The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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wo NEW HOUSES BURN TO GROUND HUI UDU1U11H HI rib Ne ws of The Theaters '3 POLICE NOTES EAST LONGMEADOW I ASSAULTING OICER letcher THOMPSONVILLE How should I react to 1 ticism? I should take it WEST SPRINGIELD and later in district CITY NEWS NOTES CHICOPEE avenue Orange i w' Angellne I Pomeroy inrnoon May 4 at 4 ft 4 LONGMEADOW OBITUARY Values Out of the Ordinary in Silver Plated Water Pitchers 1 are showing some truly extraordinary values in jt WINDSOR LOCKS to Well I S3 $10 LOOR SOMERS AMHERST I to on died held the the the is expected to return Winchendon where he the illness' and death eveg man This His God own that la ta I of I in RANCIS HENNEBERRY ORMER RESIDENT DEAD Wilson Joseph of 93 Washburn English of 1122 1 1 I i Albert unusually exceptional without is red will be ERAST US PRESCOTT eek will return tn his office 264 Main street today the mis will be Tuesday members 0 charge pf the Vern Sylvester the following: Miss Bernice month including the in Easter Sunday where this service of held yesterday were night at 730 in the church par Rev Leopold Nies will preside weekly prayer meeting will be Tuesday at 745 instead of Thurs hecause of the cantata GrRAi'IX HNMnAI tlOJIE XOT hfurtli Atnin SI Phone River 15J 5V The director interlocutor There will be a who won't YOUNG PEOPLE WILL GIVE MINSTREL SHOW aith Congregational held there yesterday YOUNG PEOPLE HEAR SERMON OR THEM DOUHERTY In thin city 30th ult John resi May Breakfast Successful The table receipts' from the May breakfast last Saturday were greater than in any previous year except last year The placing of two more tables worked out well and resulted in lit tle or no waiting on the part of guests to be seated It is thought that the increase in expenses this year may have helped to lower the amount of the net proceeds but as it will be some time before all reports' are in no definite account can be given Aliiss Jennie Bill of Hartford spent the week end and attended the May breakfast with Mr and Mrs William Sikes of Maple road Rodney Galbraith 9 son of Mr and Mrs Galbraith of Greenacre ave nue fell While climbing about on a first story window sash In a new house Saturday and received a bad cut just below the knee He was removed to Wesson Memorial hospi tal where several stitches were taken to close the cut It is thought that he will be allowed to come home by Tuesday Norman Myrlek son of Mr and Mrs Horatio Myrick of Hopkins plftce is the author of the winning poem in the contest for a poem for the recent Technical High school alumni cele bration Mr and Mrs rank Mason are expected to arrive home soon having left lorida last week Elizabeth Brooks of Longmeadow street returned Saturday night from Boston where she took part in the Girl Scout fife' and drum contest with the Springfield contingent machine and the trio unable it abandoned the automobile returned to Mrs White and a instituted for those that stole the result that the three men in an Knights of Columbus Confer Degree Windsor Locks May 2 Riverside council Knights of Columbus held a special meeting in Memorial hall this afternoon at which the third degree was conferred on a class of 14 candi dates The work was in charge of District Deputy inton Wallace of this place assisted by Deputies rank Cunningham of Willimantic and Ijeo Wodtke of Springfield and their staffs There was a large attendance of the members many being present from the councils of the neighboring cities and towns The water in the river has fallen several feet so that operations of the mills that had to shut down last week on account of the freshet will be re sumed tomorrow has the best role of his career Jack Pickford is the weakling who is taken under wing Mary hilbin is the daughter The cast throughout is adequate and college life is portrayed realistically The boat race is as thrilling as the foot ball game and the "college cut do their stuff in every episode "The Reckless is the other feature and Belle Bennett as a misunderstood wife and mother James Kirkwood as the 'tern husband and father Ben Lyon as the handsome American hero Lowell Sherman as a polished villain and Lois Moran as a 16 years old daughter are all seen to good ad vantage Charlie Chase is starred in the Rathe comedy of a suspicious wife and unfortunate husband the title be ing "Innocent The Inter national shows the greeting giv en Mussolini Im Tripoli rancis and Moran sing current song hits for the prolog Tonight is Charleston contest night NEW VOCALISTS AT IRST CHURCH aged by the force of the impact and was taken to a nearby garage by a wrecker The left side of the vehicle was stove in and the front fenders badly bent The operator of the trol ly car escaped injury The accident occurred at the inter section of Morgan and North Main streets when English attempted to make a left turn from Morgan into North Main The trolly car was pro ceeding north headed for the car barn Officer A Lagarry investigated the ac cident The Bird club will meet to night at 8 in the Museum of Natu ral History The subject will be of the The program has been arranged by Mrs red El dred and committee This will be the regular monthly meeting of the club Shepard Goldin who has been ill lor tne pajst law Pitcher of good heavy plate in plain or hammered silver guaranteed last for years MEMORIAL PLANS OUT SOO 46 NEW MEMBERS AT IRST BAPTIST The