The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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16 RANKLIN COUNTY IIUNTIMiTON (Continued rom Psge 15 1 turned from a visit of severtil days with relatives iu Worcester The baseball loam held a meel'iis with Harold Monkier at his home on High street last night 7'ho auxiliary of the Hibernia ns hold a well attended meeting in the club hall last nicht Tolin Pulcfia is away on a business trip for the Hay State brass company niSLClIISUTOWK Mrs rank Parke and Miss Sarah Miller of Downingtown Pa arc gnosis of Mrs mother Mra Louclcj Mrs Robert who lias spent winter in Hartford Ct has returned to her home in Jlclcherlotv The primary election will be held in the town ball Tues day nt It was $10O not 5fK wliich was appropriated by the Congrega tional parish for music during rhe coming year Mr and Mrs Hnrry Austin of North ampton and Raymond Austin and Mme Bernice Pratt of Springfield were week end guests of Mr and Mrs A Austin A pleasant surprise party was the event of last evening the Allen and Shaw fam ilies uniting in celebrating the 10th anni versary of the weeding of Mr and Mrs Guv Allen Jr at the home on 'Maple street A sift of money was the feature of the evening The Christian en deavor society will serve a supper this evening in the chapel with an entertain ment to follow in Grange hall The burial of Nelson Towne in Mount Hope cemetery yesterday was attended by many friends nnd relative" among the Out of town relatives being Herbert Cowles of Amherst The bearers wore Walker A airchild Hazen nnd Ward With was snug by Mrs If A Hopkins nnd Mrs Stacy Rev Mr Kelley officiated nxriETn The following is the program for themeeting of the Hampshire East association of Congregational churches to be hold in Greenwich to morrow with 'Thayer of Enfield moderator: 30 devotional serv ice led by Rev red Taylor of Pres cott 1015 organization and business 1030 nnd Prof Clayton Kohl of Mount Holyoke college 1115 the churches arc doing for the boys" Bev George Tuttle of East Am herst followed by general discussion 1215 collation and social hour: 130 praygr serv icc 145 the world through home missions" Itev Reuben Breed of New York city 215 modern meth ods of bringing the church and the farmer by Prof Eyerly Of the Massachusetts agricultural college: 245 business: 3 address by Rev Edward Kelley of Belchertown Mr and Mrs Amiel Hess who sold their Enfield home to Mrs Howland of Now York last fall will move to Springfield nest work Miss Ida AI Packard was pleas antly surprised by the members of her Sun day school class Saturday evening at her home it being the 10th anniversary of her birth Clinton Powell tree warden is making tour of the town hunting for gypsy Mrs Rohan has re turned from visiting her sisters in Thorn dike and North Wilbraham BASTHAJ1 PTOV who has been ill with pneumonia is improving Maurice IV Cruze lias left the Northampton commer cial school and is employed ns shipping clerk by the lorence company The re publican club will hold a special meeting to morrow evening to discuss the coming Robert McKeraghan of Brock ton is visiting in Eastbampton Tason Torrey of Glendale was caught by the loft thumb between the pole of a wagon and the side of a shed Monday and I he thumb was so badly crushed that it was necessary to amputate it at the first joint The registrars of voters will meet to morrow evening in anticipation of the pres idential primaries which will be held Tuesday from noon to 8 in the evening IHTIELD The Rook club held their annual busi ness meeting at Mrs Henry yester day afternoon Mrs IL Howard was chosen prudent: Mrs I) Smith vice president: Mrs A "Webber secretary: Mrs AV Dickinson treasurer chairman of tho executive committee Mrs AV Cut ler chairman of civic committee Mrs Hen ry Carl The next meeting in two weeks will bo the open meeting for which Mrs Wells was chosen chairman of the entertainment committee and Mrs Charles Wndo of the refreshment committee Tho endeavor will meet to morrow afternoon with Mrs Tz Powers Mr and Mrs Prince arc visiting friends in Mrs Woods is spending a few days in Enfield SOUTH ItADLEY Tho funeral of Thomas Downs was held lit his late home on High street yesterday afternoon Rev James Sutherland conduct ing the service The bearers were peter Sinclair Ralph eston Stanley eston William Judge Sidney" Ingham and Charles Strong Burial was in the village cemetery I 'The primaries will "he held in both pre cincts in town the 30th the noils being open from 4 in the afternoon until 830 in the evening There seems but little politi interest in the alls over the primaries and no discussion RANKLIN COUNTY CHAnLKMONT Death of Gilbert'll Mznn Gilbert Mann 73 died early yes terday morning nt his home in Zoar He was born in West Dover AT the son of Mr and Mrs James Mann He moved to Zoar about 36 years ago where he had sinqo made his hotjne He had engaged in many different lines of business having maintained a store run several mills had been in the lumber business and had dealt in nursery stock Mr Maun was widely known iu this section as a smart shrewd business man nnd had made a groat many friends iu Ida business transactions Al though he had never practiced law to any extent it is understood that ho was ad mitted to the