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Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses


Analysis of Relay-based Cellular Systems Analysis of Relay-based Cellular Systems

Ansuya Negi Portland State University

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Negi, Ansuya, "Analysis of Relay-based Cellular Systems" (2006). Dissertations and Theses. Paper 2668. https://doi.org/10.15760/etd.2666

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The abstract and dissertation of Ansuya Negi for the Doctor of Philosophy in

Computer Science were presented December 5, 2006, and accepted by the dissertation

committee and the doctoral program.

COMMITTEE APPROVALS: _____________________________________ Suresh Singh, Chair

_____________________________________ Cynthia Brown

_____________________________________ Warren Harrison

_____________________________________ Su-Hui Chiang

_____________________________________ Douglas Hall Representative of the Office of Graduate Studies DOCTORAL PROGRAM APPROVAL: ______________________________________ Cynthia Brown, Director Computer Science Ph.D. Program

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An abstract of the dissertation of Ansuya Negi for the Doctor of Philosophy in

Computer Science presented December 5, 2006

Title: Analysis of Relay Based Cellular Systems

Relays can be used in cellular systems to increase coverage as well as reduce

the total power consumed by mobiles in a cell. This latter benefit is particularly useful

for mobiles operating on a depleted battery. The relay can be a mobile, a car or any

other device with the appropriate communication capabilities. In thesis we analyze the

impact of using relays under different situations. We first consider the problem of

reducing total power consumed in the system by employing relays intelligently. We

find that in a simulated, fully random, mobile cellular network for CDMA (Code

Division Multiple Access), significant energy savings are possible ranging from 1.76

dB to 8.45 dB.

In addition to reducing power needs, relays can increase the coverage area of a

cell by enabling mobiles located in dead spots to place relayed calls. We note that use

of relays can increase the useful service area by about 10% with real life scenarios.

We observe that in heavy building density areas there is more need of relays as

compared to low building density areas. However, the chance of finding relays is

greater in low building density areas. Indeed, having more available idle nodes helps

in choosing relays, so we conclude that unlike present day implementations of cellular

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networks, the base station should admit more mobiles (beyond the capacity of the cell)

even if they are not placing calls since they can be used as relays.

One constraint of using relays is the potential to add interference in the same

cell and in neighboring cells. This is particularly true if the relays are not under power

control. Based on our analysis, we conclude that in interference limited systems like

CDMA the relays have to be under power control otherwise we will reduce the total

capacity by creating more dead spots. Thus, we believe that either the base station

should be responsible to allocate relays or relays should be provided with enough

intelligence to do power control of the downlink. Finally, we show how utility of data

services can be increased by use of relays.

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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of



Portland State University 2007

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With HIS blessings, Dedicated to my parents,

Sushila and Surendra Singh Chauhan

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I would like to take this opportunity to thank my advisor Prof. Suresh Singh

and express my heartfelt gratitude for his constant encouragement and support. His

guidance and editorial skills were essential in the completion of this thesis. I am

thankful to department chair Prof. Cynthia Brown for her support these past years. I

also thank my doctoral committee members, Prof. Cynthia Brown, Prof. Warren

Harrison, Prof. Su-Hui Chiang and Prof. Douglas Hall.

My special appreciation and gratitude goes to Shashidhar Lakkavalli for

fruitful discussions and for just being there. I am thankful to my lab colleagues, Maruti

Gupta, Satyajit Grover, Dilip Sundarraj and Ravi Ghanta for their support. I am

thankful to the faculty of Computer Science department and especially Prof. Jim

Binkley for teaching finer aspects of networking. I also want to thank Computer

Science staff especially Rene Remillard, Salinda Calder, JaNice Brewster, Kathy Lee

and Beth Phelps.

All this would not have been possible without the help and support of my

husband Jeewan, daughter Shivani and my mom. They accepted many busy evenings

and weekends and I am eternally indebted for their encouragement and understanding.

Finally, I am grateful to my parents for installing the values and patience that helped

me immeasurably during this research.

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................... ii

List of Tables ................................................................................................................. v

List of Figures .............................................................................................................. vi

1. Background ............................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Cellular System Architecture ................................................................................ 1

1.2 Multiple Access Techniques .................................................................................. 3 1.2.1 Narrowband Systems ...................................................................................... 4 1.2.2 Wideband Systems ......................................................................................... 4

1.3 Growth of Air Interfaces ....................................................................................... 6

1.4 Key Concepts in Cellular System Communications .............................................. 9 1.4.1 Path loss ........................................................................................................ 10 1.4.2 Power Control ............................................................................................... 13 1.4.3 Interference ................................................................................................... 15

1.5 Roadmap to remainder of the thesis .................................................................... 16

2. Benefits and Challenges of Using Relays .............................................................. 17

2.1 Benefits of Relaying ............................................................................................. 18

2.2 Challenges of Relaying ....................................................................................... 21 2.2.1 Interference due to relaying .......................................................................... 22 2.2.2 Assigning relays to calls ............................................................................... 22 2.2.3 Convincing users to participate as relays ...................................................... 23

3. Approaches for implementing relays .................................................................... 24

3.1 How many relays can be used for a call? ........................................................... 26

3.2 How are relays allocated? .................................................................................. 26

3.3 How are relays advertised in the system? ........................................................... 28

3.4 Are relays under power control? ........................................................................ 28

3.5 How do relays affect interference and thus capacity in the system? .................. 29

4. Energy consumption ............................................................................................... 31

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4.1 The problem of assigning relays ......................................................................... 34

4.2 Overview of the Simulation Design ..................................................................... 48

4.3 Detailed Simulator Design .................................................................................. 50

4.4 Simulator Implementation ................................................................................... 60

4.5 Simulation Results ............................................................................................... 63

5. Improving coverage with relays ............................................................................ 84

5.1 Gaps in Coverage ................................................................................................ 84

5.2 Modeling Below Threshold Areas ....................................................................... 88

5.3 Reliability of Coverage ....................................................................................... 91

5.4 Methodology of Simulations ................................................................................ 93 5.4.1 Strategies/ Approaches for the system .......................................................... 94 5.5.2 Impact of Idle to Calling Ratio ................................................................... 105 5.5.3 Impact of smaller values of Idle to Calling Ratio ....................................... 113

6. Interference in interference limited systems ...................................................... 119

6.1 Power constrained optimization ....................................................................... 120

6.2 SIR and Outage Contours ................................................................................. 131

6.3 Results and Discussion ...................................................................................... 140

7. Utility ..................................................................................................................... 144

7.1 Relay based transmission – centralized decision making ................................. 147

7.2 Cost vs. Benefit – decentralized decision making ............................................. 148

7.3 Results and Discussion ...................................................................................... 150

8. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 155

References ................................................................................................................. 158

Appendix A: Reverse Link Power Budget ............................................................. 166

Appendix B. SIR Contours ...................................................................................... 169

Appendix C. Comparison of Related Work .......................................................... 171

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List of Tables

Table 4. 1 Table showing variables used in simulation ................................................ 44 Table 4. 2 Table showing complexity of the approaches ............................................. 45 Table 4. 3 Effect of factors ........................................................................................... 64 Table 6. 1 UMTS spectrum allocation, Frequency in MHz [3GPP, 1998] ................ 133 Table 6. 2 Area affected by outage for fixed relays .................................................. 139 Table 6. 3 Area affected by outage for random relays .............................................. 140 Table 7. 1 Example of utility of mobile ..................................................................... 150

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List of Figures

Figure 1. 1 Architecture of GSM .................................................................................... 2 Figure 1. 2 Example illustrating the major functions in a GSM cellular system ........... 3 Figure 1. 3 Types of narrowband systems ...................................................................... 4 Figure 1. 4 RAKE receiver design ................................................................................. 8 Figure 2. 1 Reduction in power by use of relays .......................................................... 18 Figure 2. 2 Use of LOS path by relay to overcome NLOS path .................................. 19 Figure 2. 3 Increasing coverage by eliminating dead spots .......................................... 20 Figure 2. 4 Increasing coverage outside the cell .......................................................... 21 Figure 3. 1 Illustration of hardware requirements for a relay ....................................... 30 Figure 4. 1 Example scenario for relay assignment ..................................................... 35 Figure 4. 2 Illustration of attenuation of signal strength .............................................. 38 Figure 4. 3 Path loss contours with and without buildings ........................................... 38 Figure 4. 4 Calculation of cost matrix .......................................................................... 39 Figure 4. 5 Illustration of states and transitions ........................................................... 42 Figure 4. 6 Finite State Automata to choose mobiles as relays .................................... 43 Figure 4. 7 Energy comparison between direct to BS and greedy approach ................ 47 Figure 4. 8 Energy comparison between direct to BS and intelligent relay approach . 47 Figure 4. 9 Energy comparison between direct to BS and optimized approach ........... 48 Figure 4. 10 Receivers at different angles from the transmitter [Berg, 1995] .............. 53 Figure 4. 11 Illustration of A* algorithm ..................................................................... 55 Figure 4. 12 Finite State Automaton of a Mobile ......................................................... 57 Figure 4. 13 Finite State Automaton of a Mobile maintained in the base station ........ 58 Figure 4. 14 Grid locations over time ........................................................................... 59 Figure 4. 15 Model/View/Controller architecture ........................................................ 62 Figure 4. 16 Snapshot of cellular layout ....................................................................... 65 Figure 4. 17 Comparison of system energy for BS at center, cell gain =10 dBi .......... 66 Figure 4. 18 Figure showing breakup of path with d =1 .............................................. 67 Figure 4. 19 Comparison of handoffs for BS at center, cell gain = 10 dBi .................. 68 Figure 4. 20 Comparison of per node energy for BS at center, cell gain =10 dBi ....... 69 Figure 4. 21 Comparison of time for BS at center, cell gain = 10 dBi ......................... 70 Figure 4. 22 Comparison of time for BS at center, cell gain = 10 dBi ......................... 71 Figure 4. 23 Comparison of system energy for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi ........... 72 Figure 4. 24 Comparison of handoffs for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi .................... 73 Figure 4. 25 Comparison of per node energy for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi ........ 74 Figure 4. 26 Comparison of time for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi ........................... 75 Figure 4. 27 Comparison of system energy for BS at corner, cell gain =10 dBi ......... 75 Figure 4. 28 Comparison of handoffs for BS at corner, cell gain = 10 dBi ................. 76 Figure 4. 29 Comparison of per node energy for BS at corner, cell gain =10 dBi ....... 77 Figure 4. 30 Comparison of time for BS at corner, cell gain = 10 dBi ........................ 78 Figure 4. 31 Comparison of time for BS at corner, cell gain = 10 dBi ........................ 79 Figure 4. 32 Comparison of system energy for BS at corner, cell gain = 6 dBi .......... 79 Figure 4. 33 Comparison of handoffs for BS at corner, cell gain = 6 dBi ................... 80

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Figure 4. 34 Comparison of per node energy for BS at center, cell gain =10 dBi ....... 81 Figure 4. 35 Comparison of time for BS at corner, cell gain = 6 dBi .......................... 82 Figure 5. 1 Path Loss contours for base station at center ............................................. 86 Figure 5. 2 Path Loss contours for base station at corner ............................................. 86 Figure 5. 3 Path Loss contours in 3D for base station at center ................................... 87 Figure 5. 4 Path Loss contours in 3D for base station at corner .................................. 87 Figure 5. 5 Distribution of Below Threshold Areas ..................................................... 90 Figure 5. 6 Theoretical probability of finding an intermediary .................................... 92 Figure 5. 7 Approach 1: No constraint, no replacement ............................................... 95 Figure 5. 8 Approach 2: No constraint, with replacement ........................................... 96 Figure 5. 9 Approach 3: With constraint, with replacement ........................................ 96 Figure 5. 10 Approach 4: With constraint, no replacement ......................................... 97 Figure 5. 11 No constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas .............................................................................................. 98 Figure 5. 12 No constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 100 Figure 5. 13 With constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 102 Figure 5. 14 With constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 104 Figure 5. 15 No constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 107 Figure 5. 16 No constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 109 Figure 5. 17 With constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 110 Figure 5. 18 With constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 112 Figure 5. 19 No constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 114 Figure 5. 20 No constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 115 Figure 5. 21 With constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 116 Figure 5. 22 With constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in

LBD and HBD areas ............................................................................................ 117 Figure 6. 1 Choice of relay for mobile ...................................................................... 125 Figure 6. 2 Spatial effect for choice of relay ............................................................. 130 Figure 6. 3 Signal, SIR and Outage contours due to one relay ................................. 134 Figure 6. 4 SIR and outage contour due to two relays in same quadrant .................. 136 Figure 6. 5 SIR and outage contour due to two relays in opposite quadrants ........... 136 Figure 6. 6 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to three relays in three

opposite quadrants ............................................................................................... 137 Figure 6. 7 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to four relays in four opposite

quadrants .............................................................................................................. 137

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Figure 6. 8 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to five randomly placed relays ............................................................................................................................. 138

Figure 6. 9 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to ten randomly placed relays ............................................................................................................................. 138

Figure 6. 10 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to twenty randomly placed relays .................................................................................................................... 139

Figure 7. 1 Utility of mobile as it moves .................................................................... 151 Figure 7. 2 Variation of relays parameters ................................................................ 152

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1. Background

In this research we investigate the use of relays in a Code Division Multiple

Access (CDMA) based cellular system. Relays act as an intermediary between the user

and the base station. The purported benefits of using relays include better coverage,

lower energy consumption, and possibly increased capacity. However, given the

nature of the cellular environment, we need to consider several side effects as well as

implementation challenges. In this thesis, we introduce these constraints and then

explore how relays can be used in the cellular environment. We first describe various

components of a cellular system and the different multiple access technologies used.

The evolution of air interfaces from analog to digital is then described. The emergence

of CDMA as the technology of choice for cellular systems is discussed. Finally,

relevant aspects of present day digital technology such as power control and the near

far effect, are explained in the context of introducing relays.

1.1 Cellular System Architecture

A cellular system is a collection of many interconnected subsystems that

communicate between themselves through network interfaces [Rappaport, 1996]. To

illustrate a typical architecture consider the Global System for Mobile (GSM) cellular

standard. The subsystems of GSM consist of the Base Station Subsystem (BSS),

Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS), and the Operation Support Subsystem


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Figure 1. 1 Architecture of GSM

The Base Station Subsystem comprises of several Base Station Controllers

(BSC), Base Transceiver Stations (BTS), and Mobile Stations (MS). Each BSC

controls many BTSs and handoffs between two BTSs are controlled by the BSC. The

interface between the MS and BTS is called an air interface, while the interface

between the BTS and BSC is called the Abis interface. BTS and BSC are connected

via dedicated leased lines or microwave links.

The Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS) consists of a Mobile Switching

Center (MSC). The NSS manages the switching functions and also connects the

cellular network with outer networks such as telephone networks or the Internet. BSCs

are connected with the MSC via dedicated leased lines or microwave links. The

Operation Support Subsystem is connected to the MSC to monitor and maintain the

GSM system.







GSM Radio Air Interface

Abis Interface A interface


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Figure 1. 2 Example illustrating the major functions in a GSM cellular system

In Figure 1.2, BTS A and BTS B are controlled by BSC 1 while BTS C is

controlled by BSC 2. When the mobile user with an ongoing call moves from cell A to

B, BSC 1 hands over the call from BTS A to BTS B. Handing over the call involves

routing the traffic to BTS B instead of BTS A. BSC 1 also updates a location registry

which keeps track of the mobile’s latest cell. When the mobile moves from cell B to

cell C, the call needs to be handed off to BSC 2. However, BSC 1 can not reach BSC

2 directly. Here, the MSC has to interact with both BSC’s to hand off the call. As the

call being shown in Figure 1-2 reaches a land phone, the MSC will direct the call to

the appropriate Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) line.

1.2 Multiple Access Techniques

Mobiles in a cell have to share a finite radio spectrum and this means

simultaneous allocation of the bandwidth to multiple users [Rappaport, 1996]. Over

House Ongoing Call

Cell B Cell A

Cell C




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the years, researchers have investigated several such multiple access techniques.

Those relevant to cellular systems are summarized below.

1.2.1 Narrowband Systems

In these systems the available bandwidth is divided into many narrowband

channels. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) is one such system where the

frequency is divided into many channels. Each user is allocated one band. If it is a

Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) system then different channels are allocated to the

forward and reverse links. If it is Time Division Duplex (TDD) system then the same

frequency bands are used for both the links, although separated by time. Time

Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is another narrowband system where the spectrum

is divided into time slots. Each user is allocated a time slot and slots are rotated

cyclically between different users. TDMA again can operate in FDD or TDD mode.

Figure 1. 3 Types of narrowband systems 1.2.2 Wideband Systems

In wideband systems the entire bandwidth is available to all the users.

However, Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is used to provide different


Different Channels



Different Channels


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channels. Thus, each user is assigned a unique code, which allows them to transmit

simultaneously in the same channel.

To illustrate how CDMA works we take a signal denoted by si(t) and wideband

code signal denoted by ci(t) [Garg, 2002]. The signal is modulated and transmitted as

yi(t), given by

)()()( tctsty iii •= 1. 1

where, ‘•’ denotes the multiplication operator. ci(t) has a very high rate as compared

to si(t) and therefore yi(t) is said to be spectrum spread. Since all mobiles transmit

simultaneously, all the coded data streams can be represented as,


i tytx )()( 1. 2

This spread spectrum signal is modulated by a carrier and we get zi(t).

)cos()()()( ttstcAtz cj

jjii ω⎥⎦


⎡•= ∑ 1. 3

This signal is transmitted over the bandwidth and at the receiving end zi(t) plus noise

is received. The original signal is recovered by despreading the signal at the receiver.

In order for the receiver to recover each transmission, the codes ci(t) need to be

orthogonal to each other. In addition, the power at which each signal is received needs

to be carefully controlled to ensure that no one signal is drowned out by others.

Indeed, unlike in pure TDMA or FDMA systems, power control is critical to the

functioning of CDMA systems.

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1.3 Growth of Air Interfaces

The initial cellular offerings were analog in nature. The signal was modulated

and sent at a high frequency carrier. The standard is called the Advanced Mobile

Phone System (AMPS). This technology of the early eighties came to be known as the

first generation cellular technology. However there were many analog systems offered

by different companies resulting in incompatibility. People couldn’t use roaming to

talk between different systems. To overcome such problems, the interfaces and

protocols needed to be standardized. In Europe, the Global System for Mobile

Communications (GSM) standardized the interfaces and protocols, making the

network elements independent. In such an open architecture, any base station can

communicate with any mobile switching center (MSC) and also can be independently

modified. This heralded the second generation (2G) of cellular technologies. In

America, the Joint Technical Committee (JTC) started standardization efforts in 1992.

JTC established the Technical Adhoc Groups (TAG) to standardize the air interfaces.

Some of these digital second generation standards [Garg, 2002] are summarized


• IS-95: This standard operates at 1.9GHz and uses CDMA access technology. This

standard is interoperable with AMPS and thus can provide roaming where IS-95 is

not available. The cells can have a range of upto 50 km. There are two

transmission rates supported by different speech codecs. Rate set 1 (RS1) supports

9.6 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps. Rate set 2 (RS2) supports 14.4 kbps, 7.2

kbps, 3.6 kbps and 1.8 kbps. The transmission rate is variable and depends on

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speech activity of the user. Not only voice but data services are also supported

including asynchronous data, facsimile, packet data and short messaging.