intalation banquet of the Ep worth league was held Saturday night at the Methodist church New officers for the year were instaled as follows: President Harley Rudkin vice presidents Miss Mabel Carter William Thayer and Samuel Chapin' secre tary John Vander treasurer Ever ett Cooley The funeral of Jofln Johnson for merly or airview street who riday in Haydenville will be tomorrow at 3 at Graham's parlor The first quarterly concert of the Methodist church will be held tomor row lor The held day Miss Thelma Wagner of itchburg Normal school is spending the spring vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs Wagner of South Main street James leeie tomorrow from was called by of his father Miss Doris Kearns returned today to ramingham Normal school after a weeks vacation in her home on Lee street tially Built on Parker Street Destroyed Water 4400 eet Distant While firemen stood by powerless because of lack of water connections two one family dwellings partially erected on Parker street owned by Sullivan contractor were razed at 320 yesterday morning by fire of unknown origin Mr Sullivan estimat ed his loss at between $15000 and $20000 last night saying that it was partly covered by insurance With the aid of a new booster tank attached to a pump recently pur chased for the department and the forming of a bucket brigade two other dwellings under construction adjacent to the blazing buildings were saved from destruction orming of this bucket brigade by spectators and firemen practically saved street which is newly built up from being swept by fire The buildings which are being erected by Mr Sullivan were almost completed with the exception of the interior work The larger of the dwellings was being considered for a home for aged people according to Mr Sullivan The fife broke out in the smaller of the two buildings and quickly spread to the larger structure Water 'ar Away Although the fire apparatus arrived in plenty of time they were unable to fight the flames because of lack of water connections The nearest water was 4400 feet from the burning build ings and it would necessitate the ar ranging of two pumps and a long line of hose to complete a connection See ing that the houses were doomed and taking into consideration the length of time it would take to lay the hose connections the firemen turned their attention toward checking the spread of the flames Assisted by spectators firemen quickly formed a bucket brigade to supply water to the booster pump This new pump has an SO gallon ca i pacity and can be used by pouringwater into it The chemical pumps only carry a 40 gallon reserve and it is necessary to return to the station to replenish them Most of the houses on the street are under construction and unoccupied with the exception of one which is tenanted Despite the early hour many moto rists returning home from late en gagements hastened to the scene to itness the conflagration which lit up lie sky with a red haze discernable tor many miles Mr Sullivan said last igrit that work would be commenced kt "once to rebuild the houses which vere burnt to the ground NO WATER NEAR for two Bridge Mrs George Gordon and Mrs Samuel IT Neelans Mrs George A Douglass and Mrs Mark Dushueil were elected delegates to the annual state federation convention to be held at Hartford the 17th 18th and 19th and their alternates will be Mrs Tudor Gowdy and Mrs Isabel Alcorn Mrs Stuart was elected delegate to repre sent the club at the annual conven tion of the General ederation of clubs to be held at Atlantic City the 24th to June 5 INSTAL DEACONS AT AITH CHURCH Personal Service rank Winslow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand RIVER 112 Dny or IVIgbt Gilbert end of'Pon zaree" Colleee Amlrerst' April 3(1 Maj 1 Tickets Cutler Gift Shop Adv JOY RIDERS HELD OR TAKING AUTO Rev Jackman Talks About Pentecost at Mit tineague Church Protestantism has lost much by for getting Pentecost so soon after the passion of Jesus declared Rev Jackman new pastor of the Mittin eague Methodist Episcopal church in his sermon yesterday morning He said in part: "There were no doubts left In the minds of some of the wavering fol lowers after the resurrection They looked to him as their leader There was a common bond of friendship for Christ Today we are in danger of looking to some great leader or some particular form of baptism or mode of worship but we should remember that these came long after Pentecost Some people pray for Pentecost as if they expected a section of the sky to fall down does not come in any magical way but by prayer from peo ple under the influence of thfl divine spirit As we influence those we as sociate with so we are influenced if we seek the companionship of spirit from day to day Without the spirit therd can be no Pentecost But the spirit alone cannot make Pente cost for we must have the It was only after Peter preached that the 3000 were converted is necessary to pray for Pente cost but it is also necessary to work for it Do we want a Pentecost in our church? Then we must travel the same road as did the early dis ciples" MAN AND WOMAN INJURED IN CRASH We Silver Plated Water Pitchers from $5 to $25 Three Men Arrested or Driving Away With Ex pensive Car rom 90 Col ony Road riday Night An expensive automobile owned by Mrs IL White of 90 Colony road parked in front of her home on riday night looked so enticing to Louis Castellassl of 33 New Bridge street West Springfield