps will meet tomorrow night ar 7130 at Red hall A public whist will be held following the meeting The junior club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 530 Lenten services will be held at St Mary's church AVednesday night in stead of the usual Tuesday night serv ices Members of Whip City council Knighls o15 Columbus will be' priv ileged to bring a guest to a meeting which will held at the home AVednesday night when Adam Walsh ha crowded a motorcycle rider from the road: on Lebanon: mountain yes terday lie was arrested Charles lO'Connor of lice Charles Harvey charged with drunkenness ami driv ing so that the public might bo en dangered pleaded guilty The case was continued to tomorrow when he also wifi be charged with operating under: tho influence of liquor Raymond of 91 mouth street was fined $25 for ating so that the public might be en dangered and $25 for leaving the scone of an accident without making himself known TABLE ORDER OR IgONEY OR PUMPS JOHN SHEA ir rvloee Available tn Att Part ef the City Colo ft i al uneral Home Yl LTBEKTY ST Tel 77 DIED At Wc st 21st William Charles Akin 63 ot 100 Elm street uneral services at funeral home 551 State street Tuesday at 4 Burial in Hill crest Park cemetery At Chicopee alls 23d Mrs Mary (Devine) Baker of 10 Cochran street uneral at the Shea funeral parlors Ho Broadway Chicopee alls Wednesday at church at 9 a ra Burial in cemetery a TAT nwrx Kt Arthur Cadieux 65 ot 51 Merwin street uneral at the home Wednesday at 815 a fol lowed by requiem high mass Mt St Thoma? church at a'm Burial cemetery A Byfon funera( ecwrS' GILBERT In this city 22ull Alfred 'Ra phael Gilbert 45 of 336 Central street uneral services at funeral home RS4 State street AVednesday afternoon at 2 Burial in Bridge street cemetery Northamp ton JOHNSON At Northampton 22d Mrs Ellie (Withington) Johnson T3 widow of James Johnson ot 2 Denniston place Northampton uneral Tuesday at 3 at the Newell funeral home Rev Cha nes Rus sell Dewitt pastor of the Methodist Epis copal church" officiating Burial In wnchen don cemetery Winchendon AAednesday morning In thia city Mrs Mary Kinne The funeral will be bold Tuesday at 1030 in the Dickinson Streeter funeral par lors Rev Bennett will officiate Burial will be In Ludlow At Worcester 21st rederick Lantz 73 of 6fi Sunapee street this city uneral services will held at Graham funeral parlors 37 311 Howard street lues day at 2 Burial In Oak Grove ceme ARA At Agawam the 23d George Matanville 64 ot 1182 Springfield street Agawam 1 uneral enlres el the home Wednesday at 2 burial in Brook ide cemetery EaMhainpcon uncrai arrangements In charge jf Graham funeral aepdee At Denver Col 21st Eliza beth AVrlght Plalsted uneral at the par lors of the Dickinson Streeter company 305 307 State street Springfield Tuesday at 2 tn with an organ prelude at 130 tn'i peAMAN At New York city the 21st Mrs Mary Seaman uneral from the parlors of Brouchall funeral director dui nut street Tuesday at 2 Burial Grove cemetery At West Springfield 2211 Moody Smith 73 wife ot Deacon Smith uneral at the home avenue Tuesday at 230 private STEELE At Holyoke 20th zmriv CO af (JIILUUJ glteciv CT neral parlor Monday afternoon at 1 Burial In West Hartford cemetery At New York clty £0lh Mrs Marie Szillat 67 of 13 Dineen street! neral from funeral home GS1 street Tuesday afternoon at 2 Rev Steup will oftiejgte' Burial In Oak Groe cemetery WHJSON At Aiidierst 20th Mrs lanny Wilson 80 of Main street uneral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 at the North Congregational church Buna! North Amherst cemetery BTEGEDER Tn this the 23d George Zlolfeder 43 of 97 Cedar street uneral at funeral home b84 State street to night at 7 Burial in Gethsemane cemetery West Roxbury Committal service at the grave tomorrow at 1 Greylock Mill A Weaver Stricken While Returning Office North Adams March 23 John El liott 50 of 47 Taft street Greylock died suddenly early tonight while re turning to his home after making a call at the office of Dr AVilliam Galvin Medical Examiner James AV Bunce viewed the body and allowed its re moval' to the Pringle undertaking rooms Death is believed to have been caused by heart trouble with which Mr Elliott had been sucering for sev eral months Mr Elliott was picked up where he had fallen in front of tho Blackinton mill office by Justin Mahoney of 176 River street Blackinton The latter rushed Air Elliott to Dr of fice within 20 minutes from the time he had been there for treatment Mr Elliott was born in England and had lived at North Adams about 35 years He was a weaver at the Grey lock mill A He leaves his widow two daughters Misses Mary and Alice of North Adams a brother Archie El liott of allRiver and a sister Mrs Showers of Jackson Mich HITES OR CRASH VICTIM f'uneral Today of AVilmlngfon (AT) Girl sled Hit Post North Adams March 23 Miss Mar garet Streeter 13 daughter of Air and Airs Earl Streeter of Wilmington VC was injured while coast ings near her home Saturday The girl's sled craslied into a fence post and she was ffiurt internally The fu neral will be held at the home to morrow' afternoon at 2 Rev Deinataro of Readsboro Art delating Graham uneral Service 