• GSM1900: This standard operates at 1.9GHz and uses TDMA access technology.

Gross transmission rate per traffic channel is 22.8 kbps. Both circuit switched and

packet switched data can be provided. The cells have a range of 35km in rural

areas and upto 1 km in urban areas. The standard provides a high level of security

by means of Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards. SIM cards also help in

roaming between different carriers of the GSM system. It is to be noted that GSM

can support three times the system capacity of the first generation AMPS systems.

• Wideband CDMA (W-CDMA): This standard is based on wideband CDMA

access technology and can support 5MHz, 10MHz and 15MHz channel spacing. It

supports data rates of 16 kbps, 32 kbps and 64 kbps. The range of a cell can reach

upto 5 km.

W-CDMA can support sixteen times the AMPS capacity, due to the use of

CDMA as the access technology. The increase in system capacity is not only due to

reuse of the spectrum but better coding gain/modulation schemes and the fact that

CDMA uses a larger bandwidth. As a result the power is spread over a larger

bandwidth, making the average power very low. The implication of this are reduced

interference and a larger battery life at the mobiles. Another notable feature of CDMA

is that it uses soft handoff, which means that a mobile can be connected to two or

more base stations and can hand over the call to the base station with a better signal.

This feature reduces the percentage of dropped calls and also avoids a ping-pong

effect, which means that nearby base stations juggle with the mobile as the call is

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rapidly switched. Finally, another advantage of CDMA technology is an improvement

in Quality of Service (QoS) in fading environments. This is a result of better

utilization of multipath propagation by the use of RAKE receivers. A RAKE receiver,

illustrated in Figure 1.4, consists of many integrators, one for every path, thus utilizing

the multipath environment. Each path is resolved independently and combined to

produce a net overall gain. The three strongest signals are selected by the RAKE

receiver and coherently combined to get an enhanced signal. This is not possible in

narrowband systems where fading is a major cause of signal degradation.

Figure 1. 4 RAKE receiver design


Path 2

Path 1








x Decide

Hold until Tb + ΔNp

Hold until Tb + ΔNp

Hold until Tb + ΔNp

Integrate & dump (Tb)

Integrate & dump (Tb)

Integrate & dump (Tb)

Integrate & dump (Tb)


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Third generation technologies (3G) are primarily CDMA based [Garg, 2002].

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has created a standard for 3G

wireless systems called International Mobiles Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000).

IMT-2000 standards are either the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

(UMTS) developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) [3GPP, 1998]

or cdma2000 developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2)

[3GPP2, 2000]. Europe and Japan use UMTS based on W-CDMA while North

America uses cdma2000, which is based on the existing IS-95 standard. The

difference in these new standards over the 2G systems includes the provision of

wireline voice quality and high data rates. They feature 144 kbps for mobile users and

2 Mbps for stationary users over a 2 GHz frequency band. The bit rate is thus higher

than the 10-50 kb/s offered by 2G systems [Jamalipour and Yabusaki, 2003]. Another

key difference between 2G and 3G systems is the use of a hierarchical cell structure

that enables seamless transition to fixed data networks. This is accomplished by the

use of hierarchical cells based on multi-layering picocells and microcells over


1.4 Key Concepts in Cellular System Communications

This section provides an overview of the communication concepts in cellular

systems that are relevant to the use of relays. Specifically, we describe path loss,

interference, and power control.

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1.4.1 Path loss

Path loss refers to the degradation in the transmitted signal as a function of the

relative location of the receiver. As an example, assume that the transmitter and

receiver are in free space. The transmitted signal may be viewed as an expanding

sphere. Thus, the signal intensity degrades as distance squared (since the area of the

sphere is 4πr2). The path loss exponent is thus said to be 2 and this is called free space

path loss. For free space, the transmitted power Pt as a function of distance, d, between

transmitter and receiver, is given by the equation [Rappaport, 1996]




rtrt GG

LdPdP = 1. 4

where, Pr is the received power,

Gt is the transmitter antenna gain,

Gr is the receiver antenna gain,

λ is the wavelength (meters),

L is the system loss factor.

We see that the received power as well as antenna gain for both transmitter and

receiver can affect the transmitted power. We will use L =1 to indicate that there is no

loss due to filter or antenna or transmission line.

In realistic situations, the signal suffers from additional effects including

diffraction off rooftops, interference between multiple reflected components of the

same signal, absorption in air and other material, and noise. The general form of the

equation describing the received signal power is typically quite complex and depends

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on these factors. Measured penetration loss into suburban homes is 4 to 7 dB at 800

MHz [Bertoni, 2000] and higher at higher frequencies. The transition loss through a

row of houses is 4*n to 14*n dB, where n is the number of houses in between. The

signal level drops about 15 dB when turning a corner and 30 dB when moving further

down the street. Average building penetration loss is 12 dB with standard deviation of

8 dB according to UMTS standards.

[Hata, 1980] gave an empirical model, arrived by regressively fitting the

curves reported by [Okumura, 1968]. Path loss in decibels in an urban area is given


kBSmBSM RhhahfL log)log55.69.44)(log82.13log16.2655.69 −+−−+= 1. 5


fM = frequency in megahertz, between 150 and 1500 MHz

Rk = distance from the base station in kilometers, 1 to 20 Km

hBS = height of the base station antenna in meters, 30 to 200 m

hm = height of the subscriber antenna in meters, 1 to 10 m

The term a(hm) gives the dependence of path loss on subscriber antenna height

and is defined such that a(1.5) = 0.

For regions classified as a large city,

10.1)54.1(log29.8)( 2 −= mm hha , for fM <= 200 MHz 1. 6

= 97.4)75.11(log2.3 2 −mh , for fM >= 400 MHz 1. 7

For a small to medium sized city,

)log56.1()7.0log1.1()( 8.0−−−= MmMm fhfha 1. 8

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The constant term of 69.6 dB in this model accounts for the building

environment [Bertoni, 2000]. It is shown that this model corresponds to the one

derived theoretically considering diffraction over rooftops. It shows that for hBS = 10m

and hm = 1.5m, the theoretical and Hata models for path loss are,

Theory: kM RfL log38log217.53 ++= 1. 9

Hata: kM RfL log2.35log2.262.49 ++= 1. 10

Another empirical formula that includes the effects of buildings on path loss is given

by CCIR (Comite’ Consultatif International des Radio-Communication, now ITU-R),

which is given by,

+−−+= )(log82.13log16.2655.69)( 211010 hahfdBL MHz Bdh km −− 10110 log)log55.69.44( 1. 11





buildingsBfhfha MHzMHz


1. 12

Here h1 and h2 are base station and mobile antenna heights in meters, dkm is the link

distance in kilometers, fMHz is the center frequency in megahertz. B is the correction

factor and (% buildings) shows the percentage of area covered by buildings.

Introducing a relay into a cell changes the path loss seen by a transmitting

mobile since the mobile-to-relay part of the connection will typically have a different

set of propagation constraints as compared to a mobile to BS connection. For instance,

if relays are also mobiles, then the antenna height of both connection end-points is the

same at approximately 1 meter. We consider these issues later in this thesis.

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1.4.2 Power Control

A mobile user nearer to the base station may send a higher power signal that

may drown a weaker signal from a distant mobiles. This is called the near-far effect. In

a CDMA cell, if users have to share the media they have to increase or decrease their

power in a way that prevents the near-far effect. This is done via power control.

Power control is achieved in cellular systems in two ways. One is called open

loop power control and the other is called closed loop power control [Garg, 2002]. In

order for base station to properly distinguish each mobile signal, power from each

mobile should be the same at the base station. This makes the signal contours look like

circles around base station in a free space environment. Open Loop Power Control This is also known as autonomous power control since there is no feedback

from the BS. This mechanism is used by mobiles that have not yet been assigned a

traffic channel by the BS (e.g., new mobiles entering a cell). In reverse open loop

power control (ROPC), the mobile changes its transmit power depending on the

received power from all base stations. The received power includes power in all

channels - pilot, paging, sync and traffic channels. If the received power is high the

transmit power is reduced and vice versa. ROPC happens 50 times per second, i.e.,

every 20 ms.

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14 Closed Loop Power Control In closed loop power control (CLPC), the base station provides specific

feedback to the mobile. The BS may ask the mobile to either reduce or increase its

transmit power. Thus, unlike ROPC, which assumes identical forward and reverse link

conditions, CLPC correctly interprets uplink channel conditions to provide accurate

feedback to the mobile. Closed loop power control consists of an inner and outer loop

power control called reverse inner loop power control (RILPC) and reverse outer loop

power control (ROLPC). In order to understand this power control mechanism it is

important to explore the frame structure. A frame has a length of 20 ms and it is

composed of 16 time slots of equal duration, namely 1.25ms. These slots are called

Power Control Groups (PCG). In the RIPLC mechanism, at the base station every 1.25

ms, the received signal strength is measured by measuring Eb/It, which is the ratio of

energy per bit Eb and total noise and interference power spectral density It. If the

received signal strength exceeds a target value, a power down power control bit of 1 is

sent, else a power control bit 0 is sent. Each power bit of 1, on being received by the

mobile PCG produces a 1 dB change in mobile power. The ROPLC mechanism

calculates a new set point Eb/It at every frame interval, i.e., 20 ms, as against frequent

checks for each frame i.e., 16 times in the RIPLC mechanism. The RIPLC helps the

mobile to be as close as its target (Eb/It)setpoint and ROPLC adjusts the base station

target (Eb/It)setpoint for a given mobile.

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1.4.3 Interference

Introducing relays complicates power control and gives us new design choices.

For example, should the relay act as a mini base station and provide closed loop power

control to the mobile? How will other transmissions affect reception at the relay? If

the base station does cell wide power control, by what mechanism can the base station

ensure reduced interference at the different relays? We examine these questions in this


The signal to interference ratio for a user, i, at the base station is given as

[Veeravalli and Sendonaris, 1999],




ii enterferencOtherCellINoiseBackgroundSignal

SignalSIR 1. 13

The required SIR, denoted as SIR* is a function of target frame error rate (FER) or

target SIR, given by SIRtarget and the multipath conditions [Veeravalli and Sendonaris,

1999] and is given by,


ii SIRSIR δarg* = 1. 14

where, δi is the error in the power control algorithm. Each mobile user has the

required SIR and power control algorithms have to satisfy this equation for all users.

When we introduce relays, however, we create a new set of problems –

interference at relays in a cell and interference at mobiles in adjacent cells. As

mentioned previously, we need to manage interference at relays from other mobiles in

order for the relay to communicate with its mobile. A second problem created by

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relays is increased interference in neighboring cells. This happens when the relay is

located close to the cell boundary. The relay in one cell is not involved in power

control in adjacent cell and thus we may create a race condition where increased

interference due to the relay causes the neighboring BS to increase power which

causes the relay to also increase power, and so on.

1.5 Roadmap to remainder of the thesis

Chapter 2 and 3 introduce the possible configurations in which relays can be a

part of the cellular network. We explore the benefits and challenges that relays bring.

We compare with Appendix C, where we look at work on using relays in cellular

environments. Chapter 4 explores the benefit of saving power by the use of relays. A

discrete event simulator to calculate total system energy savings is described in detail.

Chapter 5 explores the increased reliability of coverage that is brought about by the

use of relays. Chapter 6 explores the problem of interference due to relays. In chapter

7, a pricing mechanism of relay based cellular systems is discussed in terms of utility.

The goal is to understand how users can be motivated to act as relays (since their

batteries get depleted). In chapter 8, we conclude and try to assimilate the answers that

have been gathered in the previous chapters.

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2. Benefits and Challenges of Using Relays

As mentioned previously the CDMA cellular environment is a heavily power

controlled, interference limited environment. In such a system one has to be very

careful in introducing new components, such as relays. In this thesis, we explore the

benefits of relays in cellular systems while addressing the problems caused by the

introduction of relays. There are two mechanisms to incorporate a relay into a cellular


• Use of ad hoc networks as a separate channel in the cell giving us a hybrid

network in which either only relays or all mobiles have two interfaces, one

for the cellular system and one for the ad hoc system. An example is the

Integrated Cellular and Ad-hoc Relay (iCAR) [Wu, Qiao, De and Tonguz,

2001] system, where each mobile has two interfaces, one cellular at

1.9GHz and another for ad hoc at 2.4 GHz.

• Use of the existing cellular technology but adding additional functionality

to the mobiles.

The first mechanism involves introduction of new technology in current cellular

systems. Even though ad hoc technology has been well studied, it brings about many

of its own problems, namely, the hidden terminal problem, unlicensed band and

interference with other same-band applications. For this reason, in this research we use

the second approach and look at using mobile nodes as relays, in an on-demand basis.

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2.1 Benefits of Relaying

To better appreciate the benefits of using relays in cellular networks, let us

consider some scenarios. In the figures given below, M represents a mobile requiring

its call to be carried (or relayed), R represents the carrier of the call (i.e., a relay) and

BS represents the Base Station.

• Scenario I – Power Savings

A shorter distance between a transmitter and receiver gives us a square

of distance power law, where the received signal strength is inversely

proportional to distance squared. For larger distances, however, the power

law can be the third or fourth power of distance. This means that even

halving the distance can bring about major savings in power. In the figure

below M is at the cell periphery. By relaying the call through R, we reduce

the transmission distance for M thus reducing its power consumption. In

addition, in many cases, the total power used in M R and R BS is less

than the direct M BS transmission.

Figure 2. 1 Reduction in power by use of relays




M-BS: Far M-R: Near R-BS: Near

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• Scenario II – Power Savings

Mobile is at Non Line of Sight (NLOS) and can significantly reduce

total power consumed by using a Line Of Sight (LOS) transmission. As

shown in the figure below, the buildings introduce a NLOS path to the

mobile, which can be avoided if a relay is utilized.

Figure 2. 2 Use of LOS path by relay to overcome NLOS path

• Scenario III – Power Savings

Mobile needs to save its own battery power because it is running low.

Thus, the relay’s battery is consumed instead of the mobile’s battery. This

introduces an interesting economic dimension to the problem, where the

relay is compensated for carrying the call.

Building BS





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• Scenario IV – Improvement in useful service area

Mobile is at a dead spot where it cannot talk to the BS. For example, if

we plot path loss contours (using CCIR path loss formulae) for an urban

environment, we can see that local islands are introduced wherever

buildings are present denoting dead spots. The mobiles at these areas can

talk to the BS only if relays are present nearby.

Figure 2. 3 Increasing coverage by eliminating dead spots

M-BS: Signal unreachable M-R: Signal reachable R-BS: Signal reachable


Dead Spot Buildings

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• Scenario V – Increase coverage

Mobile lying outside the cell needs to connect to BS.

Figure 2. 4 Increasing coverage outside the cell The coverage of a BS can be increased without increasing base station transmit

power by using relays. A benefit of this approach is that inter-cell interference is

reduced by keeping the BS transmit power low. This scenario is particularly useful in

sparse rural areas, where relays are likely to be present. Thus instead of installing

another expensive base station, relays can increase coverage.

2.2 Challenges of Relaying Introduction of relays brings benefits but introduces challenges. This is due to

the fact that interference is a big issue in interference limited CDMA systems.

Normally the mobiles are in perfect power control with the base station, with mobiles

near the base station using less power as compared to far away mobiles. With the

introduction of relays, however, this balance can get affected. Any addition to capacity

due to relays can increase the interference in the cell causing a reduction in capacity as





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2.2.1 Interference due to relaying

Interference in the cell is composed of inter-cell interference, intra-cell

interference and noise. Adding relays in the cell increases intra-cell interference. The

Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) is defined as the ratio of signal power, S, to the total

interference power, I.





2. 1

In the case of FDD-CDMA, interference consists of inter-cell interference and

very little intra-cell interference as uplink and downlink use different frequencies. This

scenario changes with TDD-CDMA, as the same frequency region is being utilized in

downlink and uplink. The addition of relays creates extra interference in the cell as the

power control may not be perfect for relay based calls. The base station (BS) tells the

relay to transmit at a certain power to prevent the near-far effect. Now the relay to BS

will be in perfect power control whereas the mobile to relay part of the connection

may not be, unless the relay is capable of transmitting power control information. We

will study how much and how widespread relay-induced interference will be. This will

enable us to properly design a CDMA cell. This also helps in locating regions where

outages will most likely occur.

2.2.2 Assigning relays to calls

Relays can be assigned to overcome dead spots or can be assigned to preserve

battery power. But these objectives may contribute to a new source of interference in

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the cell. Also, how a mobile discovers the presence of a relay – whether a relay

broadcasts its presence - may add to overall interference in the cell.

In order for relays to be effective, there may be a need to change relays as the

mobile moves. This handoff will depend on who allocates the relays. If the allocation

is centralized, then hand off can be decided by the base station. However, if relays are

to co-ordinate amongst themselves, then this again could add to interference in the


2.2.3 Convincing users to participate as relays

A mobile that behaves as a relay experiences significant battery drain because

it forwards calls for other users. Why would any user allow her mobile to participate

as a relay? We believe that providing a financial incentive in the form of cash or free

calling would persuade users to participate. Note that users in cars or in offices may

have their phones attached to a charger and could thus serve as relays with no battery

drain while still earning money or free minutes. One constraint we see, however, is

that the payment needs to be tied in with the actual cost of forwarding, and mobiles

whose calls are being forwarded need to pay more for the service. We study this

pricing question later in this thesis.

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3. Approaches for implementing relays

As mentioned previously, relays can be implemented either using ad hoc

network technology or cellular technology itself. If non-cellular technology is used for

relays, such as 802.11 wireless LANs, then the issue is more of setting up the

handshake protocol and transferring calls between cellular and non-cellular

technology. The problems and solutions from non-cellular technology are inherited

while few changes need to be made for cellular technology. Some of the main

challenges in implementation will include call setup and takedown, compensating ad

hoc nodes for forwarding calls, and call handoff between cells and ad hoc relays. This

is the option provided by RadioFrame Networks [RadioFrame Networks, 2003] in

their RadioFrame Units (RFU). This RFU is a small capacity Base Transceiver Station

(BTS) that has been modified to be IP literate. RFU contains interfaces for cellular

systems called RadioBlade transceivers (RB). These transceivers are replaceable and

can service GSM, CDMA, iDEN technologies through remote software downloads.

The ad hoc interface in RFU is provided by WLAN – integrated RadioFrame Access

Point (iRAP) and it supports 802.11 b/g radio frequency channel in the 2.4 GHz band,

or 802.11 a/h radio frequency channel in the 5 GHz band. RFU also provides Base

Band Blade (BBB) that provides start-up and authentication, BTS radio control,

Quality of Service, IP tunneling, encryption, and management functions. Again it is to

be noted that all radios are ‘removable’ thereby providing a flexible and modular

solution for any future enhancements. RadioFrame Networks [RadioFrame Networks,

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2003] provides different solutions for indoor coverage and hot-spot coverage in the

form of B-series and S-series systems.