Albert Lupi of 10 Kibbe avenue and Cornelius Sweeney of 117 Armory street that the three decided to borrow the machine and take a lit tle spin Early yesterday morning the three joy riders were arrested by Lieuts Matthew Meade and Wil liam Hurley of the local police de partment and Patrolman erry of the West Springfield police charged with driving away an automobile without the consent Sweeney and Lupi were taken into custody early yesterday morning and Castellassl was rounded up later at his home in West Springfield by Pa trolman erry All three vigorously denied taking the car at first but after cross questioning finally admit ted that they took the machine for a ride Sweeney was arrested about a year ago on a similar offense and fined $100 He was also arrested on a warrant charging violation of pro bation for this first offense Lupi and Sweeney entered the ma chine in front of the home of Mrs White and drove it oft picking up vasteiiassi at state and spring streets The trio then went riding on Boston road and made a general tour of the city On Genesse street something we wrong with the lighting system on me to fix It was search it with were arrested yesterday to Shower Her With Birt Charleston specialists Egbert and Clifford King oot red Egbert: Clifford Clark The Nifty Steppers William rench and Robert Pennington and Leslie Heffner and Louise Pelgen "Bam Bam Bamy Shore' rench John Maylott and Vern Sylvester bwcuiows ranK Tinkertown Jesters red Arterton and Raymond Vaughn grand finale entire chorus At a meeting of the fellowship last night at the parish house it was de cided to send 26 delegates to the provincial conference of Young Peo fellowships to be held at Grace church Providence I Saturday and Sunday Mr Arterton will be one of the speakers there lost on 615 in to 10 Hum unable to make the trip and this number is purely approximate or many years it was the for the Grand Army men to go to the various cemeteries and the graves of their comrades but last1 year for the first tinie this custom: was given up and tills year the pa ii rade will simply proceed from Avr hall through Main street to mortal square and then return to thex? headquarters again The veterans will ride in cars provided by the Springfield Automobile club which has promised to take care of all It is probable that individual vet erans as well as members of the va rious auxiliary veterans' organiza tions will go to the cemeteries anU decorate the graves but there will bo no attempt made to go in a body bk" it wouM be too much of a'straln ort most of the veterans who are now atz the polnt where they need to conserve'' all their strength Comdr Witherall said last night that he will issue his general orders for the Memorial day observance this! week having them now in prepara tion It is probable that they will re semble those of last year to a marked degree and that the exercises in gen eral will be similar in character to those services with all the other vet erans and military organizations par ticipating to honor the Grand Army men for the memory of whose (lead the day was first appointed Heavier Pitcher graceful shape and an value at $10 Rev Dr Neil McPherson Wel comes New Quartet and Arthur Turner Who Will Preside at Organ A cordial welcome was extended by Rev Dr Neil McPherson at irst Con gregational church yesterday morning to the new organist Arthur II Turner and to the new quartet: Mrs Sterling A Orr soprano: Mrs Robert Hovey contralto who is substituting for Mrs Carl Becker: Charles II Young tenor and Arthur Ballance bass The subject of Dr McPherson's ser mon w'as Cry for Reality and God's and was based on the words shall not live byubiead alone but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the He said that reflection will convince a person that manto hunger is more real than a huge rock in the and he continued in part: gets very close to a man It is one of the fundamental realities of life The world is or ganized about the idea of hunger "ood is one of our absorbing needs and trade in food has been the life blood of our civilization It Is no won der that men have thought that feed ing the body Is one of the most portant things in this world Jesus admitted that food is necessary but said that it is not enough are longings' that hunger knows nothing about: desires after truth and beauty and goodness hat food cannot satisfy This longing is but an expression of love Love for highest things is the supreme desire of the soul If you dislike a man you will fail to know him You will mis represent him If you do not love you will never get at the facts of ife It is love and love alone that brings a man into touch with reality We are not surprised then that the Bible states that in order to know God we must love him for love is the central fact in the Rev Dr Claude Allen McKay Preaches ine Sermon and Discusses Appeal to The instalation of the newly elected deacons of church was morning The deacons are: Converse A Chellis Everett A Kittridge red erick Stedman Edward Riggin Joseph Cobb and A Rivett The new deaconesses are: Mrs Viets Mrs David Hale and Mrs Willard uller Rev Dr Claude Allen McKay pas tor of the church gave a sermon on Appeal to a com panion sermon to the one given the previous week in which he discussed appeal to young people He said in part: "Christ's appeal to strong men and noble women was because was a teacher who taught as one hav ing authority and not as the Scribes The Scribes