bar in several states Tho ftiucrnl will bo held to morrow morning at 10 nt his late hom*o in Zoar The body will be taken tn West Dover for burial Wrong Mr Wright" a three act comedy will bo presented in the town hall' tomorrow evening under the auspices of the grange A strong cast of local plavcrs will ho supported by Harrison Russell and Lillian Russell as follows: Leftore AA right Harrison Russell Ebcnezer Goodly Davenport Richard Heath erly Horace Warfield Thomas Holden Attic Tower: William Bigbce Maurice Chniiard Henry uller A Tower An thony Wright Harold Carrier: Mrs Matil da Goodly Mrs It isk: Marjorie Eb daughter Marjorie Wariinld Al vina Starlight Eliza Williams Helma a Swedish servant girl Elizabeth Hawkes Cissy ward Lillian RussellMusical numbers and choruses will bo in troduced Balter JL ord has finished work nsXOge master at the railroad station and is succeeded by Area Tower of Cummiip ton formerly lived jn town 51 IL Haverty who has been employedby the rary manufacturing company Las gone to Orange to work aud is moving his latntjy there this week Steele' is at home from North field for a fortnight visit Highway Surveyor Vincent has be gun repairing the roads 'V "els spending a few days in Boston 45 RANKLIN COUNTY GREENIELD KNIGHTS MINSTREL SHOW Excellent nt 'Vmhing lon Halt Jnsi Evening I 'Hie first performance of the luuch ad I terlised Knights of Columbus minstrel I show was presented in Washington hall Inst evening to nn audience that taxed the scut mg capacity of the house fo the iitmi orty people took part in the chorus and the vol ume of music thev produced was splendid and showed the careful drilling that iboy had received The members of the chorus were Misses Miirv A Dunnigan Grnrii Stearns Adelaide Walker Katherine Sul livan Mary Maher Doroihv Beniamin Sylvia Looney Christine Hubbard Georgia Devine Eleanor (J'Koefo Katherine Ellen O'Hara Mildred Howes Elinor Maher Julia Maher Elinor Stiles Abbie uchs Anna Downes Mrs Annie Hayes Billings Walsh Dr 1'7 Major Jacob Bechtold Burt Barnes II Stearns fxto Duress Walter Sullivan George Davis Charles Parker William Tzane Clarence Jenkins James AV Har rington George Poirier Napoleon Jacques Walter Babino John Harkins A Ilcr nan The second part of the entertainment was excellent and judging from the frequent outbursts of applause was as fully en joyed as the first part The quartet work of Walsh first teuor Leo Duress second tenor Burt Barnes baritone and JacOb Bechtold bass being especially praiseworthy Tho entire preparation for the entertainment has been done by Charles Bickford and a great deal of credit is due him The second performance will be given this evening and an even larger house than last evening is expected to attend ollowing is the program of the show: Concert Program Grand Opening Overture Synopsis including valley" "En trance of end men" time you talk in your sleep" "Two little love bees" "Rum turn tlddle" the days of girls and boys" "Drcauiy Contralto solo Mrs George Billings End song baboon baby James lenonsolo John Walsh End song Edw nrd Shea Grand chorus "Soldiers of the czar" from "The lied Miss Hubbard soprano Mr Walsh tenor aud full chorus Ballad "Mine" Leo Duress Assisted by male quartet End song "That skeleton rag" James Carson Soprano solo Miss Christine Hubbard End song chicken Earl Bardwell inale love ull chorus Second art (a) descriptive dance sketch featuring Sunday rolls awfully strong for Principals Miss Elinor Maher Charles Barker Sextet Miss Minnie Sullivan Miss Adelaide AValker Joseph Martin Raymond Donovan Miss Georgia Devine Bernard Byrnes (b) singing talking and dancing act Bernard and Coynb featuring bul like music with my Mr Coyne reel" buck dance Mr Coyne rosary of Mr Marcoux want to be In Marcoux and Coyne closing buck and wing Marcoux and Coyne (c) original male quartet ar ranged by John Walsh Cast: Cape Miles' one of the old guard Leo Duress Jack Colvin a rising young man Walsh James llawby a good fellow Jacob Bechtold Jeuklns the club steward Burt Barnes Presenting for a girl" tenor solo Mr Walsh a tip from tenor sold Mr Duress gaby barltone'solo Mr Barnes a bunch of wild flowers" bass solo 4 Bechtold IRE DISTRICT 6'ARRANT Mattel of Additional Water Supply to Come Up The warrant for the meeting of the Greenfield fire district 'was posted yes terday The meeting will be held in Wash ington hall on Monday evening the 29thz at 7 The warrant contains 13 articles which show that the principal busi ness of the meeting will be centered on the question of additional water supply Article 0 is to see if the district will authorize the water commissioners to instal an addi tional water supply for the district and to take by purchase or otherwise such land or rights of way as may be necessary4 Article 10 is to see if the district will authorize the commissioners to petition the Legislature for the legislation necessary to secure the proposed additional water supply Article 11 is to see if the district will vote to authorize the commissioners to buy machinery for the pumping station Other articles deal with the question of extending the fire district limits so as to include that section of the town known as the Montague City road and to authorize the prudential committee to obtain such legislation as may