On the other hand, if relays are cellular based, then, depending on how they are

implemented, we get different benefits and problems. Thus, relays may use the same

frequency spectrum or a different one, and relays may either be other mobiles or they

may be fixed special devices. If they use a different frequency spectrum then we can

overcome interference issues. However parallel coverage of one more frequency is

needed, making it a costly solution. Assuming that they use the same frequency, relays

can be stationary special devices or mobile.

• If relays are stationary, the issue is then of planning ahead as to where they

need to be placed. They are not as expensive as base stations, but due to

immobility, they can prove costly if new buildings change the link budget


• If mobiles act as relays then the issue here is how they will affect

interference and how carriers will solve security issues. Furthermore, there

is the question of how relays can be advertised in the system for use. If

relays are stationary special devices, the BS knows about their location and

propagation environment. Thus, it can appropriately allocate relays to calls.

However, if the relays are mobile, how do they get allocated? One way is

that potential relays broadcast their presence to other mobiles. Thus any

mobile in need of a relay can know the location of the relay. Another way

is for each mobile to inform the BS about its location and propagation

environment thus letting the BS make the allocation.

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We consider the scenario of mobiles as relays and explore various questions

associated with them:

1. How many relays are needed for a call?

2. How are relays allocated?

3. How are relays advertised in the system?

4. Are relays under power control?

5. How do relays affect interference and thus capacity in the system?

3.1 How many relays can be used for a call? Since voice has stringent delay limit requirements, we can not have many

relays between mobile to base station. A GSM frame length is 20ms and if one frame

is required to forward a call, then we have added 20ms delay to the voice call. If we

add two frames (i.e., two relays) then a 40ms delay occurs, which is unacceptable. So

we choose one relay between mobile and base station.

3.2 How are relays allocated?

A fundamental problem we face in using relays within cellular networks is

assigning relays to mobiles that need relays to connect to the base station. At a high

level the problems can be summarized as:

• Assigning relays to mobiles: The criteria by which relays are assigned to mobiles

can be diverse depending on the overall goals of the system. Thus, if the main goal

is reducing power consumption cell-wide, relays should be selected based on the

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propagation environment. On the other hand, if increasing coverage is the main

goal (e.g., extending coverage to dead spots), then relays ought to be assigned in a

way that gives priority to mobiles located in dead spots and other poor coverage

areas. A related question here is who performs the actual assignment. One

approach is to have the base station do all the work but requiring all mobiles to

report details of the propagation environment such as interference, path loss to

other mobiles, etc. Another approach may be to have a mobile-initiated procedure

where mobiles select their own relays based on local monitoring of signal quality

for the relays. In any case, any selected approach will need to be carefully

evaluated using metrics such as signaling and computational overhead, quality of

assignment, and complexity of the algorithm.

• Handoff among relays in a cell: If a call lasts a long time, the mobile to relay link

may become sub-optimal (e.g., if the relay moves far away). In such a situation,

we need to assign a new relay to the ongoing call and appropriately handoff the

call without losing any data.

• Inter-cell handoff: When a mobile using a relay moves out of the cell and into

another, we need to handoff the call from the relay to a new relay in the new cell

or to the base station in the new cell. This requires additional overhead and

participation by the two base stations as well as relay(s) if the relays are not under

centralized control. Under centralized control, however, it is the new base station’s

responsibility to find a new relay for the mobile depending upon the availability

and conditions in the new cell.

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3.3 How are relays advertised in the system?

How can mobiles be made aware of the relays? This kind of scenario exists in

ad hoc environments and they have only one option, to advertise themselves on the air.

Each mobile floods other mobiles with the required information. However, in our

cellular based scenario we have the advantage of a centralized base station. A base

station is aware of each mobile’s location and power requirements and so is the best

option in scenarios where the base station is choosing the relay for a mobile. However,

in scenarios where the base station is not able to hear a mobile and the mobile can only

hear a relay, then either relay or mobile can initiate the handshake. If in such a

situation relays advertise themselves, they consume a part of the bandwidth and create

additional interference.

3.4 Are relays under power control?

In highly interference limited controlled environments any new addition of

interference is a big issue. Relays being mobiles will be under power control. However

the mobile-relay connection may or may not be under power control. If the mobile and

relay can coordinate the power level of the mobile-relay connection, then there is no

problem. However, if the mobile-relay connection is not under power control, it may

contribute to additional interference. Another consideration will be how many frames

are required to achieve power control. If more than one frame is required then we can

not satisfy the delay limits for voice calls.

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3.5 How do relays affect interference and thus capacity in the system?

If relays do add interference in the system, then we have to explore how much

loss of capacity can occur.

In addition to these questions, it is helpful to understand how much hardware

and software would be needed to implement a relay in a mobile. As a relay can

transmit to either the mobile and base station, it should be equipped with two

transmitters as can be seen in Figure 3.1. The receiver can be limited to only one at the

relay since at any time it will be receiving only one call. Also, in a realistic scenario,

the choice of relay should be made on a per frame basis. This requires that the relay

should have the capability of buffering at least one frame. Whether this frame will be

transmitted as such will depend upon the policies for power control and security. So if

a frame needs to be demodulated and decoded then the relay needs the hardware in

duplicate. The amount of intelligence needed at the relay also depends upon the type

of calls to be forwarded. In voice services, the complexity is less since there is less

variation in data rates. However, this is not the case in data based networks given a

variety of modulation schemes and data rates.

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Figure 3. 1 Illustration of hardware requirements for a relay

We also note that if the relay based cellular system is centralized then most of

the software complexity resides at the base station. However, if the relay based

cellular system is decentralized, then the relay will bear the additional software


Channel Encoder

Channel Encoder

Channel Decoder




Input from base station

Input from mobile

Source Encoder

Source Encoder

Output Source Decoder

Transmit Antenna

Receiving Antenna for base station

Transmit Antenna

Channel Decoder

Demodulator Receiving Antenna for mobile

Output Source Decoder

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4. Energy consumption

Energy consumption is one of the key constraints in the design of any mobile

device because these devices typically run on batteries. While battery technology has

continued to improve over the years, the demands placed on them have grown at a

faster rate. Thus, just a few years ago, cell phones used simple LCD screens that were

far more energy efficient than the color screens (and the cameras) that are available in

cell phones today. Indeed, we believe that mobile devices will continue to grow more

feature rich in the future, thus placing greater demands on the battery. In other words,

no matter by how much the battery capacity increases, the mobile devices will evolve

to require even more energy.

In order to rein in this unquenchable demand for energy, hardware designers

have started using energy-efficient designs for the hardware and software contained in

mobile devices. Some examples of these techniques include:

• Dynamic Power Management: The idea is to shut down components of the device

that are idle. For example, if the screen is idle, the intensity is reduced after some

time and then it is turned off completely. Likewise, in a phone equipped with a

camera, the camera is only powered on when it is in use. Energy is saved in the

radio by powering it on and off appropriately. As an example, consider the pager,

which is very energy efficient (one charge lasts two or more weeks). The pager’s

radio is off most of the time. It wakes up periodically to listen to the base station.

The base station announces the IDs of the pagers that have a waiting message. All

the other pagers turn off for the duration of the message transmissions. In the

context of cell phones, a similar protocol is used. The cell phone monitors the base

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station ID it is in and only contacts the base station when it moves to a new cell.

Otherwise, the radio is powered off and only wakes up to hear a periodic base

station initiated beacon.

• Dynamic Voltage Scaling: Here the clock speed (and hence voltage) of the

hardware is changed based on demand and can result in huge savings. The

relationship between voltage and clock frequency is given as [Gonzalez, Gordon

and Horowitz, 1997],

α)( thg VV


= 4. 1

where V is the peak voltage, Vth the threshold operating voltage, K is a

constant, and Tg is the gate delay, which increases with decreasing bandwidth.

Here α depends on the technology used for the device; it is 2 for long-channel

devices and is 1.3 for sub-micron CMOS devices.

The relationship between voltage, frequency and energy consumption E, is

given as [Hadjiyiannis, Chandrakasan and Devdas, 1998],

tfVCE ×××∝ 2 4. 2

where C is the effective switched capacitance, V is the peak voltage swing, f is

the switching frequency and t is the length of the transmission. Let us compare energy

consumption E0 and E1 for devices having different bandwidths f0 and f1, where

2/10 ff = 4. 3


10 2tt = 4. 4

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The cycle time, t, is the sum of delays in the critical path. If we approximate Vth to be

zero, then Tg0 and Tg

1, the gate times, are given as,
























4. 5


( )2



















CtfCVE 4. 6

If α is 2, then energy consumption is a quarter of the original, when bandwidth is

reduced by a half.

In addition to these techniques, newer cellular systems that use CDMA are more

energy efficient than older systems based on TDMA or FDMA. Further savings are

attained in these systems by combining most hardware functions into fewer chips. For

example, the Intel PXA800F chip [Diasemi, 2003] combines power and audio

management in one chip. Concurrently, batteries are being designed to fully exploit

dynamic voltage scaling, for example the single cell lithium ion battery such as the

Maxim 8890 [Maxim, 2001].

While all of these techniques to reduce energy consumption are beneficial, we

believe that energy will always be a constraint and thus additional techniques to

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reduce energy consumption are necessary. In this context, we believe that using relays

in cellular networks will result in significant energy savings in the cell as a whole and

at individual mobiles who have little remaining battery power. In this chapter we

explore this assertion in detail.

4.1 The problem of assigning relays

Consider the simple example in Figure 4.1 (a) where we have a node, M, that

wishes to place a call via a relay. All the cars shown are potential relays. The question

is, which of these available relays is the “best” choice? Figure 4.1 (b) illustrates the

path loss models from the location of the node wishing to use a relay. Thus, car ‘i’ is a

poor choice because the mobile and ‘i’ are Non Line of Sight (NLOS) to each other,

which means that the mobile will need to expend a great deal of energy getting to the

relay. On the other hand, ‘a’ is a good choice because it is in Line of Sight (LOS) and

thus requires the least energy. A second consideration here is the length of the call.

Thus, if the call is of a long duration then the relay ‘a’ may become a poor choice

when it becomes NLOS (e.g., if it moves to location ‘i’). This means that either the

call will need to be handed off between relays or the initial selection of the relay

should be such that the probability of such a situation occuring is minimized. The

mechanics of handing off calls between relays has been discussed previously in

chapter 3.

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(a) Mobile, M, needs to set up call via a relay (b) Path Loss models from mobile point of view

Figure 4. 1 Example scenario for relay assignment

Path Loss for Line of Sight (LOS)

Path Loss for Non Line of Sight (NLOS)


Possible Relays






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Consider now a more realistic problem where we have several mobiles in the

cell, some of which can serve as relays and others that need relays. How do we now

assign relays to mobiles taking into consideration the path loss models between each

mobile and each potential relay as well as relative mobility of the mobiles and relays?

What is the criterion to be used in making such as assignment? Since energy is our

main concern here, we will use minimization of total energy in the cell as the primary

criterion for allocating relays. Thus, in the case of a single mobile, if the energy in

placing a direct call to the base station is greater than the total energy consumed in

placing the call via a relay (i.e., the energy on the relay – base station hop plus mobile

– relay hop) then the relay will be used. Similarly in the case of multiple mobiles,

relay assignments that reduce the total energy cell–wide are the only feasible

assignments and among these, the assignment resulting in the lowest energy is the best


Given m mobiles wanting to place calls and k relays (say k >= m), we have

k(k-1)(k-2) …. (k-m) possible assignments. If k and m are small, we can exhaustively

explore the state but in any realistic system, this may prove impractical. Thus, we need

more efficient algorithms to determine low-energy assignments. In this section, we

explore three such assignment algorithms:

1. Greedy Approach: When a mobile requests a carrier, we only look at the idle

mobiles (that agree to serve as relays) and select the first one that minimizes the

total energy for that call. This method is not optimal because the assignment does

not look at already assigned relays. For example, say relay R1 is being used by

mobile M1 and mobile M2 now requests a relay. Our method assigns relay R2 to

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M2 since R2 minimizes the energy among the set of idle relays. It may be the case

that by reassigning R1 to M2 and assigning R2 to M1, more energy can be saved,

but the greedy approach does not do this.

2. Intelligent Relay Approach: We try to use relays as listening devices rather than

broadcasting devices. Figure 4.2 shows the attenuation of the transmission from

various mobiles towards the base station. The curves are different for different

mobiles because they may have different propagation environments. The mobiles

further away from the base station start wth higher power to overcome near far

effect. We can think of relays as being located between the mobile and the base

station. Thus, relays will also receive transmissions from the mobiles and the

assignment is now made based on the following algorithm. For a given relay and

for a given mobile’s location, assume that we have a value which denotes the

expected received power from that location in the absence of obstacles such as

buildings. If the received power from the mobile at that location is lower than this

value, the relay is a good candidate to carry that mobile’s call. Relay being nearer

to the mobile can hear the mobile, whereas base station can not hear the mobile.

The relay thus can save the mobile from attenuating the signal too quickly and

guarantees that the signal will reach the base station. The mobile’s signal has to

reach only the relay instead of the base station, thus saving its battery power. An

added benefit is that since the relay does not broadcast its presence, it avoids

adding more interference to the cell.

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Figure 4. 2 Illustration of attenuation of signal strength

Figure 4. 3 Path loss contours with and without buildings








Attenuated Signal Power on the y-axis Distance from Base Station on x-axis

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3. Optimum Approach - Assignment Problem: When a relay is selected to carry a

call, it should lower the energy consumption of the cell. In the Greedy Approach it

may happen that the choice of a particular relay for a mobile may force a costlier

choice for another mobile. This is because the Greedy Approach is a local

minimization approach. In order to minimize power requirements globally, each

mobile should be allocated a fresh relay every time a request is made. There is a

class of linear programming problems called transportation problems, where the

goal is to minimize the cost of shipping a commodity from source to destination.

The assignment model is a special case of the transportation problem in which a

worker is assigned a job appropriate to his skill level. In this way the cost of

employing workers is minimized. In our case we have to minimize total energy

requirements. The Hungarian method is used to solve such assignment problems

[Carpaneto and Toth, 1980] [Borlin, 1999]. We create a square matrix of calling

mobiles and idle mobiles, which are suitable as carriers. If the matrix is not

square, we can create dummy rows or columns.

C11 C12 …. C1n

C21 C22 …. C2n

…. …. …. ….

Cn1 Cn2 …. Cnn

Figure 4. 4 Calculation of cost matrix



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The element Cij of the matrix represents the cost (power) for mobile i when

relay j is chosen. When i = j, it means the mobile is the carrier of itself, i.e., directly

connected to the base station. If a mobile is not idle the cost of relaying is infinity,

since it is not available.

As an example, let the mobile to relay power be shown in this matrix,

Power R1 R2 R3 Row Min

M1 15 20 18 15

M2 12 7 22 7

M3 8 11 21 8

Subtract from each row, the minimum row value.

Power R1 R2 R3

M1 0 5 3

M2 5 0 15

M3 0 3 13

Column Min 0 0 3

Subtract from each column, the minimum column value.

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Power R1 R2 R3

M1 0 5 0

M2 5 0 12

M3 0 3 10

The underlined zeros in each row give the assignments. M2 mobile will take

R2 and M3 will take R1. For M1 mobile only relay R3 is left. The total system power

here is (18 + 7 + 8), which is the optimum value.

4.1.1 Discrete Event Simulation

Stochastic simulation involves measuring performance of a system for some

input. This involves generating samples of input processes and generating input/output

relations in terms of events and states. When events we are interested in occur at

discrete times, the simulation is a discrete event simulation. The state of the system is

defined by variables. The future state of a system is dependent only on the current

state of the system and not on any past state. The performance of the system is given

by statistical variables.

As an example to illustrate the states and events, the call model of a mobile is

illustrated in Figure 4.5. The model has two states, ‘Idle’ and ‘Calling’. The change of

state is triggered by an event. Event ‘call starts’ transitions the ‘Idle’ state to the

‘Calling’ state. Similarly event ‘call ends’ transitions the ‘Calling’ state to the ‘Idle’


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Figure 4. 5 Illustration of states and transitions

The state of the system changes only when events happen, as when a mobile

starts calling. The events are ordered in an event list and they indicate when the next

event will occur. As an example, when a call starts, the call termination event is put in

the event list. If another call starts before the first call’s termination, then it will be

handled first. At each event, the state and statistical variables are updated.

In our simulator, events are generated by call initiation and termination and by

the movement of mobiles. In addition, when a mobile is chosen as a relay, we can

have another state, called “Carrying”. We can see various states and transitions in

Figure 4.6. The mobile is in an ‘Idle’ state if the mobile is not calling. When a call

starts the new state of the mobile is ‘Calling’ to signify that the mobile is in direct

contact with the base station. If a relay is found then the mobile changes its state to

'Stretched' and the relay changes its state to ‘Carrying’.

Call ends

Call starts

Idle Calling

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Figure 4. 6 Finite State Automata to choose mobiles as relays

4.1.2 Comparison of the energy savings by the three approaches

In order to compare the three approaches of assigning relays, we conducted

simulations in Matlab using a simplified cellular representation. We use a 1 Km x 1

Km cell with the base station located in the center for Figures 4.7 and 4.8 and the base

station located at a corner for Figure 4.9 (to simplify computation). The reverse link

frequency is set at 1920 MHz. In order to model the path loss of an urban

environment, we use the CCIR formula.

The other simulation parameters are summarized in Table 4.1 below.

Mobile moves

Mobile moves

Mobile moves

Call is carried

Call ends/Relay changes Call ends

Call starts


Calling Carrying

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Variable Value

Call rate 1, 2 calls/hour

Call duration 120 sec

Base station Center, Corner

Number of Nodes 5 to 50

Idle to Calling Ratio 0.5 to 1

Table 4. 1 Table showing variables used in simulation

Figure 4.7 plots the total energy consumed during a 10,000 second run for the

Greedy approach and for the direct to base station approach (i.e., when no relays are

used). The x-axis plots the idle/calling ratio of mobiles. Thus, going from left to right,

we see an increase in the relative number of idle nodes allowing more of the calls to be

relayed. At small values of idle/calling nodes, there is no difference between the

Greedy approach and direct to base station approach. This is because few calls can be

relayed. However, as more nodes become idle, the total energy cost for the Greedy

approach is dramatically lower than the direct to base station cost. In fact, the Greedy

approach shows 4x improvement over placing calls directly to the base station. Indeed,

energy savings of up to 3.56 dB to 6.6 dB are possible as the number of idle mobiles


Figure 4.8 plots the same parameters for the Intelligent relay approach. However,

here the simulation time is 2,500 seconds (due to the computation cost of this

approach we only ran the simulations for shorter periods). Again, as in the Greedy

case we observe increasing benefits from relaying of up to almost 4x. However, unlike

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the Greedy approach, the computational cost of this algorithm is very high. This is

because the Intelligent relay approach requires an approximation of approaching

signals at the relay location. We know that mobile signals originating at higher

building density areas will require higher power to reach the base station. So at a relay

location, if the power calculated with buildings between the mobile and the relay is

higher than the expected power calculated with no buildings, then the relay chooses

the mobile to be its carrier. The base station is taken to be at a corner in this simulation

to simplify calculations.