37 39JI oward St 3 5175 Personal Sen AV inflow Atflrreu 1 bnrlps 3 Hnntftrnnd rnnk 1C irtlon PITTSIELD Civil Service Commission to Be Told DumP'Was Never Dropped rom orce Pittsfield Alarch The civil serv i ice commission at Boston will again fake up the case of Policeman Dan iel Dunn tomorrow Mayor Jay Barnes and Solicitor rancis Al McMahon will attend About six weeks ago tlie sion ruled against a petition to rein state Dunn to the force Since then there has been a change in the make up of the commission and it was de cided to make pother try This time however it will be con tended that Dunn is still a member of the force although not assigned to duty: that he never was dis charged or separated from the force but was given a leave of absence and that it is not a case of reinstatement An older is now on the table in the board of aidermen providing for the reassignment to duty of Officer Dunn when favorable 'action is taken by the civil service commission THREE AUT01STS TN COURT I ined Hinsdale Man Admits Tiancerous Drhing Pittsfield Alarch Alichael ATeigh TtvnnVivn was fined $25 in district court this morning for operat ing an automobile so that the public might be endangered It is alleged that mitted for wife beating only under a statute enacted by the Legislature in 1888 for the next flagrant case of the kind tried by him Testimony at Ko trial was that he had beaten his wife40 times in their 17 years of married life Priest Interceded A parish priest and a justice of the peace interceded with Judge to rescind the lashing sentence but he agreed only to modify the 30 day addi tional sentence The last time a wife beater was lashed here five years ago the sentence was Imposed The judge said he told the priest arid the magistrate that "if a delegation of at least 10 women who had been beaten by their husbands wanted to ask remission of the lash I would hear their Judge O'Dunne said today he would ask that wife beating cases be sent to the grand jury and the criminal court as a deterrent A bill to abolish the whipping post in Alaryland has been drawn up for presentation at the current session of the Legislature The Legislature earlier killed a bill to impose the pen alty for poultry thefts' The neighbor ing state of Delaware uses the whip ping post1 much more frequently than Maryland A CAREY DIES Chicago Archibald African Alethodist Episcopal church died today in Billings AXemorial hos pital of heart disease Bishop Carey was born August 25 1868 at Atlanta the son of a plantation slave AN CAP RE TVell Tumps Ordered Altered City officials have ordered that artesian well numns be altered expressed hope today that it would not be necessary to start them again The water supply at Broad Brook res ervoir is nearly normal for the first time since late last fall The melting of the snow on the watersheds dur ing the past few days has raised the source of supply and it is expected that Broad brook will hold its own until a thaw or rain George Thomas SO pies George Thomas 80 formerly of Blackinton died yesterday af the home ot Thomas of The funeral will be held at Lowell tomor row with burial in Providence I Mr Thomas was 'a native of Wales and for many years worked at the Blackinton mill before moving to XLLIAAl TOOMEY DIES Succumbs at Hospital at Boston Where Ho Had Six AYeeks Lee' Alarch 25 AVilliam Toomey 54 died last night at the Alassachu setts GeneraLhospital at Boston where he had been for six weeks lie was born at Lee son of AVilliam and Ann (Dempsey) Toomey He attended St church and was a member of the Holy Name society Ten years ago he married Delia Aloore of Springfield who survives He also leaves a son William Jr four sisters Airs Orirf Plue Airs red illio and and Airs AVilliam Jack of Lenox and two brothers Joseph and Patrick of Lee Eastern Star Presents Annual Pro gram at Club House AVestfield March Golden chap ter Order of the Eastern Star pre sented its annual minstrel show be fore a Jargeaudience tonight at the auditorium of the AVoman's club house Councilman Raymond Cow ing acted as interlocutor Ray mond Wilcox as The end songs included Jennie by Airs Mildred Hall bourg by Airs Eilene Herrick "Rainbow My by Robert Burns "Here Comes the Ralph Neth "Down Among the Sugar 1 by Russell Kittredge "Barnacle by Robert Cross Chester Derby gave demonstrations: of magic man Vx tv tl(J 11 11 J' LlVLlf 1 1 cu Mrs Sawyer and the retrucelli broth Sunday morning and recovered 0 on i a Airs Maria Bridgeman Thayer cele brated her 85th birthday at the home of her daughter Mrs Arthur Thayer on Alain street Sunday She received 1 surprise calls from out of town friends and a large number of gifts and cards The services iyfor Easter week will begin with the Palm Sunday service The class of HJ Stone will furnish the special music by a male chorus I Hi lUVluUD XLL address by Leon Conwell editor of the Somerville Journal Mr Conwell is a son of the late Dr Russell Conwell Tuesday evening Rev Harold AVhite ot Easthampton will be the speaker riday night Rev Ellery Clapp of Northampton will be in charge Kt'1 I I g' Project Im I Pt s'jiS' 'WSl' 2 appetizing Muslcirdll 1 4 I 's.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.