were traffickers in canned ideas Rules rites and regulations were their stock in trade The people were tired of such stiff and stale teachings In Christ they found a teacher of truth that carried its own authority It was like a refreshing spring from the mountain top real and eternal The world has made haste to forget what the Scribes taught but the world refuses to forget the great truths which Jesus set be fore them which are just as true and just as imperative as the day he spoke them appeals to strong men and noble women because they have found In him a friend with the value of God That is they have been unable to even imagine or hope for a friendship with Gel that possibly could mean more to them tnan cnnst rriendsnip experience has been universal friendship has had the value of in Its rebuke to evil doers by its perfection What has happened is we have a new standard of goodness by which we judge weigh and meas ure We ask is this or that person or institution quite 4 jin requiem high mass following at Holy ft IM 1 I so fti Va ft 1 ft ft Dunai in st sioners stated that it was one of the most successful missions they had conducted in many years and they marveled at hthannienrmeslallfa marveled at the manner in which the men and women turned out to both the morning and evenings services It was announced today in the church that a week's mission for the Italian speaking members of the par ish will be held in the church be ginning the 16th and to continue un til the 23d and will be in charge of a missioner from the Dominican or der There are nearly 2000 Italian peo ple in the town and all are invited to attend the mission The regular meeting of Washington Irving council Knights of Columbus postponed this afternoon on account of the closing devotions or sion in St Patrick's church held in the council rooms night at 730 Nearly 100 went to Windsor Locks this afternoon to attend the third degree exemplifi cation by Riverside council of that town The members of Horace Tanguay post American Legion will hold an entertainment in the ranklin theater I Tuesday and Wednesday 'nights dur ing which Lost and other war pictures vill be shown The proceeds are to be used to help fi nance the annual Memorial day ex ercises and all people are invited The members of Enfield grange have planned for an interesting meet ing tomorrow night to include vocal and instrumental music and a paper on the History of Hazard ville" by Atty Henry letcher During the roll call each member will be expected to respond to some quo tation from the ritual or degree work and the entertainment committee has arranged other features of an 'amus ing nature The regular monthly meeting of the Enfield Community association will be held in the Community build ing tomorrow night at 8 The feature of the meeting will be a lecture on by Miss rances A Hurd of South Norwalk field secretary of the Audubon society The children In the Weymouth and Enfleld street schools will assist in the program amily Stock Play of the Week The offering of the oil Players this week at the Court Square theater will be the comedy "The amily Up which ran in New York fol lowed by engagements in Chicago and other large cities amily Up deals with the Hellers who are typical of the average family of their station in life Pa is a street car inspector a good kind honest man rather pathetic and patient with his wife who reminds the family that she has gall stones and high' blood pressure and no wonder what with ner youngest daughter practice her piano her young son who work and her older daugh ter who find a beau Then one night the young man calls He takes the family good naturedly proposes to the girl who accepts him and for the moment it seems as if the play is over Then mother corners the youth She satisfied that every thing is going along fine she has to improve on things She complains of the insolence of servants and explains that is why she has none She boasts about her husband's position and his high connections with the railway company She explains that her daughter only works because she doesn't like to be idle etc until she almost frightens the poor bov out of marrying the girt Rita Coakey and Leonard Lord play the roles of the young girl and man Walter Horton has the part of Pa Heller and Edythe Ketchum will be seen as the social climbing mother Tops Screen Bill Capitol feature attrac tion this week at the Capitol' theater is a screen version of the play by Charles Horace Malcolm Rod La Rocque plays the leading role and Elinor air Julia aye Lucien Lit tlefield and lulall Jensen have im portant parts This Cecil DcMille production is a fast moving comedy drama with a strong mystery clement The scene is laid in a castle in Scot land on the eve of the marriage of a young English peer and an American heiress In one night a series of ex citing adventures occur The asso ciate feature Is a typical melodrama of the oil fields Malcolm MacGregor is the star Paul ine Garon Mary Carr and John Mil jan are in the cast Also on the bill this week is Harry Langdon's latest comedy hit "Remember The news reel and other short features complete the program Jr 3 West Springfield Ar rest ollows Plea for Help rom Wife Michael De Christofer of 62 Day street West Springfiekl was arrested at 855 last night by Officer Earl Chapman of the West Springfield po lice on charges of assaulting a police officer and drunkenness on Day street De arrest followed a tele phone