Finally, Figure 4.9 plots the data for when we use the optimal approach (using

the Hungarian approach) and run the simulation for 2,500 seconds. The energy savings

here are 5-6x, as expected, more than in the Greedy case. As in the case of the

Intelligent relay approach, the computational overhead here is also very high.

4.1.3 Computational overhead of the three approaches

Approach Complexity Cellular Space

Greedy Θ(n) Half cell

Intelligent Relay Θ(n2) Quadrant of cell

Optimum Θ(n2) Full cell

Table 4. 2 Table showing complexity of the approaches

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Table 4.2 lists the computational complexity of the three approaches. In the

greedy approach, the algorithm runs in linear time (in the number of relays) because

all we do is find the maximum energy savings among the available n relays. Similarly,

the intelligent approach in theory should be linear in n, as theoretically the relay can

act as a receiver and thus compare just the arriving signals. However, here in the

simulation the complexity is more as we approximate the arriving signals. The optimal

approach examines the n x n array of costs and thus is proportional to n2. It is to be

noted that in realistic scenario the algorithms will be run on a per frame basis and the

upper bound for the algorithm will be decided by the amount of time mobile is willing

to take for searching.

4.1.4 Summary

The relay assignment problem is key to the idea of using relays in the cellular

environment. In this section we presented three relay assignment algorithms and

evaluated their performance in Matlab simulations. The results show that of the three

relay assignment algorithms, the Greedy approach appears to deliver good energy

savings at a small computational cost. Therefore, for the remainder of this chapter, we

use the Greedy approach to study the question of using relays in more detail.

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Figure 4. 7 Energy comparison between direct to BS and greedy approach

Figure 4. 8 Energy comparison between direct to BS and intelligent relay approach

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Figure 4. 9 Energy comparison between direct to BS and optimized approach

4.2 Overview of the Simulation Design In order to quantify and evaluate the energy savings obtained by using relays,

we rely on detailed simulations. The goal in designing these simulations is to ensure

that they are complete and that they enable us to explore the problem in detail. By

complete we mean that the simulations should allow us to examine a variety of

cellular topologies as well as mobile and relay placements within the cell. Other

variables include the number of mobiles, system load (i.e., call rate and call length),

and movement patterns of the mobiles.

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To document the energy savings possible using relays, we study the Greedy

approach described previously using a representative urban topography for the cell.

We decided to focus only on an urban topography because, in a rural setting, the

propagation environment is simple with the base station and the mobiles being line of

sight (LOS) of each other. Thus, relay allocation is trivial – the best relay for a mobile

is the one that lies as close to the center as possible of the line connecting the mobile

and the base station. On the other hand, in an urban setting (visualize a Manhattan type

environment), the base station antenna is below rooftops and mobiles are frequently

non line of sight (NLOS) of the base station. Indeed, these microcells are the most

challenging environments from a coverage standpoint due to the complex propagation

environment created by buildings. Thus, the propagation environment changes rapidly

as a mobile travels, and, in the case of connections using relays, the change is twice as

fast because both the mobile as well as the relay move. This change may prompt

frequent reassignments of relays to mobiles if we are to minimize total energy


Allocating relays to mobiles is based on minimization of total energy. Thus,

the simulator needs to be able to estimate the energy used by calls placed from any

location directly to the base station as well as the energy of the calls being routed by

relays that may be located anywhere in the cell. This means that we need expressions

that give us the path loss between any two points in the cell (for the mobile – relay

link) as well as between any point in the cell and the base station. Thus, one

component of the simulator design was implementing algorithms that allow the

computation of these path loss expressions in the course of the simulation.

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4.3 Detailed Simulator Design At the time this research got underway, there were no free cellular simulators

available (there still are none that provide the level of detail we require). Thus, we

designed and implemented the simulator in the first two years of this research. This

implementation was done jointly with Shashidhar Lakkavalli. We use Java for

implementation because of its object-oriented nature as well as the ease of visualizing

the cell being simulated.

The cell is represented as a rectangular region that is divided into a grid. The

resolution of the grid is 20 meters. Buildings are introduced into the cell interactively

where the user identifies the set of grids that represent the building. Roads are also

identified via the same user interface. The user can place the base station anywhere in

the rectangle including the corners. Note that this models real cellular environments

where base station placement is constrained by zoning and other considerations. The

user can also specify the behavior of mobile nodes including a distribution for speed

of travel, call length distribution, and call frequency.

4.3.1 Propagation Environment

To determine the path loss between two points in Manhattan style urban

scenarios, we use a mathematical method for path loss calculations [Berg, 1995]. This

method is suitable for buildings that are considerably taller than the height of the

antennas. The method is recursive and is well suited for ray or path tracing techniques,

which mimic paths taken by radio beams. This model accommodates the behavior of

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the radio beams as they bend around corners and travel across different streets. It also

includes the dual slope pattern of path loss when varied across distances.

The basic equation for free space path loss is written as,



λπ nn

dBdL ..4log.20)( 4. 7

where λ is the wavelength, n is the number of sections between the transmitter

antenna and receiving antenna and dn is the illusory distance between the two

antennas and is calculated as [Berg, 1995],










qdkk 4. 8

with the initial values, k0 = 1 and d0 = 0 and s is the actual distance.

The angle dependence is given as [Berg, 1995],



q ⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ •=

90)( 90θθ 4. 9

The parameter values are q90 = 0.5 and v, determining the shape function is

1.5. A similar path loss equation is also applicable for dual slope behavior. Breakpoint

distance is taken as 300 meters.

This can be illustrated by looking at the direction the beam takes as shown in

Figure 4.10. Receiver R1 lies in direct line of sight of transmitter Tx. The receivers

not directly in line of the transmitter, such as R2 and R3, get the rays diffracted at the

street corners and the rays seem to originate from the street corners. Those receivers

lying at different angles, θ, receive a different share of the beam, making the path loss

a function of θ. Let us use this example to illustrate the algorithm in more detail. Let

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s0 be the actual distance between Tx and the corner, and s1 is the distance between the

corner and the receivers. All receivers are equidistant from the corner.

If s0 = 100 meters and s1 = 100 meters, and λ = 0.33 meters (900 MHz),









dk 4. 10

1. Path loss between Tx and R1 (θ = 00, q(0) = 0)


dB 63.77200





4. 11

2. Path loss between Tx and R2 (θ = 450, q(45) = 0.125)


dB 84.981450





=•+= 4. 12

3. Path loss between Tx and R3 (θ = 900, q(90) = 0.3535)


dB 06.1033735





=•+= 4. 13

If s0 = 100 meters and s1 = 100 meters, and λ = 0.15 meters (2 GHz),

Path loss between Tx and R1 (θ = 00, q(0) = 0), L = 84.48 dB

Path loss between Tx and R2 (θ = 450, q(45) = 0.125), L = 101.69 dB

Path loss between Tx and R3 (θ = 900, q(90) = 0.3535), L = 109.91 dB

If s0 = 20 meters and s1 = 20 meters, and λ = 0.15 meters (2 GHz),

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Path loss between Tx and R1 (θ = 00, q(0) = 0), L = 70.50 dB

Path loss between Tx and R2 (θ = 450, q(45) = 0.125), L = 77.55 dB

Path loss between Tx and R3 (θ = 900, q(90) = 0.3535), L = 83.63 dB

Figure 4. 10 Receivers at different angles from the transmitter [Berg, 1995]

In order to implement this algorithm in our simulator (at the level of grids), we

use a concept from game programming, which is an approach to develop computer

games. Usually, in a simulated map of the game an object has to move around to

reach a goal. The object has to avoid obstacles and find a path intelligently. Thus, in

game programming, the shortest distance is often calculated. Since we need to find the

best path between the mobile and base station, we need to find the shortest path. Due

to its simplicity, A* is the heuristic used in game programming, rather than breadth

first or depth first search. The physical space can be divided into square shaped cells

or grids. The shortest distance between the start cell and destination cell is calculated

by starting from the start grid cell. The cost of traversing each grid cell is added until

the destination is reached. Consider the example in Figure 4-11 [Macgill, 1999]. The

dark grey grid cell (with 2.0 written on it) is the start grid and the light grey grid cell is




R3 Tx


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the destination. The black grid cell represents infinite cost. The cost of a white grid

cell is one. As can be seen the cost of each grid cell starting from the start grid cell is

added in each adjacent grid cell. As soon as the destination is reached, the heuristic

traverses back as represented by the shaded path. The shaded path avoids the black

obstacles and traverses the corners much as a ray of light would do.

The pseudocode of A* algorithm is given below from [Bourg and Seemann,

2003]. The open list is a list to keep track of which grid cells need to be searched. The

closed list refers to grid cells that are already checked and no longer need to be

examined. The cost here refers to the path loss cost.

add the starting node to the open list while the open list is not empty { curent node = node from open list with the lowest cost if current node = goal then path complete else move current node to the closed list examine each node adjacent to the current node for each adjacent node if it isn’t on the open list and isn’t on the closed list and it isn’t an obstacle then move it to open list and calculate cost }

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Figure 4. 11 Illustration of A* algorithm

The mobility state model is linked to each crossing of the grid cell, that is,

when a mobile crosses a grid cell boundary, the event queue is updated. If the grid cell

size is smaller, it means that we are unnecessarily adding to our computation. Also it

may mean that we are adding to the ping-pong effect in the handoff between the

intermediaries, where the relays are handed to one and again handed back quickly. On

the other hand if the grid cell size is larger, the mobile may continue using a relay

which is sub-optimal.

Buildings – infinite cost, black grid Roads – white grids Path – shaded grids [Macgill, 1999]

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4.3.1 Call and Mobility Model

Call arrival is modeled by a Poisson distribution while the call length is

modeled by an exponential distribution. A Poisson distribution is described by its

mean and variance, λ, and is given as,


xexf x



= 4. 14

Exponential distribution, with mean a, is given as,


xf /1)( −= 4. 15

In our case, λ and a are in units of seconds. Typical values from published

studies for ‘a’ are 150 seconds [Lam, Cox and Widom, 1997] and for λ, it depends on

the number of calls per hour and the call duration.

4.3.2 Modeling Node Behavior

For each mobile and relay in the cell, the base station maintains a finite state

machine indicating the present state of that node. Figure 4.12 shows the state machine

for a mobile. When a mobile needs to initiate a call, it moves from the Idle state to the

Requested state where the mobile is waiting for the base station to accept the call. At

this point, the base station may either find a relay or ask the mobile to place the call

directly. These two situations correspond to the state transitioning to either Stretched

(i.e., call is relayed) or Direct. If the call is being relayed, there may be a need to

change the relay over time. Thus, the self loop in the Stretched state denotes the base

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station changing the relay as propagation conditions change in relative node position.

It is possible that there may be no available relay so the call can become Direct at

some later time. Likewise, a Direct call in progress may become Stretched if a relay

can be found.

Node mobility is modeled as a Gaussian distribution. The mobiles

moves along the roads until it finds an intersection. At the intersection the node

changes direction uniformly randomly and chooses a new velocity, which is 10% of

the mean value.

Figure 4. 12 Finite State Automaton of a Mobile





setIntermediary startDirectCall






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Figure 4. 13 Finite State Automaton of a Mobile maintained in the base station

An idle mobile can serve as a relay for another call. This situation is illustrated

in Figure 4.13 where the mobile is contacted by the base station and if the mobile is

willing, it becomes a relay. The transition from the Idle to CheckingIntermediary

transition happens when the request is received from the base station. After the mobile

agrees to become a relay, it responds with a carryCallACK and moves to the Carrying

state. If a relay needs to place its own call, it informs the base station via the

callInitiation transition which causes the base station to reassign the relay and to set up

this new call.


















Mobile as an Intermediary Mobile

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4.3.3 Calculating Energy Consumption

To measure the energy consumption for a given amount of simulation time in

the cellular environment we take into account the amount of power spent by the

mobile. The power when multiplied by the time of call duration gives the total energy

consumed by the mobile. We assume that an idle mobile does not consume energy. In

reality, however, mobiles scan the pilot channel and thus need some energy all the

time. We do not model this because it accounts for a very small value.

Figure 4. 14 Grid locations over time Figure 4.1 (a) shows a pedestrian walking down a street while placing a call.

The call is initially direct to the base station (t0 – t1) then it is relayed via the car for

time t1 – t2 after which it is direct to the base station again until termination t2 – t3.

To calculate the total energy consumed for this call, we need the path loss between the

mobile and base station for time t0 – t1 and t2 – t3 plus the energy between the


t1 t0 t2 t3

g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6

Time Pedestrian’s grid location

t1 t0 t2 t3

Time Car’s grid location

g11 g12 g13 g14

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pedestrian and the car for t1 –t2 as well as energy from the car to the base station for

this same interval. The path loss changes as the mobiles move and in our simulation

we have path loss expressions for all pairs and grid squares. Figure 4.14 shows the

grid location of the pedestrian and relay (car) location for the time t0 – t3. To

determine the total energy consumed, we calculate the energy for transmitting from

grid cells g1 and g2 direct to the base station (transmit power multiplied with time in

that grid cell) plus the energy consumed in transmitting between g3 – g10, g3 – g11,

and g3 – g12 (since the car moves through three grid locations in the time it takes the

pedestrian to move one grid location) plus the energy the relay expends in transmitting

to the base station, and so on. The simulator makes these calculations for all ongoing

calls and reports the total energy consumed for some given length of time.

4.4 Simulator Implementation The simulator was developed in Java. The main components of this simulator

include the event queue, comparison operators for events in the event queue, the state

representation, data collection modules, and algorithms that make mobile move in a

way that follows the topology of the cell. Each of these major components are

described next.

4.4.1 Event Queue

The events are ordered in time in the event queue. As an example, if we add a

call initiation event for some mobile X to start at time 101, then the call termination

event should come after this time. Similarly if another mobile Y has its call being

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terminated at time 100, then this event should start before mobile X’s call starts. One

way to implement this ordering is to insert the events as they come into the sorted

queue. Java JDK offers a ‘TreeSet’ collection to implement this, where elements are

sorted by the ordering prescribed by the comparator, described below. ‘TreeSet’ takes

log(n) time for ‘add’, ‘remove’ and ‘contains’ operation.

4.4.2 Comparable

Different objects representing different events populate the event queue. In

order to sort the event queue, we need to define a way to compare the objects. Java

JDK provides the interface ‘Comparable’, where the method ‘compareTo’ has to be

specified. ‘EventQueueObject’ populates the event queue, named ‘SimEventQueue’.

SimEventQueue = new TreeSet( new Comparator() { public int compare(Object a, Object b) { EventQueueObject itemA = (EventQueueObject) a; EventQueueObject itemB = (EventQueueObject) b; return itemA.compareTo(itemB); } } );

4.4.3 Observer and Observable

We decided to use the Model/View/Controller architecture [Sunsted, 1995]

since many controllers can contribute to the model, as shown in Figure 4.15. This

architecture is also useful when the same model/data has to be shown in different

views and the binding between model and view occurs at run time. Class ‘Observable’

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provided by Java JDK represents the data that needs to be observed, which is the event

queue in our design. The ‘Observer’ signifies the different views of the ‘Observable’.

‘Observable’ notifies the ‘Observers’ of an event by the method ‘notifyObservers’,

which calls the ‘update’ method of the ‘Observers’. In this way the event queue

notifies the nodes whose call has initiated or terminated or change of location has

occurred. The nodes themselves act as controllers of the event queue as they add new

events to the queue.

Figure 4. 15 Model/View/Controller architecture

4.4.4 Data Collection

The simulation is updated at each event, be it a mobility event or a call model

event. As the mobile crosses a grid line, an update location event is sent. Every call

termination creates another call creation event and vice versa. After a simulation is run

for, say, 1000 seconds, it is repeated six times and the final average values of metrics

are recorded.


Mobile adds event

Mobile adds event

Mobile adds event

Mobile acts on event notified

Mobile acts on event notified

Mobile acts on event notified

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4.5 Simulation Results 4.5.1 Factors and Metrics

The metrics that we use in this study include: total system energy, per mobile

energy consumed, percentage of time a node uses relays, and number of relay – relay

handoffs. Other metrics such as throughput and call blocking rate are irrelevant

because under high load our system degenerates to a traditional cellular system (i.e.,

without relays).

The factors that can affect performance are many such as number of mobiles

(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30), mean call rate (2, 3, 4 calls/hour), mean call duration (100,

200, 300 seconds), cell antenna gain (6 and 10 dBi), mean node velocity (1 or 5 m/s),

and base station placement in the cell (center or corner). If we do a full factorial

design with all these parameters, we will need to do 6x3x3x2x2x2 = 532 experiments

(multiplied with the number of repetitions). Therefore we decided to do a fractional

factorial design where we first determine if any of the factors can be eliminated. The

number of mobiles, base station antenna gain, and base station placement are all

necessary for our study. Therefore, we conducted an initial series of experiments to

select among velocity, call rate and call duration. For these experiments, the number

of mobiles is set to be 5.

Steps to determine the main effects [Jain, 1991]:

• Each factor has different values or levels

• For each call rate, the simulation is run for both velocity and call duration

• Repetition (five times) of simulation is done

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• Results of system energy are put in matrix form

• Each row and column mean is calculated, giving mean for each factor

• A common mean is also calculated

• The difference of each factor (their mean) and the common mean gives the

effect of each factor

Main Factors Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Effect of Factors Velocity 0.075129183 -0.075129183 0.17CallRate -0.301627953 0.366536429 -0.064908476 47.34CallDuration -0.771235199 1.091740008 -0.320504809 18.89

Table 4. 3 Effect of factors

We see from Table 4.3 that least effect factor is velocity, while call rate and

call duration significantly affect our calculations. Based on the above analysis, we

therefore use the following reduced set of parameters for the final set of simulations

using cellular layout as given in Figure 4.16 (blue grid as base station, black grid as

building, yellow grid as intersection, white grid as road) and using Appendix A:

• Number of mobiles: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

• Base station position: Center or corner

• Call rate: 1, 2 calls/hour. We did not choose the values 3 and 4 because we

want enough mobiles in an idle state to qualify as a relay.

• Call duration: 120 seconds. We took this factor to be a constant even though it

was a significant factor, so as to have more idle nodes that can act as relays.

• Cell antenna gain: 6, 10 dBi

• Grid size is set at 20 meters

• Velocity = 10 m/s

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Figure 4. 16 Snapshot of cellular layout

The comparisons we performed were the following:

• Energy consumed (system wide as well as per node) for the case when all

mobiles call the base station directly and when mobiles can use relays. This

comparison seeks to demonstrate the energy saving benefit of using relays.

• Direct and stretched time which means how much time did mobiles talk

directly to the base station and how much time were their calls relayed (we

use the term stretched for relayed calls because in a sense the calls are

stretched via the relay).

• Number of handoffs between relays in the case that we use relays.