be necessary The move for an additional water supply is' practically the same question that Super intendent Merrill advocated last year Tho water commissioners appear to be favor able to the plan of Allen Hazen consult ing engineer of New York Mr Hazen is of the opinion that the best plan would be to build a well near the Green river at the Country farm bridge for an addi tional water supply It was recently shown that the water pressure is more than adequate now that the Rocky rnoun tain reservoir has been completed "but the water commissioners are of the opinion that there should be an additional supply in case of emergency in the dry season of the year rank Stone of itchburg a brakeman ont I' itchburg division of the Boston and Maine railroad was injured Monday night in the East Deerfield freight yards by being thrown from a box ar He was picked up unconscious and hurried to the ranklin County hospital about 1130 clock He was attended bv Dr Canedy who found that he was suffering from concussion of the brain It is expect ed that Mr Stone will recover There will be an exemplification of de gree work in the ranklin Royal Arch chapter riday afternoon and even ud dcr the direction of Bicknell excellent district deputy and grand high priest of Northampton Mr Bicknell will bo assisted by IV Delan of Worcester grand lecturer The excellent degree will be worked on the candidates A sunner will be served at 530 by Arcana chapter Order of Enstcrn Star The music section of the club held their last musical of the season yes terday afternoon at the home of Mrs Ada Lancaster Woodleigh villa Mrs Lan castor pianist whs assisted hv Mrs Moore and Mrs vocalists McCarthy pianist nnd I icfor Rebmann violinist Mr Rcb mnnn is a graduate of the finest musical school in 1 lie world nnd liis work was much enjoyed The lecture on life" by Herbert Job nt high school assembly ball last evening was well attended and proved to be very interesting The lecture was il lustrated with 100 views of bird life under all conditions Mr Job is a 'well know author and nn turn list and by bis addresr last evening clearly showed his fa miliavity with anima! life 5 I social dance ill be held fjic Bachelors' club of the Odd ollows iii the Odd halt this evening Mumc will be furnished by Grculing Hnd Mis Reep Ball will prompt The Bachelors are well known as fnnmakers and thev will try to live up to their reputation lids evening Owiij to the resignation of If' Rich ardson as superintendent of the public schools nf Greenfield the members of the school committee are making an investiga tion of the credentials the strongest candidates Thus far the 'cominittee has PITTSIELD SEVERANCE 100 YEARS OLD run is ously ill SEVERAKCK SUNDERLAND visiting at NEW SALEM SOUTH DEERIELD SPECIAL NOTICES REE DEMONSTRATION ARMING WITH Drawn from actual photograph Stumps blasted out into firewood SHELBURNE ALLS SPECIAL NOTICES Ash Agricuiturai blaster Wanted Come and learn the modern quick cheap and safe way to use the giant force of dynamite to the Lmon awarded to tn of seated ny an AV An company a lunch the North learn car received 30 applications for the position The Guiding Star circle will meet with Mrs Mabel Holden this tcruoon at the usual hour n1 BERKSHIRE COUNTY Green field elect ric light and friends 1812 in hr the son nf grandson of Jtwziph the first white hild Agricultural Blaster Wanted Plenty ratererinj nd profitable work to be done for farmer who do not want to do their own blasting Ve will teach you the work and help you get if If interested attend thia demonstration and tell cur representative you want to: learn blasting He will show you how On account of the meetings to dav of the state home missionary society in Amherst the sewing society will meet to morrow aft ernoon in the church parlor Mrs Hoxie and Mrs airchild will entertain A large attendance is requested ns much wprk should be accomplished and important busi ness is to be transacted At the meeting held Saturday evening the town voted not to take over the stock of the Sunderland water company Thus a water supply for the Meadow and for Rus sellville in North Hadley is deferred for the present Rev xK Wheelock will' not be present at the meeting of the grange this evening It is expected that Chapman of Lud low will speak in his place Mr and Nirs Arthur Hnbbard are occupy ing their new house which has been under going construction for several months red Russell and family of Winthrop made a trip from that town to Sunderland in their automombile last week Marriage intentions have beem filed by Mildred airchild and' aymond Jenks oi vireenneja Robert Goodyear has left ampton commercial school to pentry Miss Jane Montague has been in Greenfield lOUf li birthday anniversary yosteril iy i oiini! ') by children grandchildren Wren amt oilier relatives He ntislwn on zpril 23 onsv which be now lives Superintendent Stiles Re elected zVt a meeting of the school boards of the district comprised of the towns of Con way Sunderland Whately and Deerfield held at Hotel Lathrop Monday afternoon Chester D' Stiles was re elected superin tended of schools for three years Only a few interested persons turned out yesterday to xvork in the cemetery on South Main street The cemetery asso ciation had hoped for a largo force