message to the police by his young daughter who tearfully asked the police to come to the De Christo fer home Officers Charles Volenec and Chap man responded with the police ambu lance While Officer Volenec watched the front of the house Chapman ran around to the back to enter the house Officer Chapman noticed a man run ning on Day street and chased him When nearly up to the man the offi cer commanded him to stop and De Christofer suddenly stopped and whirled around at the same time strik ing out at him The two men locked in a clinch ana after a short tussel Officer Chapman succeeded in putting handcuffs on his prisoner The man was taken to the West Springfield station and later taken to the local station where he wis uooKea ror appearance court this morning Local Notices Small brown pocketbook with Humphry Ave between 6 and Saturdnv Upward if rpfiirnpd phry Ave Tel Chicopee 1152 Apartment attractive 'six rooms Casino avenue Chicopee Call Chicopee 1233 or Holyoke 61S5 Six room tenement to rent with garage Big garden very nice location modern im provements Call at 7 West street Chic SPECIAL SERVICES OR NEW MEMBERS Special services for the reception of members were held in a number of the churches here yesterday morning Among these churches were Wesley Methodist Episcopal where 21 were admitted and irst Congregational where there were 41 Wesley church has added 102 persons to Its member ship in the last number taken Other churches admission was Hope and aith Congregational The service at Trinity Methodist Episcopal church yesterday morning was in charge of the young people and In place of a sermon a symposium on "Tile Life of was given by Allen Creed Benjamin DuBour Henry Baldwin and Alfred Rowley The service at 7 last night was in charge of the order of DeMolay John Goodway president of the state association of Gideons was the speaker at the night service at Wesley church At the service at Hope church Charles A Normandy a mem ber of the Commercial Gideon association was the speaker Proceeds to Be Used or Sending Delegates to Con ference at Concord A minstrel show will be given ri day night by the members of Young People's fellowship of Christ Episco pal church proceeds of which will be used for sending delegates to the Young conference at St school Concord next month The show is being staged en tirely by the young people outside help Arterton and Malcolm Ninesling chorus of 20 The committee in show is headed by and is composed of Miss Gladys Heffner Cornell Clifford King Charles Robin son Otto Dumschadt and Mr Nine sling The accompanist will be Miss Louise Geisel ollowing is the program: Opening chorus entire chorus "I used John Edith 4' Young Couple Buys New Model House On 'Allen Street uneral bf 31 rs Broun Somers May 2 Mrs Jane Brown 82 died Wednesday night at the home of Mr arid Mrs Earl uller where she has lived for several years The funeral was held riday afternoon at 230 at the home of Mr and Mr James Ryan at North Somers Rev II Davenport pastor of the Bap tist church of East Lonenieadow ofli elated and burial was in North cctne tery vJIillcresi Park CemeteryPark Plan Cemetery with per pctual care Prices reasonablepartial payment plan Jin ciiRSTNUT rmncT Gall niVEn OGtl or IHVICn 3I41 TRANSORMERS HIT BY LIGHTNING East Longmeadow May 2 During the severe electrical storm tonight transformers on the electric light cir cuit were struck resulting in darkness on Hampden road and on Mapleshade avenue Lights all over the town went out for a few minutes A crowd of 2587 persons visited the model house at 403 Allen street yesterday bringing the total number of visitors for the eight days of the exhibit to 8778 The house has been bought by a young couple Miss Ethel May lynn and Walter Baggins who are to be married the 20th and who will occupy it following their honeymoon at Atlantic City of the Race Track Story at Bijou of the a story of the race track by Louis Joseph Vance Is the leading attraction at the Bijou theater this week Kenneth Harlan and Patsy Ruth Miller play the prin cipal roles and in their support are Al Roscoe David Torrence and Mary Carr The story is laid in the South The companion picture is a photoplay of rumrunning with Evelyn Brent in the leading role as a girl captain and Robert Ellis playing opposite her A young secret service agent assigned to run down the vessel falls her hands as a prisoner and ox Screen eatures ox's theater offers a screen adaptation of Eleanor Mehe rin's novel of the same name and a' screen dramatization of the romance of the same name written by the world famous war correspondent the late Richard Hard ing Davis Madge Bellamy has the title role in that of a wil ful cappricious young beauty who flouts a husband whom she married to please her parents who carries on a ciandesine affair with a magnetic philanderer and finally falls in love with the real man of her heArt when it is too late to obey the conventions which she once flouted and therefore too late for her to enjoy the happi ness of true love William Powell and Reginald Sheffield have the roles of Roddy orrester and Peter de Puyster in "White the two rich young Americans who devote themselves to the task of rescuing people in dis tress uneral of 3Irs Steele The funeral of Mrs Katherine (Kel ley) Steele wife of rank Steele who died at her home on Walnut street riday morning was held this after noon at the house and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends The service was conducted by Kev George Whiteside pastor of United Presbyterian church and burial was in the family lot in Thompsonville cemetery Mission Coming Tlie two weeks' mission in St Pat rick's church was ended tonight with impressive services conducted by the Dominican athers of New York city Before leaving for New York the mis John Buckley of Cross street Agawam was arrested by Lieut Ern Marble at Liberty street yester day morning at 310 charged with op erating an automobile while under the influence of liquor and with driving airay without making himself known following an accident Conrad Nadeau of 400 rank street was arrested toy Patrolmen Charles Stetson and Alexander Gray on Birnie avenue yesterday at 1115 charged with operating an automobile while underthe influence of liquor and with being drunk Albert Quinlan of 35 Merrick street West Springfield was arrested by Patrolman Joseph Moran of the Aga wam polled on a warrant charging violation of parole yesterday after noon at 430 John Anton of 43 ranklin street ft ft ft ft ft ft A ft CIO a Ujr IICUL JUUU ritiu ing at 15 Congress street yesterday' morning at 1230 on a default war rant NEW PASTOR PREACHES HIS IRST SERMON Known Locomofhe Engineer Dies At HIs West Side Home Erastus Abbe Prescott 68 died at liLs home 19 Nelson street West Springfield yesterday afternoon after a long illness He was born in West Springfield May 12 1857 the son of the late James Plummer and Adeline (Bickford) Prescott and had lived all his life nere or 42 years he was a locomotive engineer for the Boston Albany railroad He was a member of Amity lodge Odd ellows of Springfield the Brotherhood of Txco motlve Engineers Melha temple Hampden lodge of Masons a 32d de gree Mason He is survived by his widow and two daughters Mrs Irving Sayco*ck of Stratford Ct and Mrs Jerome Bowls of West Springfield fu neral will be held at the home tomor row afternoon at 230 Rev Harry Oldfield officiating Burial will be Oak Grove cemetery Gporfre Lr Blanc who left home Anrfl requested to return because nf the rerfu nines of his mother Joseph LeBlanc calmer Comdr Witherall of Post Expects Only 40 War Veterans to Answer Roll Call When the roll is called on Memorial day the ranks cf the Grand Army vet erans of Springfield will again have been materially reduced by the toll of time which none can avoid The ning ranks of those who fought for freedom In the Civil war will agairiT lead the annual procession through4" 'l the streets of the city but this year" they will ride in automobiles instead a of marching at the head of the unm Edward Witherell commander of'j Wilcox post A saig lastC night that there will probably about 40 veteran in whot will respond to the bugle cal on Me ox mortal day but some of these belorefd that day dawns may find themselveri UY 4ft ft lu ttin iny many mends and relatives for the many acts of kindness and i for ih beautiful floral tributes sent during Mho recent bereavement in the loss of mv wire DAVID OGILVIE MAIN Sent Postpaid I 1 1 UeflUMy Xie qulcm mass at Church of the IIolv Name at 9 Erlends Invited Thompsonville May 2 The annual banquet and business meeting of the club of Enfield was held on Thursday night in the Enfield Congre gational church and was featured by the re election of Mrs rank A Stu art of Enfield street as president of the club for another year Under Mrs Stuart's administration the club has prospered materially and her re elec tion was iu appreciation of her earn est efforts The other officers elected vere: Vice president Mrs Grace Handy wife of Superintendent Anson Handy of the public schools re cording secretary Mrs Joseph Wat son chosen to succeed the late Mrs anny Barney who died last week corresponding secretary Miss Bertha A Weising auditor Mrs Dan iel snea treasurer Nirs Albert Mitchell: directors term Mrs Allyn George IT Neelan: Auto Truck Hits One Man Trolly on North Main Street Miss Sid street and Dwight street suffered bruises about the face and body last night at 1230 at Morgan and North Main streets when an automobile truck operated by English collided with a one man trolly driven by Joseph Pepin of 36 Blair street The injured couple were taken to the office of Dr Seth A Lewis where they were given medical at tendance and later taken homp The truck was considerably dam Rev rank agerburg Welcojnes Them to Church and Tells What It Means to Christians The irst Baptist church welcomed 46 new members at the service of communion held at the close of the regular morning service yesterday and the words of Rev rank agerburg pastor of the church at the close of sermon carried the welcome of the congregation as fol lows: you whom we are welcoming today I congratulate you Ytou are entering an institution with the stamp of God upon it where you can do great things for his kngdom I shall expect you to be better because your membership here anil I shall look forward' to this church being bet ter and stronger because you are a part of us I covet for you a large place in the kingdom work of Mr agerburg took for his morning subject: I Were Joining the and his words were of wis dom and advice to the new members He spoke in part as follows: I were joining the church today I should first of all thank God for the faithful men of the past who have made the church possible It would be hard to exaggerate our debt to yesterday The labor prayers money hopes longings and aspirations which leaders of the past have expended