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4.5.2 Base station at center, Gain = 10dBi

Figure 4. 17 Comparison of system energy for BS at center, cell gain =10 dBi

Figure 4.17 shows the total system energy for varying call rates. As can be

seen, higher call rates consume more energy. However, irrespective of call rates the

stretched system consumed less energy. For a lower call rate the savings are more than

half, while for the higher call rate the savings vary from three to more than seven

times. Also the spread in confidence interval is less for the stretched case. The reason

is that relaying calls limits energy consumption by hand offs between relays.

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Figure 4. 18 Figure showing breakup of path with d =1

To see why relays are so effective at saving energy, assume that the path loss

exponent is α. Let d be the distance between the mobile and BS, then the transmit

power in a direct call is proportional to dα. For the stretched call, say the distances

between the mobile and relay is d1 and between relay and BS is d2. The total energy

for the stretched call is then proportional to d1α + d2

α. Figure 4.18 plots the values of

d1 and d2 for which

ααα ddd ≤+ 21

In the figure, d = 1 and α = 2, 3, 4 and dα = 1. The values of d1α + d2

α are always less

than 1. In our simulations there is a high probability of finding a relay in the region

that reduces total energy and hence the energy savings as illustrated in Figure 4.17.

Breakup of a path by relay for different path loss coefficients, alpha







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2



alpha = 2alpha = 3alpha = 4

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A problem may occur if all the mobiles have very high call rates, then at any

given instance there is less chance of an finding an idle mobile. This results in less

energy savings as well as higher number of handoffs. This is illustrated in Figure 4.19

where we see that at a call rate of 2, the number of relay to relay handoffs is more than

double than for a call rate of 1.

Figure 4. 19 Comparison of handoffs for BS at center, cell gain = 10 dBi

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Figure 4. 20 Comparison of per node energy for BS at center, cell gain =10 dBi

Figure 4.20 shows the actual energy consumed per node for a run of 1000

seconds. As can be seen the direct mode always consumes more energy as both nearer

(d2) and further (d4) paths are present. The higher call rate shows less than 0.5 joules

consumption of energy. The stretched mode savings vary from three to ten times, with

higher savings for a higher call rate.

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Figure 4. 21 Comparison of time for BS at center, cell gain = 10 dBi

Figure 4.21 plots the total time spent by all the mobiles in the system either in

direct calls to the base station (label used in the figure is “Direct”), in stretched calls

where the mobile is the originator of the call (label used is “Stretched”), and time

spent by a mobile in acting as a relay for other calls (label here is “Carrying”). The

first thing to note is that the curves for Stretched and Carrying (for a given call rate)

are almost identical. This makes sense because for every stretched call, there is a node

relaying that call. A second feature is that the total airtime in a Direct call is always

below the total time in Stretched or Carrying. This is because a stretched call causes

two mobiles to communicate thus doubling total call time. We note that for a given

call rate the Direct curve is not exactly half of the Stretched (or Carrying) curve

because our Greedy algorithm only relays a call if there are energy savings to be

obtained by relaying; otherwise the call is placed directly to the base station. For a

higher call rate, the total airtime goes up, as expected. Figure 4.22 plots the percentage

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of time calls were placed directly to the base station or relayed. We see that as the

number of nodes increases, the percentage of stretched call also increases. This makes

sense since there are more candidates available to carry calls. This also explains the

decrease in the Direct call percentage.

Figure 4. 22 Comparison of time for BS at center, cell gain = 10 dBi

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4.5.3 Base station at center, Gain = 6 dBi

Figure 4. 23 Comparison of system energy for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi

Figure 4.23 illustrates the system energy with cell gain of 6 dBi. As expected it

shows more energy consumption for higher call rates and lower energy for stretched

connections. In comparing with Figure 4.17 with cell gain of 10 dBi, we see that the

higher cell gain system consumes less energy. This is more evident for lower call


Consider the case when the number of mobiles is 25. The energy consumed

when placing direct calls using a cell gain of 6 dBi consumes almost five times the

energy compared to the case when the cell gain is 10 dBi. This makes sense because a

higher cell gain indicates a more directional antenna at the base station which requires

a lower transmit power at the mobile. Interestingly, however, the total energy

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consumed when calls are relayed does not change as much when we change cell gain.

This is because when calls are relayed, each hop is far shorter than placing a direct

call. Thus, the impact of higher cell gain is much lower.

Figure 4. 24 Comparison of handoffs for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi

Figure 4.24 plots the number of handoffs as a function of the number of

number of mobiles. We see that these numbers are not different from the case when

the cell gain is 10 dBi. The reason is that in both cases the Greedy algorithm only

relays a call when it is energy efficient to do so. Thus, cell gain does not affect this

decision (though it does affect the total energy consumed).

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Figure 4. 25 Comparison of per node energy for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi

Figure 4.25 plots the per-node energy consumed for a run of 1000 seconds.

The direct mode consumes an average of 0.6 joules as opposed to 0.5 joules for the

case when the cell gain is 10 dBi. This makes sense since a higher gain implies lower

transmit power. The per node energy for the stretched case is similar for both cell gain

values. Finally, Figure 4.26 plots the Direct, Stretched, and Carrying time as a

function of the number of mobiles. Cell gain does not affect this metric either because

calls stretched with one cell gain are also stretched with the other.

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Figure 4. 26 Comparison of time for BS at center, cell gain = 6 dBi

4.5.4 Base station at corner, Gain = 10 dBi

Figure 4. 27 Comparison of system energy for BS at corner, cell gain =10 dBi

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We next look at the case when the base station is located at a corner of the cell.

This scenario is not uncommon in actual deployments due to zoning and other

constraints. In order to cover its cell with such a placement, the base stations use

sectored antennas. Comparing Figure 4.27 with 4.17 (base station at center) we note

some interesting differences. First, the direct calls have much higher energy

consumption when the base station is at a corner. This is because the average distance

between the mobile and base station is greater. We also see that when the base station

is in a corner, the benefits of relaying the call become more evident. This is also

because the distance to the base station is greater.

Figure 4. 28 Comparison of handoffs for BS at corner, cell gain = 10 dBi

Comparing Figure 4.28 and Figure 4.19, we see there is little difference in the

number of handoffs between relays in either case. This is not unexpected because base

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station placement should not really affect these values. Rather, the availability of free

mobiles and the load are the determining factors.

Figure 4. 29 Comparison of per node energy for BS at corner, cell gain =10 dBi

Figure 4.29 plots the per-node energy for a run of 1000 seconds. Comparing

this with Figure 4.20, we note that the trend is similar in both cases but the values for

the corner case are significantly higher. This is again due to the fact that since the base

station is at a corner, the total distances involved are larger. We observe that the

energy for the stretched case is fairly flat as the number of nodes increases indicating

that there are enough relays available at these call rates.

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Figure 4. 30 Comparison of time for BS at corner, cell gain = 10 dBi

Figure 4.30 and 4.21 are almost identical. These figures plot the total amount

of time that nodes in the system were placing Direct calls, Stretched calls, or Carrying

other node’s calls. The time values are almost the same regardless of base station

location because in both cases, there are a sufficient number of idle relays available to

stretch a call. That is, the probability of finding an idle relay in the feasible area shown

in Figure 4.18 for a given node, is almost one in both cases. We note that for the same

reason, Figures 4.31 and 4.22 are similar (these figures plot the percentage of time a

node spends in these three modes).

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Figure 4. 31 Comparison of time for BS at corner, cell gain = 10 dBi

4.5.5 Base station at corner, Gain = 6 dBi

Figure 4. 32 Comparison of system energy for BS at corner, cell gain = 6 dBi

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Figure 4.32 plots the total energy as a function of the number of nodes. As

expected, because the cell gain is lower, the total energy is greater in all cases. Indeed,

the increase compared to the 10 dBi case is at least twice. As compared with the base

station in the center case with a cell gain of 6 dBi, we see an increase of four to six

times. In other words, placing the base station in the corner of the cell and reducing

the gain is the worst scenario in terms of energy consumption. We note the number of

handoffs still follows the same trend as previously.

Figure 4. 33 Comparison of handoffs for BS at corner, cell gain = 6 dBi

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Figure 4. 34 Comparison of per node energy for BS at center, cell gain =10 dBi

Figure 4.34 plots the per node energy consumption. Compared with when the

cell gain is 10 dBi, we see an increase of Direct and Stretched energy of at least three

times. Compared with the 6 dBi case with the base station in the center, we see an

increase of four to five times. Finally, note that the total time spent in various modes

(Figure 4.35) is identical to all previous cases because the cell gain does not affect

when a call is carried. The only determining factor is the presence of an idle node in

the feasible region.

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Figure 4. 35 Comparison of time for BS at corner, cell gain = 6 dBi

4.5.6 Summary of the Main Results

Based on the previous discussion, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Using relays is always beneficial with energy gains of between 1.76 dB to 8.45 dB.

2. If the base station is in the corner of the cell, the benefits of using relays are even

more significant.

3. The energy savings are greater as the number of idle node increases.

4. The number of relay-relay handoffs increases with an increase in the number of

mobiles because the Greedy algorithm always attempts to find the lowest energy

path for the connection.

5. Using a higher cell gain reduces energy consumption of direct as well as stretched


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The base station at corner case has higher energy consumption when compared

to the base station at the center, because of the fact that for the same area, higher

distances are covered in the former case. In both the cases the stretched simulation

mode achieves significant energy savings over time, which varies from 1.76 dB to

almost 8.45 dB as the number of nodes is increased. The average energy per node

shows savings in both simulation modes, showing the fairness in choosing relays over

time. The amount of time a mobile carries for another is always more than the time for

direct calls, even though direct calls have highest priority. This means that we have

enough resources in terms of time to allot for relaying. The number of handoffs is

similar in all cases.

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5. Improving coverage with relays

The previous chapter discussed the improvements in system energy

consumption when using relays. This chapter explores improvements in the reliability

of coverage. Coverage is defined as the farthest distance from the base station where

the signal has reliable signal strength [Rappaport, 1996], which is also the range of the

cell. There is, however, the question of how uniform this coverage is. Using accurate

ray tracing models, [Coinchon, Salovaara, and Wagen, 2001] report 12% rejections

when 20dB building penetration loss is not taken into account and 20% rejections

when the building penetration loss is taken into account. Intuitively the reason is that

path loss contours in high building density areas make their own local minima. [Lee

and Miller, 1998] term these as pockets in which the propagation can be very poor.

[Lee and Miller, 1998] also shows that, with the CCIR propagation model, the impact

of the building density on the cell radius is much more than the impact of the antenna

heights. Further evidence is provided by [Neskovic, Neskovic and Paunovic, 2002],

where they report coverage of Belgrade city. Areas identified as highly dense typically

have lower signal strength when compared to semi-urban areas.

5.1 Gaps in Coverage

Radio signal penetration varies considerably due to variation in the terrain and

due to the interference limited characteristic of CDMA system. [Jones and Skellern,

1995] report that contiguous cell coverage may not be possible in a microcell even if

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the call loss rate is low. They analyze interference to noise ratio and show that

interference from other mobiles is sufficient to produce gaps in coverage.

To illustrate the variation of signal due to buildings, contour maps are plotted

using CCIR formula in Figure 5.1. Path loss contours here use 850 MHz for a typical

urban area. The area of the cell is 1 km2. The base station antenna height is 30m and

mobile antenna height is 1.5m. The buildings lie in a grid formation all over the area.

The base station is at the center of the cell. Only the area near the base station shows

the circular curves as expected. The contours get distorted as we go further away from

the base station due to the presence of buildings. In two dimensions, as we can see in

Figure 5.1, several local minima occur (circular areas around buildings, away form the

BS), which correspond to the high building density. In both cases, we see that several

areas have signal strength well below the threshold, resulting in call dropping. Figure

5.2 plots the same contours for the case when the base station is in a corner. Figures

5.3 and 5.4 provide a 3-D plot of signal strength in the cell. The valleys that we see are

all below threshold indicating a lack of coverage. We call these areas Below

Threshold Areas (BTA).

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Figure 5. 1 Path Loss contours for base station at center

Figure 5. 2 Path Loss contours for base station at corner


Lower Signal Strength (Valley)

Higher Signal Strength


Lower Signal Strength (Valley)

Higher Signal Strength


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Figure 5. 3 Path Loss contours in 3D for base station at center

Figure 5. 4 Path Loss contours in 3D for base station at corner

Path Loss


Lower Signal Strength (Valley)

Higher Signal Strength


Path Loss

Lower Signal Strength (Valley)

Higher Signal Strength

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In order to deal with the problem of BTAs, two solutions are possible. The first

is to add additional mini-base stations within the cell and the second solution is to

have mobiles use a higher transmit power if they are in a BTA. The first solution is

expensive and does not guarantee that all BTAs will be eliminated (unless we add a

large number of mini-base stations). Furthermore, new building construction can

invalidate some placements. The second solution is problematic in interference –

limited CDMA systems because other mobiles will encounter greater interference

resulting in lower system capacity.

We explore the potential of the relay – based approach to solve the above BTA

problem. If a mobile is stuck in some below threshold area, it need not increase its

power to reach the base station. It can instead search for another idle mobile, which

can relay its call to the base station. This procedure is particularly useful in a dead

spot [Aggelou and Tafazolli, 2001], as the base station may be out of reach for the

mobile. Thus, in addition to saving battery resources since a low signal power is

required to reach the relay, we can increase coverage.

5.2 Modeling Below Threshold Areas In order to study the benefit of using relays to improve coverage, we first need

to model a typical urban cell containing several BTAs. We develop a mathematical

model to quantify the occurrence of Below Threshold Areas (BTA). The modeling

challenge is that BTAs can vary in size dramatically, they can be only few meters

wide or can stretch to whole building blocks. A cellular user thus experiences BTAs as

small fades or whole block fades. To properly capture this behavior, we divide the cell

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into grids. The high building density grids will have many BTAs, while sparse regions

will have fewer BTAs.

In order to model the natural clustering behavior of BTA occurrence (e.g., a

building causes several BTAs whereas open roads do not), we use the Generalized

Poisson Distribution (GPD). The GPD was developed by Consul and Jain [Consul,

1989] where they noted that complete randomness is not realistic and we don’t see it

in nature. Thus living organisms tend to cluster more in some areas, maybe for food or

for safety. They even lay eggs on wheat, seed or leaves, but only at those places where

somebody else has already laid eggs. They even migrate in groups. So some type of

clustering is inevitable. The symbols θ and λ are called the first and second parameters

of the GPD model. Parameter λ is independent of θ and the lower limit is imposed to

ensure that there are at least five classes with non–zero probability when λ is negative.

Variance of this GPD model is greater than, equal to, or less than the mean according

to whether the second parameter λ is positive, zero or negative. Both mean and

variance tend to increase or decrease in value as θ increases or decreases. When λ is

positive, the mean and variance both increase in value as λ increases, but variance

increases faster than the mean. Let X be a discrete random variable (r.v.) defined over

non - negative integral values, and let Px(θ, λ) denotes the probability that r.v. ‘X’

takes the non – negative integral value, x.

The Generalized Poisson Distribution (GPD) [Consul, 1989] is,

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5. 1

where θ >0 , max(-1, θ /m ) <λ <= 1 and m(>=4) is the largest positive

integer for which θ +λ m > 0 whenλ is negative. By varying the two parameters we

can control the mean number of BTAs and the variation in each grid. In Figure 5.5, we

illustrate the use of GPD to generate BTAs in low and high building density areas.

Low Building Density Cell : λ = -0.1, θ = 0.2, m = 1 => This gives almost eighty

percent of grids free of BTAs and the rest have only one BTA.

High Building Density Cell : λ = -0.2, θ = 0.8, m = 2 => This gives a few highly

dense grids and lots of less dense grids. Fifty percent of grids still have no BTAs.

Figure 5. 5 Distribution of Below Threshold Areas

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5.3 Reliability of Coverage

We use the metric “useful service area” [Rappaport, 1996] to identify the total

area where the signal level is above some threshold. It can thus be seen as a measure

of the reliability of coverage. This measure is quite relevant now as more and more

people give up landlines in favor of cellular phones and expect good coverage. Useful

service area (or useful coverage area) is given as,

∫ >Aarea


)Pr( γξ 5. 2

where ξ is the signal level and γ is some threshold level. This gives the

probability that a connection will not be lost. The integral is taken over the entire

cellular area.

Improvement in the useful coverage area due to relayed calls is given by,

∫∫ <+>AareaAarea


)(*)Pr()Pr( δγξγξ 5. 3

where, δ (stretch) = 0 or 1 depending on the possibility of relaying the call.

The probability that the above delta function will be unity is equal to the

probability of a calling mobile in the BTA finding another mobile to relay its call. The

relaying mobile needs to be idle and it should not be in a BTA itself.

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Figure 5. 6 Theoretical probability of finding an intermediary

To find the percentage of additional area covered by introducing a relay, we

perform the following simple calculation. Let us denote by N the total number of grids

in the cell. Out of these grids, let n lie below threshold. So there are N-n grids above

threshold (without relays). Now out of the n grids we need to find the probability of

placing a stretched call or finding a relay.

The probability of finding a relay, P, is proportional to the occurrence of BTAs

as given by the GPD, which is dependent upon building density. In addition, P also

depends upon the number of idle nodes and how far they are in order to save power

and this factor is given by the probability of j stretched calls, )|( mjP . Here it is to be

noted that if there are constant number of mobiles in the cell, the number of idle nodes

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changes after one has been allocated. Here M is the total number of mobiles and m is

the number of idle mobiles. So )|( mjP follows hypergeometric distribution given as,












mjP )|( 5. 4

This is the probability of finding a mobile able to carry a call without being

replaced. If we can replace the available set of mobiles, then it will follow the

Bernoulli distribution. Thus the probability of finding a relay for a mobile is,


XPmjPP ),().|( λθ 5. 5

In Figure 5.6 we plot the probability of a mobile using a stretched call due to

poor coverage. As expected heavy density areas have a higher probability of using a

stretched call. The area of interest is the rising curve for both heavy and sparse areas.

This shows that saturation is achieved on reaching a certain idle to calling ratio of


5.4 Methodology of Simulations

We use the above grid-based cell representation where each grid may have a

number of BTAs. The high building density areas will have higher number of BTAs.

The range of building density varies from 10-20% in sparse cells and 10-40% in heavy

cells [Lee and Miller, 1998]. The mobiles are placed uniformly randomly in the cell.

Thus mobiles inside buildings are easily represented here as against our previous

representation where mobiles were only on the roads.

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Monte Carlo simulations are run with 50 nodes on a 1km x 1km cellular area

with the base station at the center. The path loss exponent was kept at 2 for distances

less than a threshold distance of 300m and 4 for beyond the threshold distance. The

results are a mean of 30-50 runs. Since we are using the stretched call model we

choose the intermediary only when the direct path is costly and the stretched path is

greedily chosen. The chosen intermediary also shouldn’t fall in a local minima region,

called the “constraint” here. With these constraints we consider four approaches.

5.4.1 Strategies/ Approaches for the system

1. “No constraint and No replacement” approach – The approach of “No

constraint” means that any available mobile is considered for carrying a call,

even if it lies in a below threshold area. This model makes sense if the

intermediary has sufficient battery power, which can be used to increase

transmit power to reach the base station. “No replacement” means that the

same pool of mobiles is kept throughout the simulation. The initial available

set of idle to calling mobiles is considered as the idle to calling ratio.