of as there is much work "to bo done in' order to get the grounds looking well and the funds of the corporation are not sufficient to keep help on the grounds all the time A number of trees were set out to replace some that had died It is hoped other helpers will volunteer their services later Delma Jewett and Ozro Baker have transferred to the commonwealth land adjoining Sugar Loaf reservation and the deeds have been filed at the regis office A tract of meadow land east of Pino Hill in tho northern part of Deer field has been bomarht by I Swan The semiannual business meeting of the Young Christian association was held in the chapel parlors Monday even ing The following officers were elected: President Edward McKay vice president Donald Campbell secretary rancis Gore treasurer Roche Mrs John Warner has been in Amherst? for a few days caring for her mother Mrs Lucy Ward who had the misfortune to break her Mrs Nora Lawlor is soon to 'move her family to Springfield Mrs Edward A Rice has invited the club to meet at her home riday afternoon Miss Margaret Whiting of Deerfield will speak The music is in' charge of Miss Elizabeth Rice The first team of the Young Chris tian association will play with the Hay denville chib Saturday afternoon at Hay denville The senior dramatic club of the Green field Guiding Star grange will present the drama in in the Red hall to morrow evening John Havener hlis resigned as fire war den of the South Deerfield district Drawn from actual photograph Ten months $80000 worth of celery Per acre When we reached England vo took Bother doctor who gave more '1 he rnsli got nd better nnd mother advized usiug them for about nine months the places dlsinnnoniod 'Uaoa The new club for Nature study was organized in the academy building Satur day with the following officers: President Mrs Marshall: vice presidents Mrs Haig Addidurian and Miss Alice TTcele secretary Miss Lucile Putnam The mem bers told 'some experiences with animals and birds and looked over some books on trees flowers birds and mushrooms Speci mens of three common kinds of wood created some discussion and one of the members decided to make a collection of woods bringing in some for study at each meeting The state forestry booklet "Our Massachusetts was distributed free to each member and it was remarked that to know what it is it would be a good start in education Some orders were taken for bird and Nature books It was decided to hold the meetings once a week for the present A short walk to see where two rod squirrels and one gray one are nesting pn the grounds of one of the members was greatly enjoyed Tho next meeting will be next Saturday at 3 in the academy building or if pleasant outside 4 Rash All Over Body Used lo Itch So He Could Not Sleep 3 'On July 27 lUO'J we left Boston for a trip to England and Ireland taking babywith us After being in Ireland a few dnv's a nasty rash came out nil oxer his bodv Ve took him to it doctor who gave us medicine tor him The trouble started in the form of a rash and was nil over bodv bead nnd face at different times It irritated and be would scratch It with ali bis might Tb consequence was It developed into sores and we were afraid it would leave nnsty scars on gi i uvu baby to 1X1 tt A to Itch anil burn nt nlgbt so bad that the VUll'l Util Al I us to try Cuticura itoap anti Ointment After I1UI 11 IT exj HJ'JUIUI 1J uisapppored inre nre not aor scars er other disfigurement and baby is" completely Ag iaYc t'a3 na further trouble Nothing stopped the Itching and allowed baby to sleep but Cutli'ina Snap and oirt nioUi J'tgoedl Mrs Margaret Gunn 2P Bur veil fct Roxbury Boston Mass March 12 11 Cuticura Soap and ointment sold through to Dept kk Boston for a sample of each oMt rra ards and it is be i IIica were Will Be Demonstrated on the arm oi iassaehusetis Coljege of Agriculture on Plainville Road Apr 27111 29 th 1 Red Cross Dynamite is Sold by Mutual Heating an Plumbing Company Amherst Mass 1 i tnv cimreu nr 1 conom company of Providence It promises to be a rape musical treat excellent program has boon arranged KfUIVi f'lktVQ 1 tins cuterfammcnt is given will cream and cake at the close of cert Urman has sold his farm 'drain to A Browning Harris iield through the 1 March rnni agencA Mr Harris aa ill take possession May 1 a nd intends to go into the apple business on an extensive basis "The roug Mr willbe pre The new transatlantic steamer which was ordered by the North German Lloyd on the Ilth at the Schichau shipbuilding yards at Bremen is to have a displacement of 35000 tons Tlieccompany declares that the reports published jn America according to wliich the vessel avls to dis place 54000 tons and that the construction of further similar ships tvas contenipla tion are incorrect President Taft registered ihe highest bid at Cincinnati yesterday in tho auction ot boxes for the May music festival which will be given May 7 to ji inclusive The president tvill attend the first two days and Mrs Taft the entire seriesThe presi dent secured his choice of boxes by giving a premium of $450 Ntonfesrue ity House Horned An alarm from box til called out the fire department to light a lively fire at Montagne City at 13V yesterday morning and before it could be gotten tinder control a little cottage house