that the church might live and grow are beyond comprehension It seems a simple thing to express our ChrisA tian faith by a declaration and by linking our lives with an institution but we are standing on the shoulders of our past leaders If I were joining the church I should feel an unpayable debt of gratitude to the loyal Chris tians of the past who so faithfully gave themselves that the kingdom might progress And I am sure my appreciation of past leaders would lead me to emulate their devotion This leads Us to a true understanding of what the church is rot a building but a group of people If I were join ing the church I should want to re member that I am nnKing my me other lives not writing my name the record book of an Institution To ind Brotherhood I were joining the church should expect to find a brotherhood interested friends an inspiring and meaningful service of worship a place where I might learn more about the Christian life and I should also expect a world program I should especially expect my church to offer me an avenue of Christian service church should expect of me a clean and noble life reflecting the ideals of Jesus Christ whom I profess to love and follow As a church mem ber the church can also expect of me a living and active interest The church can also expect of me to do all in my power to win others to Christ and the church "There is a tremendous criticism of the churcn tvo A thic iniem seriously very seriously The world has a right to expect great things of us We represent the noblest ideals in all the world To take the criticism seriously means not that it shall make me despair or lose confidence in the church but it shall spur me on to help make the church what it ought to be that the criticism shall be without Timothy oley Timothy oley died yesterday at his home In Allen street East Long meadow after a brief illness He was a lifelong resident of Springfield and for many years conducted a hay and grain business in Hanover street He was a member of the St Vincent de society of Cathedral parish He leaves his widow Mrs Nellie (Cane) oley of this city one son Timothy oley Jr one daughter Mrs Rose Dore both of New Haven Ct one brother John oley of Can ton two sisters Mrs Edward Sweeney and Mrs Patrick Egan of this city The funeral will take place nt the home of his sister Mrs Sweeney 381 North Main street Wednesday at a time to be announced 31 rs William Dickey Mrs Ethalyn Dickey 62 wife of William Dickev died Inst nin ht nt Tv (JR An A HI Cnm i I ller honle 50 Belmont avenue She K'S COPP was born in Athol a daughter of the I 37 HoWAHn ST I late George NT Ainsworth and lived I Undertakers I until she came to Springfield uiuc jraia ago tjepiues ner nusoana site leaves a daughter Irma wife of rank Tracy of Hazardville Ct a brother George Ainsworth of Athol and a sister Mrs Stella Erick son of Shrewsbury Member of Local Organiza tions Dies at Springfield at 28 Years Thompsonville May rancis A Henneberry 28 who died in Spring I field tonight at 8 was formerly a well known young man in this vii lage He was a son of Mr and Mrs Patrick Henneberry and was born in this village and had always lived i here up to the time of his marriage a few years ago when he went to Springfield to live He was a member of Washington Irving council Knights of Columbus of this village had re tained his membership in other fra ternal organizations here and was a member of the Holy Name society of St Patrick's church Besides his par ents he leaves two sisters the Misses Elizabeth and Alice Henne berry who live at their home on Walnut street Mr Henneberry had been in failing health several weeks and the announcement of his death will be learned with regret by his many friends in this village MRS STUART RE ELECTED Rev Mr agerburg Says No One Ever Gets Away With Anything The first of a series of sermons especially for young people was given at irst Baptist church last night by the pastor Rev rank agerburg'? He spoke on the expression jj ting By With and said In part: oin is a ooomerang wnicn does more damage to the sinner than to any one else No man ever gets by with anything for he has been building his own lite and at the end that life is his own and he cannot get away from it We shall continue to exist as per sonalities with memory and surely the blackest hell in all the world is a sinner in eternity with a memory looKing oacK upon me witn tne con sciousness of all it might have been is no better way of learn ing the popular philosophies of life than by studying our current slang Perhaps no expression Is commoner or more clearly defines a popular attif tude toward life than away with No man evbr truly with anything each manto life is an keeping books upon all that he does In the very structure of his soul each thought is indellibly imprinted each deed is cut deep as with a chisel each plan each ideal is woven into the very fabric of life Every vile story you tell broods over your mind every questionable word you say set tles down into the structure Of life every evil influence colors the substance or your soul ao man away with because no ever gets away from ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN OR MT LEBANON POOR The first of a series of entertain ments for the benefit of the sufferer 4 and poor of Mount Lebanon was given last night at 83 erry street by Elden society The society is trying to raise $800 for the quota of a nation wide campaign Thtf speakers last