2. “No constraint and With Replacement” –“With replacement” means that new

idle mobiles are added as intermediaries are allocated. So the idle to calling

ratio is kept constant throughout the simulation.

3. “With constraint and With Replacement” – Only idle mobiles that do not lie in

a BTA can be allocated as intermediaries. In addition new idle mobiles are

added to maintain a constant idle/calling ratio.

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4. “With constraint and No Replacement” – This approach considers the above

constraint and doesn’t replace the idle mobiles allocated as intermediaries.

Figures 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10 show the comparison of our theoretical model with

simulation for these three approaches. For Approaches 1 and 2, shown in Figures 5.7,

and 5.8, we see that the theoretical model underestimates the probability of a stretched

call whereas the model is fairly accurate for Approach 3 (Figure 5.9) and Approach 4

(Figure 5.10).

Figure 5. 7 Approach 1: No constraint, no replacement

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Figure 5. 8 Approach 2: No constraint, with replacement

Figure 5. 9 Approach 3: With constraint, with replacement

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Figure 5. 10 Approach 4: With constraint, no replacement

5.5 Simulation Results

The following plots use the terminology

• Percentage of mobiles that lie in BTAs (“Below Threshold Areas”)

• Percentage of mobiles that use intermediaries (“Found Intermediaries”)

• A ratio of the above two (“Intermediaries/BTA ratio”)

5.5.1 Coverage Results In the figures below, first we have LBD cases and then the HBD cases.

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Approach 1: No constraint, no replacement

Figure 5. 11 No constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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Figure 5.11 shows the improvement in coverage for the “No constraint, no

replacement” approach for LBD and HBD areas. Both LBD and HBD show

improvements in coverage, though for HBD the improvement is quite high, of the

order of 50%. For the LBD case, the improvement is smaller since there are fewer

BTAs (as indicated by the solid line) to begin with. However, the improvement is over


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Approach 2: No constraint, with replacement

Figure 5. 12 No constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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Figures 5.12 show the “No constraint, with replacement” approach for LBD

and HBD areas. This approach improves over the previous no replacement approach

for both LBD and HBD, since increasing the availability of intermediaries invariably

helps in greater coverage. For an idle to calling ratio of one, there is an almost 20%

improvement in coverage, and for idle to calling ratio of three, the coverage jumps

from nearly 38% to approximately 69%. Higher values of idle to calling ratio don’t

give any more improvement in coverage. This means that having only a few additional

relays nearby can greatly improve the possibility of having no dead spots.

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Approach 3: With constraint, with replacement

Figure 5. 13 With constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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In Figure 5.13 both the LBD and HBD plots show that the stretched mode

curve follows the non-stretched mode curve. When comparing LBD with HBD, LBD

shows greater improvement in coverage, going upto 90% for Idle to Calling ratio of 9.

There is a steady improvement in coverage for LBD, which is similar to the trend seen

in previous LBD figures. For HBD, the improvement in coverage flattens at

approximately 50% even though there are more relays. This is because the relays also

have higher chance of falling in BTAs.

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Approach 4: With constraint, no replacement

Figure 5. 14 With constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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Figure 5.14 shows the improvement in coverage for the “With constraint, no

replacement” approach for LBD and HBD areas. For the LBD case the stretched mode

provides similar improvement as the previous LBD figures. However, for HBD the

coverage improvement doesn’t go beyond 50%. With no replacement and with

constraint, there is hardly any chance of getting many intermediaries who do not lie in


In all the above figures both for LBD and HBD cases, the interesting region

was where the stretched mode started to give improvement in coverage over the direct

call mode. This corresponded to a idle/calling ratio of between 0 and 1. We explore

this region in more detail in section 5.5.2.

5.5.2 Impact of Idle to Calling Ratio

As we increase the number of idle mobiles vs. total number of mobiles, we get

an idea of possible relays. The amount of coverage is given by the percentage of the

cell that is covered. We would like to explore how much this ratio affects the

coverage. It is to be noted that LBD areas have lower number of areas that need a

relay since most of the paths are line of sight. On the other hand, HBD areas have a

higher number of areas that need a relay and many more paths are not line of sight

paths. The first factor of "need of relay" is accounted by "Below Threshold Areas" in

the following figures.

Another point to be noted is that though HBD areas have a higher need for

relays, the process of finding relays is harder than in the LBD case since most of the

possible candidates for relays might themselves be lying in a BTA area. When an

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intermediary is found for a mobile it is denoted by "Found Intermediary" in the

following figures. The "Intermediary vs. BTA Ratio" gives the ratio of "Found

Intermediary" and "Below Threshold Areas".

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Approach 1: No constraint, no replacement

Figure 5. 15 No constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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For "No constraint, no replacement" approach, we can see in Figure 5.15 that

the BTA were less than 30%. As the Idle/Calling ratio grew, we can see that more

mobiles are able to find a relay. There is a sharp increase in the "Found

Intermediaries" curve, as more relays are allocated to mobiles requesting a relay. Thus

at Idle/Calling ratio of 1, each requesting mobile can get a relay. The amount of

coverage increases steadily to about 30%. Increasing Idle/Calling ratio beyond that

increases coverage to almost 48%. In case of HBD the BTA are nearly 60% for all

cases of Idle/Calling ratios. Again as Idle/Calling ratio reaches 1, we get the highest

possible increase in coverage.

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Approach 2: No constraint, with replacement

Figure 5. 16 No constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

For "No constraint, with replacement" approach in Figure 5.16, we expect

some improvement in the amount of coverage as the same sized pool of idle mobiles is

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available for idle nodes. As can be seen in the LBD case, we do get upto 55%

coverage. In the HBD case the improvement is nearly 51%. Again the coverage rises

until the Idle to calling ratio is about 6 for both HBD and LBD cases.

Approach 3: With constraint, with replacement

Figure 5. 17 With constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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For the "With constraint, with replacement" approach in Figure 5.17, we

expect less coverage than in earlier cases as the constraint will limit the relays that are

chosen. This is reflected in this case as the coverage drops to the maximum of 18%. In

the LBD case, the coverage rises to nearly 40% till the Idle/calling ratio rises to 3 and

then drops after that.

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Approach 4: With constraint, no replacement

Figure 5. 18 With constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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For the "With constraint, no replacement" approach in Figure 5.18, we see that

more intermediaries are found as the Idle to calling ratio keeps on increasing, reaching

50% for Idle/Calling ratio of 9. For the HBD case we do not see much improvement

compared to the earlier case.

Here, before the ratio hits one, there is a steady increase in the number of

intermediaries that were found. This also corresponds to a higher number of calling

nodes. This holds lot of promise, as the more crowded a cell is, a little relaxing of call

density can bring about greater probability of finding a carrier.

5.5.3 Impact of smaller values of Idle to Calling Ratio

We explore the steepest region of "Found Intermediaries" in the previous

figures. In the following figures, all approaches in LBD show steady rise in coverage

as the Idle/Calling ratio increases from 0 to 3.5.

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Approach 1: No constraint, no replacement

Figure 5. 19 No constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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Approach 2: No constraint, with replacement

Figure 5. 20 No constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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In "No constraint" based approaches in Figures 5.19 and 5.20, we see a higher

rise in coverage, with the curve almost leveling off after Idle/Calling ratio reaches 2.5.

The coverage reaches almost 45% in the "No constraint, no replacement" approach,

while it reaches almost 55% in the "No constraint, with replacement" approach.

Approach 3: With constraint, with replacement

Figure 5. 21 With constraint, with replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

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Approach 4: With constraint, no replacement

Figure 5. 22 With constraint, no replacement approach; Impact of available relays in LBD and HBD areas

In contrast, the "With constraint" based approaches, in Figures 5.21 and 5.2,

show coverage reaching 45% in the "With constraint, with replacement" approach and

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almost 35% in the "With constraint, no replacement" approach. The HBD case shows

more increase in the "No constraint" based approaches and has highest values of

nearly 40% in the "No constraint, no replacement" approach and highest values of

almost 50% in the "No constraint, with replacement" approach. The "With constraint"

based approaches severely limit the coverage in HBD cases, with coverage limited to a

maximum of 15% in the "With constraint, with replacement approach" and a

maximum of 12% in the "With constraint, no replacement" approach.

These figures show that the constraint is the primary hindrance in the effort to

find intermediaries. When we use the constraint, even a “with replacement” policy

can’t give more than 10% intermediaries. Without the constraint, for higher ranges of

Idle to Calling ratio, up to 50% of nodes falling in BTAs are able to find

intermediaries, for both LBD and HBD.

We have shown a significant improvement in the reliability of coverage by

using a stretched call, in which an intermediary is used to carry calls from mobiles

located in BTAs. We considered heavy and sparse areas and computed the probability

of finding an intermediary when the mobile is at a below-threshold area. Our results

indicate that with an increase in idle to calling ratio, the coverage increases as does the

percentage of stretched calls.

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6. Interference in interference limited systems

A common measure of link quality is the Signal to Noise (SNR) or Signal to

Noise plus Interference (S/[N+I]) ratio [Jones and Skellern, 1995]. In CDMA systems,

the sources of interference lie both inside and outside the cell. As all cells use the same

frequency, co-channel interference arises. In the forward link all mobiles have their

Walsh code, which is orthogonal to all other codes in the cell, and thus no interference

is expected. However, multipath contributes towards intra-cell interference [Lee and

Miller, 1998]. In the reverse link, codes are not orthogonal and as a result give rise to

same-cell interference. The signals generated in a cell permeate other cells giving rise

to other-cell interference.

When relays are introduced in interference limited systems, it is imperative to

know whether they themselves will contribute to the interference in the system. So we

explore single cell interference in more detail. In order to analyze the interference in

the cell we need to look at two main scenarios, based on whether or not the

“constraint” is applied. The “constraint”, as defined in the earlier chapter, refers to

choosing a relay based on lowering the overall power consumption.

Scenario I: The system applies the constraint for choosing the relay.

This scenario is applicable when a mobile needs a relay to conserve its battery

as well as overall system power.

Scenario II: The system does not apply the constraint for choosing a relay.

This scenario is applicable when a mobile is in a dead spot and needs to

connect. The chosen relay may lie farther away from the base station.

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We had earlier identified two types of implementations for relays – in the first

we assume that the relay to mobile link is under power control and in the second we

drop this assumption. We now evaluate system-wide power control by means of

constrained optimization, and consider how the addition of relays can affect the

optimization. We will see how the above two different implementations affect power

control. We will then use the concept of outage contours to give us a realistic idea of

relay based interference.

6.1 Power constrained optimization

The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) for node i is given as,











η 6. 1

Where oη is the background additive white Gaussian noise with one sided

power spectral density, h is the channel gain, W is the bandwidth and R is the rate.

Let vector of 0N

Eb for N nodes be denoted by

[ ]Nγγγ ,....,, 21=Γ 6. 2 Each user specifies a maximum power limit and a minimum rate requirement.

Power limits are represented by,

[ ]Npppp ,....,, 21= 6. 3 Rate limits are represented by,

6. 4

[ ]Nrrrr ,...,, 21=

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Channel gains for users are specified by the vector h .

In a single cell CDMA system, power control is formulated as follows:

For, i = 1,2,…,N, we have




i WPhPh

RW γ


+∑≠ 6. 5

The power and rate constraints are,





6. 6 The objective is to minimize,




1 6. 7 Subject to above constraints for P and R. This leads to


WPA oη= 6. 8 where

[ ]**3



*,....,,, NPPPPP =

6. 9

is the optimal vector and →

1 is a unity matrix

[ ]T1,...,1,1,11 = 6. 10


























6. 11

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To simplify,



ii rWPh

PhW γ





6. 12



⎛+= ∑

≠ijojjiii WPhPWh ηγ *'*

6. 13

Where, iii rγγ =' 6. 14




ii WPhPWh




6. 15 Expanding the equation,

6. 16

Subtracting the above equations from each other (second from first, third from second,

etc.) we get,







































N PhWh








6. 17














































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N PhWh

























6. 18 Substituting the values in the above equations, we get,





































− *1



















1 ......











1 W1



1P- η






























⎛+ ∑




1'1 W1


6. 19 This means positivity of P* implies the following condition,

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6. 20 With relay, we have












η, 6. 21

The first part of the interference expression is due to the signals from all

mobiles except the relay and the current mobile. The last part of the expression,

namely, relayI , is due to the mobile to relay transmission.

Problem formulation with QoS constraints:

If a relay exists, ‘r’ denotes the relay,




r IWPhPh

RW γ


++∑≠ , 6. 22

If a relay does not exist, for all i= 1, …, N




i WPhPh

RW γ


+∑≠ 6. 23

All other mobiles then see the relay as just another mobile.

Power and rate constraints are as follows with the last constraint only applicable for

Scenario I.

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6. 24

where, rip − denotes the mobile to relay connection. The last constraint, as given by

Scenario I, conveys that the relay is only chosen when sum of rip − and relay power,

rp , is less than the original mobile to base station power, ip . Thus, we need to,





1 6. 25 Subject to the above constraints.

Figure 6. 1 Choice of relay for mobile

Solve the linear equations,




i kIWPhPh

RW γ


++∑≠ ,



6. 26 Where k= 0, if a relay is not involved, k=1, if a relay is involved in the transmission,

and r is included if such a relay exists.


Relay, r

Mobile, i

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ii RkIWPh

PhW γ


++∑≠ ,





⎛++= ∑


rijjjiii kIWPhPWh ηγ






ii ηγ

=−− ∑≠ ,



6. 27 Let first mobile’s call be relayed by mobile number two (the relay), and third

mobile’s call be relayed by the fourth mobile. Then we have the equations:

6. 28

The double underlined items are the interference due to relays even though a

shorter distance gives a higher path gain resulting in smaller power requirements. But

here we are replacing the smaller power with the still smaller power of the mobile-to-

relay connection. Therefore, for simplicity’s sake we have not changed the path gain

of the mobile to relay connection.

( )

( )



















































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Earlier we had,















P 6. 29

Now we have,



















P 6. 30

Scenario I

Since, *


1 PPrelay < and *


3 PPrelay <

So, ∑ ∑< ** PPnew 6. 31

Also same the condition for the equations exist, i.e., positivity of *

newP implies the

following condition,

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6. 32 Whether *

relayP is under power control or not, it satisfies the power constraint

and so its value will always be less than the original mobile’s power. Being under

power control will only mean that the base station can optimize its value. This means

that we have not changed power control equations but the overall system power is less.

This leads to less inter and intra cell interference.

Scenario II

Since the relay’s power may or may not be less than the mobile’s power,

∑ ∑≤ ** PPnew

or ∑ ∑≥ ** PPnew 6. 33

Here also, equation 6.32 applies based on positivity of *

newP . So even though

power control is maintained, this implies a smaller value for mobile and relay power.

Let us solve the set of equations numerically to see their behavior. Let there be only

two mobiles in the cell and a relay is introduced. We need to see the power values of

the mobiles before and after introduction of the relay. Since these power equations are

non-linear, a slack variable is introduced to make them linear.

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% COMMENT % Set of equations a = 4.8000 2.2000 1.0000 0 2.7000 6.6000 0 1.0000 b = 10 10 10 10 c = a/b c = 0.2000 0.2575 % add a relay a1 = 4.8000 2.2000 1.4000 1.0000 0 0 2.7000 6.6000 0.6000 0 1.0000 0 1.2000 3.5000 4.7000 0 0 1.0000 b1 = 10 10 10 10 10 10 c1 = a1/b1 c1 = 0.1567 0.1817 0.1733

This example in Matlab shows solving linear equations to get the power values

given by arrays c and c1. The target SIR is taken to be 10 (not exact units). Mobile 1’s

power is reduced from 0.2 to 0.1567 and mobile 2’s power is reduced from 0.2575 to

0.1817. So the mobiles reduce their power when the relay is introduced to maintain the

same target SIR at the base station. The mobiles adjust their power level whenever the

relay satisfies either of the scenarios.

This brings us to the necessity of power control for the relay-mobile

connection. If the mobile continues to send its signal with the same power, then we

don’t have any savings and it will add to the interference. The new signal power for

Scenario I should satisfy,





6. 34

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So, open loop power control for the relay should start with the PMR value. The

base station informs the relay to transmit at this power. Closed loop power control can

be achieved if the relay and mobile are able to coordinate through Power Control

Group (PCG) slots, reducing their power even further.

We also distinguish between the range of the cell, i.e., coverage and useful

service area of coverage. If we use relays to increase coverage, we may add to the

total interference. However, we are more concerned with the useful service area, and

any additional power has to be under power control. Increase of power at a certain

radius may mean that those nearer to the base station have to alter their power level,

but it all balances out as shown by the above linear equations, since we have seen that

addition of a relay is just like adding another mobile in the cell.

Figure 6. 2 Spatial effect for choice of relay








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Now let us explore the impact of different locations of the relay as in Figure

6.2. There are two halves in the cell given by I and II. Mobile M needs a relay. So

according to Scenario I, it will choose relay R1, but according to Scenario II, it will

choose relay R2. Now it does seem that R1 saves power, and so there should be less

interference in the system. On the other hand, relay R2 lies further away from the

mobiles in the Ist half of the cell, M1 and M2. So, R2 will give less interference to

mobiles M1 and M2. This shows that not only the constraint but spatial locations of

mobiles affect the amount of interference in the cellular system. We also note that if

the range of the relay is constrained to one half of the cell, only then will we really see

less total system power consumption. Note that the power control equations are global

(i.e., cell-wide), but the choice of the relay range can supplement the minimization of

system power. So we explore this in terms of outage contours to see the effect of a

mobile on total cell interference.

6.2 SIR and Outage Contours

In interference-limited environments interference exceeds the amount of noise.

Due to interference, when a link cannot be maintained at a desired quality, outage

occurs [Jones and Skellern, 1995]. It may be noted here that [Cook, 1987] and

[Jones and Skellern, 1995] analysis is for free space path propagation where the path

loss exponent is two, resulting in nice circular contours. To incorporate higher path

loss components makes the derivation of link equations for more than one interferer

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complex (see Appendix B). So we try to analyze the effect of more relays via a

computer simulation.

As shown by the Table 6.1, Universal Mobile Telecommunication System

(UMTS) spectrum allocation shows that Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) uplink

and downlink are separated and as such do not interfere with each other [Laiho,

Wacker and Novosad, 2002]. Time Division Duplexing (TDD) and FDD uplink are

adjacent. The intra-cell interference in FDD – CDMA cell is less as both uplink and

downlink use separate frequency bands. This scenario changes with TDD-CDMA as

the same frequency region is being utilized in downlink and uplink. The relay acts as a

mini base station in the cell. We plot SIR contours to know how much and how

widespread relay induced interference will be. The contours show at each point

exactly how much each relay can interfere. This enables us to properly design a

CDMA cell. This also helps in locating regions where outage will most likely occur.

The Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) is defined as desired signal divided by

signal received from all interferers [Rappaport, 1996],





6. 35

where S is the signal power required to make connection to the base station and I is the

signal interference power due to all the relays. Noise is not considered here, as it is an

interference limited system. We have used the Hata based path loss equations and the

reverse link power of the mobile is taken as defined in [Lee and Miller, 1998] (see

Appendix A).

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The region where SIR goes below a threshold of 10 dB can be considered an

outage region as the mobile intending to place a call is unable to do so. We plot SIR

contours and outage contours. We explore the effect of few selectively placed relays

and also study randomly placed relays to get an optimum number of relays.

Introduction of one relay creates a local minimum in the cell, as also suggested in the

AMPS based study [Jones and Skellern, 1995]. As we add more relays, we can see

how they can create local minima. In the simulation the mobiles are randomly

distributed and we can see whether the relays increase the interference. This is

important if relays are to find the senders or if finding the relays has to be in the

jurisdiction of the base station. If the relay’s presence increases the interference then it

is better for them to be listening devices rather than broadcasting their presence. We

want to know if there are any regions where relays should be avoided, and when we

reach the optimum number of relays.

Table 6. 1 UMTS spectrum allocation, Frequency in MHz [3GPP, 1998]


1710 -1785

1805 -1880

1880 -1900

1900 -1920

1920 -1980

2010 -2025

2110 -2170

GSM 1800 uplink

GSM 1800 downlink



UTRA FDD uplink


UTRA FDD downlink

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Figure 6. 3 Signal, SIR and Outage contours due to one relay

The cell is 1Km x 1Km in dimensions. The outage is defined when SIR is less

than 10dB. The relays are chosen according to Scenario I, but the range of relays is

dictated by Scenario II. It is also to be noted that if relays are under power control, it

does not matter if the constraint is a factor in the choice of relays. As we saw in the

last section, the overall system power is realigned so that the target SIR is maintained.

Thus the assumptions for the simulation are:

• FDD CDMA is used as it has separate frequency bands for uplink and downlink.

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• Power control at relays is assumed – so relay centric contours show minima at


• Relays here have mobile type maximum sending power, 23dBm, if car type higher

power relays are used, they have to limit their transmitting power so as not to

create extra interference.

• Relays have the range equal to quarter of the cell. It means that a relay at the

periphery can not interfere with a mobile situated at its diametrically opposite end.

The outage region is measured by means of ImageJ [ImageJ, 2001], an image

analysis software. This software measures the concerned region pixel-wise and gives

the percentage area. The simulation gives a snapshot of SIR and outage over the cell.

The densely populated contours are the regions where the SIR or the outage is high.

This tells a potential mobile of the amount of interference it might see.

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Left Column:

Figure 6. 4 SIR and outage contour due to two relays in same quadrant

Right Column:

Figure 6. 5 SIR and outage contour due to two relays in opposite quadrants

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Left Column: Figure 6. 6 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to three relays in three opposite quadrants

Right Column: Figure 6. 7 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to four relays in four opposite quadrants

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Left Column:

Figure 6. 8 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to five randomly placed relays

Right Column: Figure 6. 9 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to ten randomly placed relays

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Figure 6. 10 SIR, outage contour and outage region due to twenty randomly placed


Fixed Relays Percentage area affected by outage

Two in same quadrants 8.5%

Two in opposite quadrants 12%

Three in opposite quadrants 3.4%

Four in opposite quadrants 9.2%

Table 6. 2 Area affected by outage for fixed relays

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Randomly placed relays Percentage area affected by outage

Five relays 2.8%

Ten relays 1.13%

Twenty relays 0.8%

Table 6. 3 Area affected by outage for random relays

6.3 Results and Discussion

The Signal to Interference (SIR) contours show the distortion in signal level.

Figure 6.3 shows the desired signal contour, SIR contour and outage contour due to

interference introduced by one relay at the top right quadrant. The relay creates a local

minimum at its location. In Jones and Skellern [1995], the number of interferers was

one and even that could produce major disturbance in the smooth circular curves.

The Figures 6.4-6.10 show SIR and outage plots. We see that the quadrant

where the relay is placed suffers the most from outage. Figure 6.4 shows the effect of

placing two relays in the same top right quadrant. Figures 6.5-6.6 have relays

selectively chosen so as to be distributed in each quadrant. Figure 6.5 shows the effect

of placing two relays in opposite quadrants. This creates disturbance in both the

quadrants, resulting in more outage area. Figure 6.6 shows the effect of placing three

relays in three different quadrants. Figure 6.7 shows the effect of placing four relays in

four different quadrants. The outage area due to two relays in opposite quadrants and

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four relays in four quadrants is similar. However the outage area for three relays case

is very small.

Figures 6.8-6.10 have randomly placed relays. Figures 6.9 and 6.10 outages are

shown with filled contour, as it is easy for ImageJ analysis. If we add more relays in

the cell, more local minima are created, resulting in outage regions. As the number of

relays increases, the area of outage moves towards the periphery of the cell. If the

number of relays is less than 10, say 2-3 in each quadrant, then the outage region is

more prominent. For a larger number of relays, as shown by randomly placing 20

relays, the cell size gets distorted. It is because interferers are so distributed that each

mobile is able to see a similar disturbance. Only the peripheral region of the cell gets

uneven amount of interference, resulting in decreasing of cell size. [Fujiwara, Takeda,

Yoshino and Otsu, 2002] also recognize the amount of interference possible. Since

their simulation is in the downlink, they do not allocate relays if they are nearer to

base station, since the base station overwhelms the signals. Only the mobiles further

from the base station are able to relay for others.

Tables 6.2 and 6.3 give the amount of outage area created by relays for fixed

relays and randomly placed relays respectively. It is to be noted that the amount of

outage keeps on decreasing as the number of relays increases. The more relays or

mobiles there are, the less their power will be in order to satisfy the power control

equations. Thus the relays in the system have less individual power as well as shorter

range. As noted earlier, the outage for higher number of relays is more towards the

periphery of the cell, signifying a smaller range of the cell due to relays.

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The bound for number of terminals, N, is given by,

*/1 γ⎟⎠⎞


RWN 6. 36

where W is the bandwidth, R is rate and γ* is target SIR. For W= 1.2288 MHz

and R = 9600 bits/sec and γ* = 10, we get N to be less than 13.8. If the target SIR is

lowered to 9, then N is less than 15.2. Thus we see that if power is saved with choice

of relays then the cell capacity increases. If only useful service area was increased then

the total interference in the system may or may not decrease and the capacity of the

system may not be affected.

We deduce the following steps for the selection of relays:

• Create an imaginary line from the major roads crossing the cell. In the roads the

path is Line Of Sight (LOS) and the signal travels far, like an urban canyon. We

also don’t want this LOS region to be the place for outage.

• The circular cell now has four quadrants based on road intersections.

• If there are already 2-3 relays in the quadrant, try another quadrant, so that outage

region is not concentrated in one quadrant.

The introduction of relays creates regions of outage in the cell. For a smaller

number of relays, these regions can be thought of as mini-cells. So the relays should

be so chosen as to avoid the LOS regions to minimize the interference. For a higher

number of relays, the interference distorts the cell. To overcome the effects of

interference, [Zadeh and Zabbari, 2002] suggest use of more efficient links. A solution

can be the use of Multiple-In and Multiple-Out (MIMO) radio channels, where there

are more channels between the transmitter and receiver pair by having more antennas

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at each site. In the reverse link in the CDMA cell, there is more of a chance of

interference as the signals are not orthogonal. [Zadeh and Zabbari, 2002] suggest

Multi-user Detection (MUD), where more signals can be detected. Thus the

advantages of relaying can be kept while keeping interference at the minimum.

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7. Utility

In the introduction to this research, we had stated that one way to encourage

users to act as relays is to provide them with some financial benefit. In this chapter we

study this idea in some more detail. In order to evaluate how users may be motivated

to act as relays, we use the economics terminology of 'utility'. Utility is generally

defined as the amount of satisfaction that is attained by an individual by receiving

some item or service. Thus, if an individual gets rewarded with some amount of

money for relaying, that he/she feels more than compensates for the loss of battery

power, then that person has a positive utility and will be willing to act as a relay.

The question of how to define utility in a meaningful way is non-trivial

because, when we optimize the system based on these utility functions, we would like

to ensure that our primary goals of reducing overall power consumption and

increasing coverage are met. There have been some papers in the literature that have

defined utility functions for the cellular environment; their goals, however, are

generally different. Power is one of the parameters to be considered in defining the

utility function as is also done in other papers [Gunturi and Paganini, 2003]. [Zhou,

Honig and Jordan, 2005] [Lu, Goodman, Wang, Erkip, 2004] use signal to interference

ratio and data rate to define a utility function and consider maximizing the total utility

for all the users in the system. However, the target of the paper is to arrive at a utility

based power control for CDMA networks. [Goodman and Mandayam, 2000] define

utility as based on the amount of error free bits transmitted per unit of energy.

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Unlike all the previous papers where utility was computed by the base station,

in our system we allow each relay to operate independently and selfishly. By

selfishness, we mean that a relay can relay as many packets as required to maximize

its utility. The reason behind this is that we want to encourage relaying while

simultaneously promoting decentralized decision making (i.e., the base station is not

the one who unilaterally makes relay allocation decisions). We note, however, that this

selfish behavior could very easily cause interference-based outages in other parts of

the cell. Thus, we assume that each relay is able to get power control information to

minimize the effect of relay-induced interference.

We have until now only considered voice services since most previous cellular

technologies were mainly focused on voice services. For maintaining Quality of

Service (QoS) in this environment, delay avoidance is the most important parameter

for voice services. So for voice the utility will be minimum delay along with SIR and

battery power constraints. In such a case relays introduce additional delay and at most

one relay can be introduced without exceeding delay requirements. Third-generation

cellular services include both voice and data. In this chapter, we focus primarily on

data services and we show how relays can enhance utility for data services. For data

services, error free transmission is the most important QoS parameter. Keeping this in

mind, we evaluate how inclusion of relays can affect the behavior of the system. In

data related services, the benefit aspect of utility should include the concept of error

free transmission.

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))(Pr(NoErrorfU ∝ 7. 1

where, ‘f’ is a function of Probability of no error.

If we take into account energy spent for transmission, we can use the utility as

defined in [Goodman and Mandayam, 2000]. Utility is based on the number of error

free bits transmitted per unit of energy, given here in bits per joule.

7. 2

where T is the throughput giving the number of error free bits transmitted, and p is the

power spent for the transmission. If there are M bits in a frame, out of which L is the

number of information bits, then there are (M-L) bits for error correction.

Throughput for mobile i is defined as

7. 3

where R is the rate of transmission (bits/sec) and f(γi) denotes the probability of no

error for all M bits,

( )Mi errorobf )(Pr1)( −=γ 7. 4

where the probability of error is a function of γi, the signal to interference ratio for

mobile i, and the coding used.


LRfpT i




ppTU )(


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7.1 Relay based transmission – centralized decision making

Before looking at our selfish model for relay assignment, let us formulate the

utility model for the centralized case. This is the model studied by previous

researchers where the base station makes relay assignments based on maximizing

some global utility function. If a mobile, i, is in direct contact with the base station,

then its utility is given as,

7. 5

Now if relay j is used, it is chosen so as to save power. If pij is the power

required for transmission from the mobile to the relay, then the combined power of pj

and pij should be less than pi. This indicates that the new utility for the mobile i and

relay j is

7. 6

where Ui(j) indicates that this is the utility when mobile goes through a relay.

If we compare the utilities of the mobile, we find that new utility when using a

relay is larger (since less power is used by it), indicating more satisfaction for the

mobile. Since relays are used for saving power, the total power in the relay-assisted

system is less than the total power in a non-relay system, where Ui(j) + Uj is less than

Ui(BS), where the mobile goes directly to the base station. This indicates less

interference at other mobiles and thus a lowering of the Signal to interference ratio.






















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7.2 Cost vs. Benefit – decentralized decision making

The model that we envision for relay assisted communication is that each

mobile tries to maximize its utility. Likewise, each relay also does a cost benefit

comparison when it agrees to carry a call. Our formulation is very different from that

of previous studies in that we consider a purely market based model with relays and

mobiles being independent agents. Thus, the cost and benefit formulation we use is

more like a standard economic model. Therefore, the utility is then defined as,

Utility = Benefit - Price 7. 7

In our model we consider relays as being selfish. Thus, we need to reformulate

the utility expressions taking into consideration the benefit obtained and a cost.

1. Benefit and cost for mobile

The benefit a mobile derives by being able to communicate some L bits of

information is based on how important that communication is to the mobile and is

independent of whether a relay is used or not. In other words, the benefit has nothing

to do with the mode of communication but just with the act of communicating itself.

Thus, we write the benefit for mobile i of communicating L bits of information as,

)(JoulesFLBi = 7. 8

where F (Joules/bit) denotes the amount of energy the mobile is willing to

spend for communicating those L bits. Note that F is not the actual energy expended

but rather the maximum energy the mobile is willing to sacrifice to send those L bits.

To understand this consider the following situation. Say a user has a low battery and is

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on a road trip which may last some hours without hope of recharging. Now, the user

can make phone calls to friends to chat or save the battery in case there is an

emergency. Thus, a rational user will allocate a low F value for calling friends

whereas the value for calling in case of an emergency would be high. As the trip

comes to an end, these F values may well change with the priority for calling a friend

now higher (say they need to get together for lunch).

The cost of communicating depends on how the communication occurs and

how much energy is actually expended. Let j be a relay (in case of a direct to base

station link, the relay is trivially the base station itself). Then, we write the cost of

communication for i as,


)()( JoulesizbitsM


jc jijij

iji += 7. 9

where pij is the power used by mobile i to transmit to relay j, Rij is the data rate

used, Mij is the actual amount of bits sent, and zj(i) is the price charge by the relay.

The formulation is based on the observation that energy is the primary commodity in

cellular communications.

2. Benefit and cost for the relay

Unlike a mobile, the relay derives a benefit only in terms of the price the

mobile pays. Thus,

))(()()( JoulesiKciziB jjj == 7. 10

where K >=1 and cj(i) is the cost to the relay defined as follows,

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)()( bitsM


ic jj

jj = 7. 11

where we assume that the code rate Lj/M and data rate Rj used by the relay can

be different from that of the mobile. pj is the power used for transmission to the base


Combining the equations from above, we can now write the utility for mobile i

and relay j as follows,




iji M



FLjU −−=)( 7. 12


jj M


KiU )1()( −= 7. 13

7.3 Results and Discussion

We use M =80 bits, L=64, and a constant bit rate = 9600 bits/sec. As an

example, let us consider a mobile that is stuck at a dead spot. It can not connect to the

base station, so we take its power to be infinite. Let F be 0.001.

Direct or Relay Value of K Power (watt) Utility of Mobile

Direct to BS K=0 pi = ∝ Ui(BS) = -∝

With Relay A K=2 pij =0.5, pj =0.8 Ui(j) = 0.0465

With Relay B K=3 pij =0.2, pj =1.2 Ui(j) = 0.0323

Table 7. 1 Example of utility of mobile

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We tabulate the utility of the mobile in Table 7.1. The highest value of utility

for the mobile is when it chooses relay A. We see that relays charge differently and

this is reflected in varying K values. We need to know the strategy that both the

relay(s) and mobile need to maximize their individual utilities. The strategy that gives

higher utility will be the optimal solution. Let us see in Figure 7.1, how this can be

done. We start with the same scenario of a mobile stuck at a dead spot. It chooses a

relay with higher utility. Now as it moves further, its own direct link to base station

improves. It again checks the utility of using relays versus connecting directly to the

base station and determines that it has a higher utility when connecting directly. So it

does not choose a relay.

Figure 7. 1 Utility of mobile as it moves

Mobile moves

Relay A Ui=0.0465 K=2

Relay B Ui=0.0323 K=3

Relay C Ui=0.034 K=4

Relay D Ui=0.0373 K=3

Mobile Ui(BS)= 0.05

Mobile Ui(BS)=-∝

Relay A1 Ui=0.037 K=3

Relay C1 Ui=0.041 K=2

Relay B1 Ui=0.032 K=4

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We have until now seen how the utility of a mobile varies but it is also

important for a relay to maximize its utility. The game that relays play is adjusting

their K values since if a charges a high value of K, it has a chance of being left out as a

relay whereas a low value is probably not worthwhile. Note that the position of a relay

relative to the mobile and base station has a great impact on the range of K values that

it can select. Thus, if a relay is near the base station and has less power requirements,

it can experiment with a range of K. So how does a relay stay competitive and

maximize its utility? It is easy to see that this situation can be best modeled as a non-

collaborative game where each relay competes. It is a game of imperfect information

as each relay acts independently.

Figure 7. 2 Variation of relays parameters


IInd Iteration

Ist Iteration


Relay A K=2 pij=0.5, pj=0.8 Ui=0.0465 Uj=0.0066

Relay B K=3 pij=0.2, pj=1.2 Ui=0.0323 Uj=0.02

Relay D K=3 pij=0.5, pj=0.9 Ui=0.0373 Uj=0.015

Relay B K=2 pij=0.2, pj=1.2 Ui=0.0323 Uj=0.02

Relay A K=2 pij=0.5, pj=0.8 Ui=0.0465 Uj=0.0066

Relay C K=4 pij=0.4, pj=0.8 Ui=0.034 Uj=0.02

Relay C K=4 pij=0.4, pj=0.8 Ui=0.034 Uj=0.02

Relay D K=2 pij=0.5, pj=0.9 Uj=0.049 Uj=0.0075

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Let us look into the strategy that relays A, B, C and D employ assuming a

multi-round game. Let us take a pair (K, pj), and assume that the data rate and code

rate is constant (even though this varies in the real world). In Figure 7.2, the first

iteration chooses relay A denoted as winner W, while other relays are denoted as losers

L. So what should other relays have done to come away with a win? Consider the next

iteration. Assuming that the spatial geometry has not changed, the relay cannot change

pj so we change the value of K instead. We see that in the IInd iteration, relay D wins

as the mobile has the highest utility when choosing relay D (since D reduced its K),

even though relay D’s utility reduces.

It is to be noted that once can be relays while having other relays carry their

own calls! Thus the values of K can’t be kept static. They have to be dynamic

depending upon the state of the mobile. Also values for F are dynamic and depend

upon the specific data the mobile wants to send at any given time. Depending upon the

urgency of the mobile more iterations of the game can be played to choose a better

relay. Here the base station can also play a very important role by arbitrating between

mobiles and relays as well as providing information about relay locations to all relays

(changing the way the game evolves).

The question remains as to who will be able to relay and when. Even though

there are large gaps in transmission, one may be hesitant to spend its own battery

power. In case of urban areas, people arriving in offices can plug their phone when not

in use and allow their mobiles to relay. Even when unplugged many users may want to

benefit by favorable pricing for relays.

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We need to point out one of the advantages of the relaying mechanism as

described. We can achieve spatial diversity by building hierarchical networks, with

smaller picocells inside larger cells where the relays act as a nucleus of a smaller

picocell, inside the cell. So instead of spending a lot of money to place base stations

for picocells we achieve spatial diversity without a high cost. Also, our system is “on-

demand” as it can be created as link conditions deteriorate. As to the question of

whether relaying increases capacity, it should be pointed out that there is only a

limited amount of real estate, i.e., channels that will be shared by mobiles as well as

relays in our system. Thus using a relay does not add to the total number of users in

the cell in our system, unless all mobiles use relays to reduce the target SIR or there is

some other framework, like another channel or an ad hoc network is in place.