that stood at the rear of he residence formerly occupied b' the late arren was destroyed Tho house was formerly occupied by the caret itkcr the arren property and Mun built for that purpose by Mr at ten The entire distance from Turners ulls to Montague City wtis covered quick ly and tin horses that drew tho trucks wore noariy all in Avhen they got there The fire department of Montague City also lespnndod quickly but the fire liad gained so much headway nothing much could be done to stop it The firemen managed to keep it from spreading lo other buildings in that vmtnity Thc loss is estimated at about $11)00 It is owned by Sltum ivny of Orange who bought the property fioni John A Taggart last summer Nir Tuggait bought it from Mr arren a few yenrs ago contemplating at that time 'to' occupy the main building but changed his mind and soldit to Mr Shumway The house' was unoeenpied tho tenant having recently vacated it and the origin of the fire js a mystery A few yea va ago it also caught tiro nnd considerable damage was done to it at that time which subsequently repaired To OrirnnlzeBonrd of Trade To niaht The organization meeting of the board of' trade AvilLtakCz place this evening in li brary hall ami it is hoped that the at tendance will be largo The committee consisting of IV Libby A Martel Philip Jacobus IV and Haigis have drafted a set of by which will be submitted for acceptance together with a list of officers for tho en suing year The 'officers were carefully chosen with view to getting the strong est men possible for the different positions and with a good working organization be hind thorn they should accomplish much: good for the town The admittance fee will be within the reach of all citizens and there is no reason why practically every resident df the town should not be come a member and do his share toward bettering the town At the last meeting about 150 were present and' there is no good reason why the attendance should not be larger at this one The Turners ulls high school and Rosary high of Holyoke will meet thisafternoon for a game of baseball on the high school grounds The game is to be called at 3 o'clock and Jacobus and Mor gan will be the battery for Turners alls high Saturday alls Avill enter tain Greenfield high in the first league game of the season and a good game is expected Capt Smith will undoubtedly be in the box dr Turners alls in this game and if conditions are right one of the younger pitchers may be used before the close of the game Southwell of Springfield who re cently bought the harness shop of Joseph Wood on Third street has moved hisfam ily into the Ladeau block on street He was obliged to change the location of the shop owing to the fact that Joseph Bouft beau had bought the block in which it was formerly located As an evidence that help is scarce in town the Bates Rogers company are still in need of much help and the water works which need several men on new work are unable to get half as many as are needed With all of the Avork being done in town no one who really cares to work should be out of a job The ather Mathew society are mak ing arrangements for their annual apron and necktie party in May The following committee are in charge of the arrange nients: Oscar Bmirdoau red Grogan John Griesbach Alfred Cadran and Arthur Matthews There is to a social dance in Hiber nian ball Saturday night with music by singing orchestra Special cars will run to Greenfield after the dance of Congregational churches and ministers takes place 1 day in tho Congregational I'hurch Erring It tvill bo an all day session and some Interesting speakers have been scheduled to speak A good delegn Orange are planning to atteud llinie aaus family reunion at the home or Mr and Mrs James Kelton on Keltou street over Sunday when their oldest daughter Mrs Edith Cunningham of rankhn urnace and son Rich ard tt ho is an instructor in the Amstcr il high school were at home Gaines of High street is seri al his home with rheumatic fever Springfield ns well as the Western 'Masa vliusetls league has caused much satis faction among large number of friends of the young bottler in Orange The meeting of 1 ho ranklin association Vermont Mr Severance was twice mar ried first to Miss Harriet Miner of Leyden and in 1835 to Miss Nancy Lo gate of Charlemont He has two sons Samuel and Charles and seven grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren Refreshments tvero sefved on a table which belonged to Mr mother dat ing from 1784 and the table cloth tvas made by his econd wife in 1835 During the day Mr Severance received many postal cards from friends and many re membrances including one front a grand niece Mrs Belden of Now Orleans Those of the immediate family present during the day wore ns follows: Mr and Mrs Samuel Severance and Mr and Mrs Charles Severance and daughter Mrs A Smith Mr and Mrs IV A Campbell and son all of Leyden and Mrs Gallup and family of Green River Vt Many friends also vis ited him includingW A Barber Mr and Mrs Wells SeverancoMr and Mrs' Mowry Mr and Mrs Charles Robertson Air and Mrs AV White Mr and Mrs Burl ington Mr and Mrs Aliller A Den nison 'D Miner Mrs Ianiphear Rev and Mrs Hooper and Airs Braman of Leyden Mrs Wilder of Guilford Vt Howard 'of North field and Mrs A Gallup