night were Mrs Peter rangeia Mrs George rangeia Miss Rose Ablon Edward Semania and George Hadad About 200 attended Dancing and novelty acts were givton by the members WILL HEAR TALK ON IRE DEPARTMENT ire will be thjj topic at the meeting of the East or est Park Civic association to be hefi at the White street school tomorrow night at 8 What the departmeiS means to the city will he discussed one of its members There will also be an entertainment program UNDER HIS BED Nathan Selibovsky of 119 Bond street a grocer reported to the police at 1215 this morning that someone had entered his home at 1155 Jast night Selibovsky informed the police that he and his wife had been out for the evening and returned and pre pared to go to bed He turned the light out and had been in bed but a few minutes when he heard a creak ing as though a door was opening Becoming suspicious Selibovsky got up and turned on the light As the light went on a man evidently se creted under the bed leaped up and pushed him aside and made his escape out of a kitchen window A search revealed nothing had been taken The man was described as between 23 or 25 about 5 feet 10 inches in hight and wore dark clothes He wore a brown sweater was hatless and hud ruddy complexion according to thedescription given by Selibovsky OBITUARY NOTICES CARD THANKS DIED JT' Tn this city 1st Mrs el Sarah uller Carpenter 88 widow ot Georee fcHenry Carpenter of 158 Monrovia street uneral from funeral home 684 Slate street Tuesday afternoon at 2 Bur wial In Oak Grove cemetery In this city 30th William Cambei! uneral from his late residence 747 street Monday at 015 a uMIgh mass of requiem In Our Lady of Hope a hurch at 943 riends invited In this city 1st Homer Dickinson uneral at the home 108 Gar Held street Monday at 2 Jimmy Dunn and Co in at Palace After a week devoted entirely te pictures the Poll Palace theater will return to its vaudeville policy and will offer as the headline attraction for the first three days Jimmy Dunn and his company of funmakers in the musical farce The plot ot the niece deals with a much mnr ried man who meets three former wives at the seashore and his indi crous efforts to escape from them xne pour uamerons tneir act ather Like have achieved it is said the almost im possible task of presenting something that is entirely new and novel in the vaudeville field Jules John Bernard is a veteran vaudevillian who after several seasons in musical comedy returns to the variety stage and with the able assistance of Miss Marcelle a young woman who has just arriv ed from Paris presents a series of songs steps and stories Holden and Braham have an offering which they call that consists of shadowgraphy and smoke pictures and acrobatic dancing Charles Sargent and Burt Lewis are singing comedians The photoplav attraction will be William latest Paramount picture adapted from Charles Neville novel ight to the Clara Bow Warner Baxter William Powell George Bancroft and Edythe Chapman are 'the lending players of at Broadway Theater Harvard was victorious in a fiercely fought football game yesterday de feating by a score of 6 to 3 her most formidable gridiron rival Vale" The contest was in doubt until the last minute of play when Tom Brown No 30 on the Harvard team after carry ing the ball 90 yards In plunges down the field allowed another player the honor of taking it over the line And thus ended the five reel college thrill er of at the Broad way theater Brown is played in ro bust style by William Haines who I The funeral of Daniel Webster Sayre took place yesterday afternoon i at 230 at St James' Methodist Epis copal church The services were con ducted by Bev Hoagland pastor I of the church which was filled with I friends and relatives ot the dead man I There was a profusion of flowers Burial was in Oak Grove cemetery ft" Douhertv uneral from hl Into deuce 957 Liberty street Monday at 830 tn High mass of requiem in Our 'nt Hope church at 8 a riends in vtlefte Tn this city 2d Alice Brown 29 daughter of Mrs Myrtle Brown of 44 armington avenue Longmeadow Bodv niay be seen at funeral home CS4 street until Monday night Burial in IJeJihont Vt At East Longmeadow 2d Tlm hethy' oley formerly of this city from the home of his sister Mrs Edward Sweeney 384 North Main street tNs city Wednesday time to be announced riends Invited 7n this city 29th Mrs Eliza rT war 4 rArtw ft ft Tf Vfl UUU1B LZVUUU4 runeiai atthe home 380 ranklin street Monday et 815 a Solemn high at St Thomas church at 9 Burial in Calvarycemetery Chicopee In this city Jst Mrs Man ley 49 of Agawam uneral services pri vate at funeral home 684 State street Tuesday afternoon at 4 At her home 547 Lincoln suaoeniy the jst ftvtsuc 1 i iiHiir itiv THiiiriar nr n1 rtTN Burdick nod Miss A Pomerovuneral services nt her home Tuesday aft irirorrMant grange PRESCOTT At West Springfield 2d rastua Abbe Prescott 69 of 90 Nelson street uneral services at the home Tues day at 230 in Burial in Oak Grove cemutery Tn thW city 2d Margaret Stokes of 1P8 Northampton avenue meral from the undertaking parlors of TP Sampson A Sons today (Monday) at 8 15 amily church at 9 a cemetery Tn this city 3 st Thomas Sul I uneral from his late residence 50 IpprirtHsn ft ft ftft ft 0 ft fta IT" tn oJU lUPSUHy nillAm rvinea at ilcox? 'J Civil a I If Dwelling 41 0 ON jJHjc ft mWT 11 I i VfT 4 I I II 1 ''kI If I 1 tftlTt I sj "7 CHA XS HALLS TP 1 II 5 1 1 II.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.