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8. Conclusion

In this thesis we analyzed the benefits and constraints of using relays in

cellular environments. Based on what we have learned, we can now conclude by

answering the questions we had raised in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 and explored in

later chapters.

The number of relays for a call in cellular networks depends upon whether the

call is voice or data based services. For voice calls, there are strict latency constraints,

while for data the constraint is reliability. Therefore we can add more relays for data

service, but for voice service only one relay is possible.

For a cellular system, there are two ways in which relays can be allocated. One

is a centralized base station based approach and another is a decentralized approach

where relays advertise themselves. A benefit of the centralized approach is that the

relay allocation can be very efficient the base station is aware of global needs in the.

The decentralized scenario is only possible if relays have more receiving capability

and can distinguish between incoming signals. This Intelligent relay can then

determine if it can contribute to the cellular system as a relay. It is to be noted that the

hardware and software complexity for a relay depends upon whether we are using

centralized or decentralized approaches. In the centralized approach most of the

software complexity is at the base station but the mobiles need enough hardware to

receive and send the signals to both mobiles and the base station. However, in

decentralized case the software and hardware have to be included in the relay so that

intelligent decisions can be made. Here, both modulation and demodulation, coding

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and decoding have to be in duplicate with enough buffering. In any case, if power

control information is to be sent to mobile-relay link then the hardware has to be in


We found that both the Greedy approach and Intelligent relay approach saved

almost four times the energy when compared with direct to base station calls for all

cases studied. The optimum approach saved six times when compared with direct to

base station call. However, both optimum and Intelligent relay approach have higher

computational complexity. Using a detailed discrete event simulator based on the

Greedy approach we found that the total amount of power savings varied from 1.76 dB

to 8.45 dB and with the base station at the corner of the cell case showing higher

savings. The number of relay-relay handoffs increases with the number of mobiles and

call rate in the Greedy approach. Finally, a higher cell gain reduces energy

consumption for direct as well as relayed calls.

We explored the impact of relays in increasing useful coverage area. We saw

that the use of relays can increase the useful service area by about 10% with real life

scenarios. In heavy building density areas there is more of a need of relays as

compared to low building density areas. However, the chance of finding relays is

greater in low building density areas. It is seen that having more available idle nodes

helps in choosing relays, so we conclude that the base station should admit more

mobiles even if they are not calling. If the relays are not under power control, then

they add to the interference in the cellular system. In interference limited environment

the relays have to be under power control to maintain balance. If the relays broadcast

themselves in the cell, then they create more dead spots. Thus either the base station

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should be responsible for allocating relays or the relays should be provided with

enough intelligence to perform power control on the relay to mobile link. Finally, we

observed that as a guideline, it is a good idea to avoid LOS regions such as wide roads

so that additional outage is not created. Moreover, the relays should be distributed all

over the cell.

If the objective of the system is not to increase the range of the cell, then the

capacity of the system does not change when using relays. Furthermore, if the target

Signal to Interference ratio is reduced by power reduction in the cell (using relays),

then the capacity of the cell can increase. This is again a policy decision: for example,

all mobiles at the periphery of the cell could be forced to use relays and thus minimize

both inter and intra-cell interference.

There are several interesting extensions of the work presented here. For one,

for purely data services, using multiple relays is possible but with the caveat that there

may be more interference in the system. This problem also needs to be studied in the

context of 4g wireless systems where data services are predominant. Next, the utility

game can be extended to consider a market-based economic model. Thus, users may

participate simply to make profit with numerous interesting implications (e.g.,

individuals may start offering wireless internet connections from their homes for a

price and so forth).

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Appendix A: Reverse Link Power Budget

The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) at the base station [Lee and Miller, 1998] is

given by,

( )

( ) ( )medmcmre







0 α⎟⎟⎠



= A. 1

where, Pm = mobile’s power amplifier output Gc = cell antenna gain, including cable losses Gm = mobile antenna gain, including cable losses Lmed = median reverse link path loss αr = average voice activity factor M = capacity of cell Fe = frequency reuse efficiency (N0W)c = thermal noise at the cell receiver

The denominator in equation A.1 is total of noise spectral power density, σ2

and IT, the total average interference power on reverse link as,














)( 02

A. 2

The cell loading, X, is defined as,




= 2σ A. 3


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22 σσ A. 4

Thus, the total noise and interference at the base station receiver is,

( ) ( )X




c −=⎟⎟




/11 00 α A. 5

Substituting this in equation A.1, we get the required SNR as,

( )XWN



mcmreq −= 1


max A. 6





L )1()( 0


= A. 7

Also, SNRreq can be written in terms of received bit energy-to-noise density

ratio, Eb/N0, as,



SNR bbreq

00 ///

== A. 8

where, PG is the processing gain, W is the bandwidth and R is the rate. Thus, equation A.7 becomes,







)( 00max

−= A. 9

In dB units, equation A.8 becomes,

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)()()()()(max dBSNRdBGdBGdBmPdBL reqmcm −++=

)1(log10)()( 100 XdBmWN c −+− A. 10

The noise spectral power density at the base station receiver may be written as

noise figure and is taken to be 5dB [3GPP, 1998]. Eb/N0 is taken to be 7 dB for urban

area. Bandwidth is 1.2288 MHz, rate R is 9600 bits/sec and cell loading factor, X is

0.5. Cell and mobile antenna gain are taken as 10 dBi or as required.

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Appendix B. SIR Contours

[Cook,1980], [Cook, 1987] analyses the effect an interferer can have on a line

of sight link. For a single interferer case a generalized link equation for

omnidirectional antennas is given as,


nL = B. 1

where n, the path loss exponent is greater than or equal to 2. The geometry is shown

in Figure A.1. RL is the distance from the transmitter to the receiver, i.e., mobile and

base station in our case of relays. RJ is the distance from the receiver to the interferer,

i.e., mobile to relay. Tx and Rx are the transmitter and receiver respectively. J is the

interferer. For n=2, and D = K2/n, we have contours of constant, D and K, [Cook,

1987] derived below.

Radius, a, and offset R0, can be given as



















B. 2

The parameter K, describes the relative effectiveness of the link performance with

respect to the interference in an interference limited environment. K is defined as x

[Cook, 1980], [Cook, 1987], [Jones and Skellern, 1995],




K = B. 3

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where, Gr is the net antenna gain between interferer and receiver, Ls is the system loss

factor, Pj is the interference power and Wj and Wb are the bandwidths of the

interfering and wanted signals respectively.

Figure A.1: Geometry for K-contour derivation [Cook, 1987]

[Jones and Skellern, 1995] also show outage contours as defined by the locus

where S/I=Z. The outage contours at the mobile end is a family of circles with centers

(a, b=0) and radii R0. [Cook, 1987] actually calls them signal to interference ratio

(SIR) contours, which is a more apt choice. We follow this definition of SIR contours

and define outage contours as where the signal falls below a threshold.




S R0



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Appendix C. Comparison of Related Work

Paper, Single Cell / Multi Cell

Relay Mechanism

Variables Simulation Results

iCAR, Multi cell = 19 [Wu, Qiao and Tonguz, 2001]

Ad hoc, Hybrid Network

Call blocking probability

Formula derived Better load balancing

TDMA cellular mulithop, Single cell [Sreng, Yanikomeroglu and Falconer, 2003]

Not specified System coverage, path loss, distance

400 by 400 meters cell, 2.5 GHz

Increases coverage, better scheme based on path loss rather than distance

Multihop ad hoc networks [Zadeh and Jabbari, 2002 ]

Hybrid network


Multihop Cellular Network (MCN) [Lin and Hsu, 2000]

Hybrid network

Throughput NA Higher throughput for MCN

Peer-to-peer network [Hsieh and Sivakumar, 2001]

Hybrid network

Throughput, power

1500 by 1500 meter, 100 mobiles

Change peer-to-peer model to cellular for higher speed

PARCelS, multi cell =7 [Zhou and Yang, 2002]

Mobile as Relay in Hybrid network

Traffic load, congestion,

Seven cells with radius as one, 100 data channels

Balance traffic load, reduce congestion

Cellular network performance [Viswanathan and Mukherjee, 2003]

Hybrid network

Throughput Sectored cell, radius 2km

Throughput gain achieved

Stretched Network [Lakkavalli and Singh, 2003]

Mobile as relay in cellular network

Frame sharing structure in uplink and downlink

TDD, FDD frame sharing proposed

Compares TDD and FDD frame mechanism for relays

Intelligent, fixed relays, UTRA-TDD [Tameh and Molina, 2003]

Repeater as relay in cellular network

Capacity, power Seven cells, 21 relay nodes

Improvement in capacity, reduction in power

Table A.1. Comparison of related work

[Zadeh and Jabbari, 2002] identify the advantages of combining both cellular and

ad hoc networks as:

• Increasing robustness and scalability of the system.

• Supporting dynamic topology through packet ratio

• Load balancing in the network due to routing opportunity

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• Extending the cell coverage area

• Providing a broad connectivity based on multihop technology

• Exploiting spatial diversity through adaptive routing

• Reducing total consumed power

• Increasing the network capacity

We discuss various papers that have touched upon either one or many such aspects.

[Hsieh and Sivakumar, 2004] have discussed joint cellular and peer-to-peer

communication in ad hoc networks, where the cellular network model and the peer-to-

peer network model are defined using 802.11. In the cellular wireless network model,

a cellular path is just the one hop path between host and base station. In the peer-to-

peer network model, a multihop path between peer hosts allows for communication to

exist without a base station. To study their scheme they use the ns-2 network

simulator. The IEEE 802.11 protocol is used to define peer-to-peer networks using the

Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) of 802.11. CSMA/CA is used as the MAC

protocol and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) as the routing protocol. The cellular

model is defined by the Point Coordination Function (PCF) of the 802.11 protocol,

where access points serve as the base stations. The physical and MAC layer for the

PCF mode is assumed to serve as a typical cellular model. Even though cellular

systems such as CDMA use Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) as in 802.11,

the model is inherently different since CDMA is basically a multi user model as

against 802.11, where only a single user is granted access at a time.

The target in the paper [Hsieh and Sivakumar, 2004] is to see the effect of

internet data access in hybrid peer-to-peer/cellular networks. Since internet access

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primarily uses TCP as the transport layer, 90% of the simulated traffic is TCP flows.

They compare end to end throughput for multihop and single hop flows. The average

end-to-end throughput per flow is lower in the single hop case as against the multihop

case. Since all the traffic has to move via the base station they identify base station as

the bottleneck. It may be pointed out here that in a real cellular network base station is

endowed with lot more capabilities than an access point and as such can afford more

channels and power. Thus their conclusion that the BS is a bottleneck may not be

valid. They also note that mobility in peer to peer network models introduces route

failures and network partitions.

The paper on multihop ad hoc networks [Zadeh and Jabbari, 2002] use the

term “self organizing” to signify the dynamic changing conditions of the wireless

channel and the need to regroup the network. The paper gives cell splitting as an

analog of a multihop cellular model. Cell splitting splits the cell into smaller cells and

thus lowers the transmission distance. The new hierarchical cellular architecture

requires such smaller pico cells overlaid on the existing cell to achieve load balancing.

However this necessitates the establishment of new base stations which is a costly

affair. Similar shortening of links can be achieved by multihop forwarding where

wireless routers route the traffic. In this paper, a router node is a unique entity as it not

a source or destination of the traffic.

[Wu, Qiao, De and Tonguz, 2001] identify the need of balancing traffic in

heavily congested areas called hot spots. The congestion is time dependent and may

achieve peak values at rush hours. This means that there are few data channels (DCH)

available at those times resulting in blocked calls. The system is called Integrated

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Cellular and Ad hoc Relaying (iCAR) network. They use ad hoc relaying stations

(ARS) positioned at strategic locations to dynamically balance the load. The ARSs

are under direct control of MSC making it at the same level as base station logically.

Unlike other papers [Hsieh and Sivakumar, 2004] and [Zadeh and Jabbari, 2002], this

paper provides the required mixing of the cellular and ad hoc models needed to realize

a realistic system. Each ARS is provided with two interfaces, the C and R interface. C

interface operates around 1.9 GHz (PCS) and R interface uses unlicensed band at 2.4

GHz (ISM band). The simulations are carried in the GloMoSim simulator.

This paper identifies three types of relaying: primary, secondary and cascaded

relaying. We have to remember that since the main purpose of introducing relaying in

this paper is to shift a call to another cell, we require ARS in each cell to carry the call

for mobiles and then to forward it to another cell. So the communication in primary

relaying is from mobile in heavily congested cell A, to ARS in cell A, to ARS in

lightly loaded cell B onwards to base station in cell B. Secondary relaying means that

the mobile has to use many hops, i.e., many ARSs are used as intra cell hopping till an

ARS finally is able to do inter cell relaying. Cascading relaying means relaying

through more than two cells to transfer the call. The metrics in this paper are call

blocking probability, throughput and additional signaling overhead used by relaying.

The simulations show that primary relaying reduces the call blocking probability to an

acceptable level of 2%. Similarly secondary relaying further reduces the call blocking

probability. It is to be noted that even though system wide call blocking probability

decreases, the less congested areas taking extra call load report increase in call

blocking probability. For throughput purposes, throughput ratio is used, which is

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taken as the ratio of received data over the data to be transmitted. For low traffic loads,

i.e., for average holding times less than 140 second, 99% throughput ratio can be

obtained by relaying. For high traffic loads, limited capacity lowers the throughput

ratio. The amount of signaling overhead for primary relaying is very small for BTS

and only 1% for MSC. For secondary and cascaded relaying BTS has high signaling

overhead, while MSC has at most 20%. It is to be noted here that even though ARS is

logically under the MSC, the BTS also has to bear signaling overhead.

[Zhou and Yang, 2002] introduce the PARCelS system that is very similar to

the iCAR system. The main difference lies in the fact that relays are not special

devices as in iCAR. Any mobile such as a laptop can be used as a relay. They also

report load balancing and avoiding traffic congestion. Their solution can balance load

even before congestion happens.

[Viswanathan and Mukherjee, 2003] study the throughput gains achieved by

relays in a hybrid network. Their simulations show that up to 70% throughput gain is

possible with four relays. The effect of total power distributed in the cell via base

station and relays is shown. They show that throughput increases when more relays

share the power.

[Lin and Hsu, 2000] also combine features of ad hoc and Single - hop Cellular

Network (SCN) and come up with the “Multihop Cellular Network (MCN)”

architecture. In a multihop cellular network, mobiles help to relay packets. Two

possible architectures of MCN are defined in the paper, MCN-b and MCN-p. The

difference lies in the fact that either the number of base stations is reduced by relaying

or the transmission ranges of both mobile and base station is reduced. In MCN-b, the

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number of base stations is reduced and the distance between two neighboring base

stations increases to kb times the distance in SCN. In MCN-p, the transmission ranges

of base stations and mobiles is reduced by 1/kp of the original distance in SCN. The

routing path is from mobile to base station in cell A, to another base station and then

to mobile in cell B. The mobile to base station path may be multihop. In an

implementation of multihop cellular, mobile stations run a bridging protocol [Lin,

Hsu, Oyang, Tsai and Yang, 2000]. It is to be noted that even though base stations in

MCN-b are further apart, no multihop path exists between base stations as in iCAR

[Wu, Qiao, De and Tonguz, 2001] where ARSs relay between base stations. The paper

does not address the possible increase of interference due to higher power required to

communicate between base stations. Both SCN and MCN use the 802.11 protocol and

is implemented in PARSEC, a discrete event simulation language. They report that

throughput of MCN is higher than that of SCN. Also the throughput of MCN

decreases as the range of transmission decreases. This decrease of range increases the

number of hop counts.

Until now many architectures have used 802.11 based ad hoc networks to

provide relaying or specially equipped relays such as ARSs. For CDMA based

cellular networks many approaches are possible as described in papers given below. It

is to be noted however, that many of the papers are contemporaries of our research.

[Fujiwara, Takeda, Yoshino and Otsu, 2002] describe a multihop CDMA

cellular system. They point out that data transmission is proportional to its bit rate. If

the transmit power is kept constant, the transmission bit rate increases and practical

coverage area decreases. In fact if bit rate is increased from several hundred kilobits

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per second to several tens of megabits, the practical area shrinks to 7% of the original

area. They also recognize the interference arising out of multihops, calling it multihop

interference. The paper recognizes the distance nearer to the base station as the area

where high bit rate transmission is possible in a single hop, while the area further

away from the base station is for low bit rate transmission using multiple hops. The

Monte Carlo simulations use a multicell downlink model where each mobile is

capable of relaying. Routing is done by selecting the minimum total transmit power

route. The coverage area in a single hop was found to be 58% of the cell, while for

multihop, the coverage area is approximately 90% of the cell. The system capacity

improvement in multihop is slight due to inter hop interference.

[Zadeh and Jabbari, 2001] in their analysis of multihop CDMA cellular

network identify two packet forwarding strategies. One is minimum path loss strategy,

where relay with minimum link propagation path loss is chosen. Another is minimum

path loss with forward progress, where forward progress signifies that the transmission

direction towards the base station is chosen along with minimum path loss.

[Zadeh and Jabbari, 2002] discuss the architecture of a self organizing

multihop network using CDMA in TDD mode. The steps in self organization involve

Neighbor discovery, connection setup, channel assignment, mode selection and

mobility management and topology updating.

In the cellular model, there has been a proposal of Opportunity Driven

Multiple Access (ODMA) [ODMA, 1999] for cellular multihop. ODMA is an

enhancement of UMTS-TDD mode and is standardized by 3GPP [3GPP, 1998]. In

ODMA mobiles route amongst themselves by keeping an account of their neighbors.

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[Lakkavalli and Singh, 2003] studies the amount of delay possible in multiple hops in

ODMA based cellular model. The main finding is that the delay varies with the

number of hops in between the mobile and base station. This makes the ODMA model

unsuitable for real time services such as voice. Instead, a two hop cellular model is

suggested to keep delays minimum.

[Lakkavalli and Singh, 2003] report on a CDMA based solution for relay. They

provide various mechanisms by which relays can be incorporated within the CDMA

network using mobile handsets as relays. [Tameh, Nix and Molina, 2003] present

repeater like fixed relays in cellular systems, that show significant improvement in

capacity and reduction in mean mobile transmit power with relays.

We see that relays can relay calls not only for intra cell calls but inter cell calls

too. The difference in design is that if load balancing between the cells is the goal then

inter cell relaying is used and the relays are under the jurisdiction of MSCs. On the

other hand for other goals such as power reduction and coverage, intra cell relaying is

employed. If relays use the underlying cellular technology, then they fall under the

jurisdiction of BSCs, making the design process simpler. Thus in this thesis, we

assume that any mobile or fixed station can relay calls for other mobiles. By not using

ad hoc technology for relays, we also avoid inherent problems of ad hoc networks.

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