of River At Air Severance is in good health and conversed freely with those who visited him yesterday and Avas able to sign his name plainly Remove Stumps and Boulders Plant Trees Dig Ditches Break Up Subsoils and Make Old arms Produce Big Crops CROSS DYNAMITE Mrs Cora Blanche Carrier 53 died curlv ytsterdny morning at her home in Asti ticld lifter a long illness Airs Carrier was ihe daughter of Mr and Airs Almon Bron son and was ji native of Ashfield 8he as a member of mid sin active tvorkor in 81 Johns Episcopal church where she mid played the orgnn for many years She I was a bright energetic' Woman respected by ail and will be sadly missed In the community 8hc leaves besides her hus I Carrier a daughter I rktrire fr It rttxxft Tl 1 a i utj IB IU I ironi her Jute JiAnie to nfinmiuin ati Key Ci Wendel of 1 heiatinz be burial will be in the Ash hi'ld cemetery I 'ol1l 'rt to'be given this evening in me i'elerseu family 1 Au tea under Avhosc direction sen ice fhc con A tic'll A IX nave sent out invitations to the business juvii oi tne town siiontl prepared bv electricity at their office Northfield to morrow noon and the wom en are invited to tens on Wednesdav and riday afternoons Word has been received that Jlise Annie rutik of alm Avas one ot the vic tims on the Titanic was a graduate of the Bible? training school about 10 years ago been in India as a mis sionary and was on her wav home Ihe annual meeting of tho sew ing society tvill held in jbe parlors of the Unitarian church Thursday afternoon May 2 In the evening a supper and en tertainment will bo given 'lor the benefit of Charles Mattoon AVilJiam Barber of Levden has bought the budding lot on Ala in street recently sold bi the Sons of Veterans to Alias Susan Roberts The Northfield chapter' will hold a pub lic salad supper and entertainment at Masonic ball on Wednesday evening: the 24tb The Sons of Veterans 4 have bought the property on Alainc street iknownu as the and tvill fix it uu for their USC Mr7 ana Mrs Herbert Kelloig and Airs arley have returned to their sum mer home on Alain street Air and Airs Charles Hunt Charles Howes Alisa Ltira Hite and Air and: Airs Willis Wells chosen as delegates to attend the conference of Con gregational churches at Erving this week Air and Mrs Charles Smith who hav? been spending a number of weeks at the home of their son in Springfield returned to their home in Buckland riday The Christian endeavor society will hold a business meeting and social Airs Ernest Scott riday evening rank Hunt of Springfield was an over Sunday guest of his mother Mrs Hunt Air and Airs Hawks of arley were recent guests at A MONTAGUE The concert given in the town ball Thursday evening by the pupils of the Turners alls high school under the direc tion of Alark A Da vis' supervisor of mu sic was greatly enjoyed by the small audience present The selections given by the high school orchestra which includes several of the Montague pupils were re markably well rendered Sunday evening at the Congregational church Rev IV Anderson gave an in teresting account of bis experiences on the steamer City of Rome 13 years ago when it struck an iceberg in about the same lo cality where the Titanic sank but finally reached port in a disabled condition Air Anderson has been across the water seven times Several of the local members of the Turners alls woman's club are planning to attend the lecture to be given by Dr Lyon of Holyoke riday evening at Li brary hall They will be entertained by the Turners alls women The Shakespeare club met with Miss lorence Rockwell Alonday evening The play was finished and Ado About tvas chosen for the next reading The Browning club will meet with Airs Clare Cooke Alonday evening Air and Airs IT Root are Winsted for several weeks Accidentally Shot' 'Robert Cadwell son of Air and Mrs E14 wayd Cadwell ofiASonth Alain stTcetJ is at his home recovering from a bullet wound which he received while Alavflow ering on Sunday near New Salem' TTeE had stooped over to tic a shoe lace when a 22 caliber revolver dropped from his coat pocket and struck on a rock It was discharged and the bullet hit Cadwell on the side of his jaw He was at the time with two friends Donald isher and The odore uller and ho walked to the hom*o of Dr Perry Marshall where he was at tended to He was brought to his home in Orange Alonday It was thought that lockjaw or blood poisoning might develop but the hoy was fast recovering yesterday and it is felt that no bad results will7 follow Cadwell is a student at New Sa lem academy He is being attended bv Dts IVinslow and 10 Afonroc Outlook for the With the primaries but a few lavs hence talk and predictions are warming iip primaries will be held at 4 in the room of Alomorial hall and the polls nvou viiwk lynue tncre naw been more or less agitation on tho part of the Roosevelt supporters it is "felt that Taft will poll a big' majority Orange is' co nseryative and considers that President Taft is progressive enough There are many Roosevelt men however who would stand bv the colonel in whatever plan he tried to carry out? Gov AVilson should be ihe favored one of the democratic candi date? The committee which has been in charge of raising the special fund to defray cer tain expenses at the Congregational church hate completed their work and have made the following statement: Total amount pledged for the original fund and for the hymn books $132868 total? amount paid to date $130861: balance due $2007 The following are the disbursem*nts: Debt and interest $66 138: painting the church building $2941 1 insurance $17750 hymn books $14996 repairs $1433: total dis bursernents $130094 balance in treas ury $767 This is considered an unusual ly good record and much credit tnn committee It is expected that the balance and tho remaining pledges when paid will be used to increase the piano fund? which now amounts to $60 Tilodgett of Orange remembers? Reuben Dexter who died recently in Can i astota and who to the time of his? death was known by some other name Ac cording to Air Blodgett he married Louise Sheldon of Deerfield whom lie later left twv uauenrers ins Wife was a cousin of Stebbins of South Deer field a brother in law of Air Blodgett She now lives in Pasadena Cal witli her daughter Daisy Another daughter Edith lives est Springfield 1 he funor'al of Joseph Spencer was held yesterday afternoon at 2 in Memorial ball and was largely attended by members of Gon Sedgwick Grand rmv post of which ho was former com mander and a largo delegation of towns people including many employes in the New hom*o sowing machine factory whor? ho been employed 41 years Rev Air 1 urker of the Episcopal church' in Gardner officiated Burial was in Central cemetery in iango that AV Roberts of Marron and formerly in 1 lie coal wood ami tniekin' biismess in Oi fin go was 1 rested Sunday on a charge of arson following a fire which destroyed tlm general store of AV Rob erts A Co in which lie was the principal owner ho hies i $6090 nnd it is almost entirely covered bv I insurance The monthly: meeting of the Progress I club the club nt the Congregational 1 church will lake place rida even ing in lite reej'tition rnoni of the church riie subject will be "Things we ought lo I know about The subiect will be presorted by Lawyer If Amos of Orange and will be followed hr a general i discussion Every tnsu is The work of Arthur Lamb son nf Mr aud Alts A Iamb of North Alain street in winning the individmij cups for THE SPRINGIELD DAILY WEDNESDAY APRIL 1912 SUPERIOR COURT CASES Verlict lor Plaint HT in Plumbing me tsilit of Ballard Vanin st the City i 'J he jury in the ease of ton biin i nioiib against rank Gove of Adams re i turned ayerdict of $267 for the plaintiff I jpaterdav afternoon The suit grow out of a plumbing bill A jury was' impan eled yesterday afternoon' in the case of Luster against Millard and to day will 'lew the promises of the latter tit South Lgrcmoiit The ease of IL 'Ballard gainst the city of Pittsfield was tried yes I tcnJaj ai teinoon The plaintiff claims (hill be has been damaged bv dust' and noise resulting from a change in the curve ot boiitji street near his property City Engineer arnham occupied the stand most of esterday afternoon and said that the property was no more inaccessible than prior tp tho change Air Ballard de nied that herhad ever made a statement in winch he said the esthetic beauty of the Property had been injured irst Congregational Parish Meeting The annua) meeting of: the irst Cori prcgationar parish was held Mon Irving errey was mod erator Ihe following officers were elect ed: Assessors Charles Hibbard A llen Bags Thomas Plunkett: clerk urt 11' Davenport collector Harrv A committee on sale of pews Alien rank II hittlesey Charles tm Huntress and Loring new members were elect1 Treasurer Adam showed that the receipts for the past yearJnclud a balance of $542543 were $2598975 for the year amounted to an4 the balance was the amount invested the parsonage fund An ap propriation of $4000 was made for the pastor salary $500 for music $250 for if BUPPly and also an appropriation the parsonage The com mittee appointed to report on the advisahil cousolidating the church and the parish did not report and were discharged A committee was ap pointed to make arrangements for placing a memorial tablet in the front vestibule of the ehiirch in memory of the late Rov Davis a former pastor Rev Janies lz Gregg the new minister is expected next week To Work tp Roosevelt Sentiment Lawyer Bainbridge Colby of New York andTolt 1n 4ittefiekl afternoon Wen inii hshed Ids headquarters at the Wendell hotel He immediately held a consultation with the Roosevelt campaige leaders of the city which lasted over an '5 zivid his time betweent Jd Adonis and will make a trip to Great Barrington before the pri maries The Roosevelt club is receiving inquiries from all over the county' relative to seating accommodations at the Alajestic theater Monday evening when an address Cook presi Qof the club announces that the rule of first como first will be in which is capable of Ijoople It is evident that Roosevelt considers Berkshire rountv the home of Senator Crane a vital point in his interests from the fact that he will vna up his campaign in with the rally in Pittsfield It is freelv piedicted that he hopes carrv the The will of John Mcarland of Great Harrington was filed in probate court ves terday The entire estate is left his Mcarland Gordon Par orih Adams left his $100 estate to his child rances Parris with his sister Maud Bacon as guardian amf executrix he inventory of the estate of nomas elch late of Adams dmu $2000 realty and $3000 personal Charles VVelchis named as administrator The inventory in the estate of Hcnrv Peck of Pittsfield shows $56532 personal The bond in the estate of John Sclmnnn nf Danon shows $60O realty Associate jns py approved the bond of $100 personal in the estate of Caro line Lr ood late of Lanesboro Tho property goes to Leon AVood and Alarde' Noursez The inventory Tn tho estate 2L ignPS Lavigne of North Adams shows $oOO personal The second annual ball the amalga mated association street and electric' railwayemployeswill evening at 1 Im rIh to armory on Summer street Carl orchestra of 25 pieces will fur juan iuunf i in mayor in Memorial hull riday evening amateur troupe froun Chaileniont A A MIKTHIKLD ill fie in attendance The cnnjmittce of arrangements consists of Maurice A Cahill red You Williirti IL ord honias Enright nines Volin AVill laiu McCailnv and John itzgerald' Alanrice Cavanaugh is the general man 4 oger Maurice A Cahill is to be floor ctor nni Owpn Alonroc and John Cjsey ill be assistant floor directors sittrocthe concert and dance program been arranged Special cars will be to all nearby towns after the ball drunken man i lnniinr Im nnw Imw to Ditch ivas alloy od i iikiv in a 1 game of baseball in a lot off Onnta street Momia When lie han ictired one side lie wanted to pitch for tiie other The boys demurred ami one took the bn from him nnd tau I iifip'hitej ai tl ai tion the drunken man pi ked up a bat and iiirleil so tlnl? it struck Thomas Sam mon 12 on tho head inflicting up meh gt'sli Jhe mini then rin awnv nliro cian whs called am took two si't fies 4 head Mistg Anna daughter of Councilman aud Alts Charles A Tebean has brought suit against Noah lautier for $5000 as a result of the accident on Snake hill on the Lenox road Sunday aft ernoou when automobile ran into a carriage in which' Miss Tebeaii was riding Councilman Tebeau has also en tered suit for $2000 for loss of bis daugh ter's services Miss Tebeau is resting well although still in serious condition at the result of the shock to her nervous system The license commissioners have granted 13 licenses 'ind four licenses to hotels the AVeude) the American house tho Kenney anl the Norwood The board will meet again to morrow night to con sider applications The arrest of the third man in the A'iner manslaughter case has not been accom plished although the police have worked on the matter Their evidence tends to show that the third roan had less to do in the assault than the two' men now held Information lias also been re ii ceived by the police that the two Italians way have been provoked Although This evidence is not strong enough to make the? 'police believe that they acted in self defense is said that some sensational testimony will be introduced at the in quest into liner's death The funeral of was held at 9 yesterday morning at the Notre Dame churchJ A solemn requiem high mass was celebrated bearers were Joseph Eugene Ernest El fa ge El rich and Amedy Burial was in St Joseph's cemetery Officer I logan arrested San Grace of Hinsdale Tate yesterday afternoon at the corner of North nnd Summer streets just as he was about to plunge a knife into thp back of Charles Bomburdia Both are A Italians Grace claims that Bombardia stole $5 hini in a saloon and that prior to tho meeting in that place he had never seen Bombardia before Grace is held on a charge of drunkenness Both will be arraigned iu court this morning John AA'alsh eight son of Air and Alts Daniel AA'alsh was badly injured in at tempting to catch a ride on a wagon Alon day afternoon lie slipped from the wag on which: was loaded with lumber anfi the wheels passed over his left hand and leg Dr 8 Burton found bad frac turc of the leg and a crushed thumb The boy is resting well at his home The board of registrars of voters will be in session al the eitv hull 8a(urdav from 2 until 10 tor the registration of now voters between now nnd the presiden tial primaries The registrars arc not com pelled to allow now registration before the primaries but there has been some call for it and will keep open on Saturday to accommodate those desiring to cast their? ballots next Tuesday Clothesline thieves are still at work in Pittsfield Airs Hcnrv Kellv of Lincoln street jawoke yesterday morning and glancing out of the window noiioed ihu her lines which had been full of clothes' tne mgnt oerore were bare pre Tounn in iirnr nv ri Sieved that thieves took theiu valued at $10 The contract for building Square theater resterdnv James Hall '8on zV number of sn contracts will be awarded in a few dnvs Contractor AA'alsh tvill complete tlm ex cavation work to day and then the eo'n Crete foundation will be started Senator Allen Treadw iv of Stockbridge will speak to the 'men club' of St" EfiscoTal churclf Thi evening on compen sation measures Rov red Al (Tay of Lo is to deliver an illustrated lecture to 1 night on years before the mast" the irst Baptist church? Storenptioon views to the number of 125 will howii Unity church dramatic' club will and city council Berkshire News Contlnnea on Pace Sei era nee and the Sovcrii ho was norn inutile statu of DYN AMITE 4 1 i.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.